Overture Downs and he BURNED HIMSELF that way D: D: D:
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
All Welcome 
Forward-dated to the 25th. For @Korei Julia
It was time to get going, and she was on her way, but when she spotted a bison herd in the distance, it felt impossible to simply leave. She stopped to watch for a while, hidden in the brush with her belly to the ground. She remembered being impossibly young and listening to Valette talk about the massive creatures, and then not much older and participating in one of Easthollow's hunts. The pelt she'd been allowed to bring home had burned in the fire, but even thinking about it now made her heart swell with pride and nostalgia.

She's been such a precocious tyke. Easy wondered if her own children would be this way, if she ever got around to producing whelps of her own. In the mean time, she should really be off to fetch Sunny's offspring... after a few more minutes of staring, of course.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
Daisies, daisies perched upon her forehead
798 Posts
Ooc — Cody
Korei Julia after having met the young one of Easthollow had moved on. A refreshing memory of the pack, to see it was still going and strong at that. But it was time to continue on this venture that was all gut feeling. Along the way, she had caught the scent of...well something. And it made her hungry. Korei started moving to find whatever this was that gave us such a scent, licking along her chops.
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Easy had just turned and begun walking again when she ran into the pale stranger. It was clear to her at once what the other woman was stalking, and she was quick to curtail that attempt, if the woman could be at all dissuaded.

"I wouldn't, if I were you," she called to her, picking up her pace a bit to close the distance between them, but keeping her body language open and friendly so as not to frighten her. "The bison are even tougher than they look — you'd need a whole hunting party to take one down."
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
Daisies, daisies perched upon her forehead
798 Posts
Ooc — Cody
Korei was still moving closer, and closer, till someone came right to her which made her jump for a moment, startling Korei Julia. "I...bison..." she murmured quietly under her breath. Sure they were big...really big...yes, she saw the others point. "Why not a young one? A small one?" Korei asked, just wanting to get some food. So hungry, she forgot to give a kind greeting.
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Easy gave a firm shake of her head and moved closer still, attempting to herd the smaller woman away from the bison just in case she was hungry enough to go against good advice. "They're not like deer — more like moose. They'll all pitch in to protect the young, and no matter how fast you are, there are a lot more of them."

She tried to remember more of the lesson Valette had given her, and more of the hunt that she had participated in with the Easthollow wolves — but it was a moot point now, when there was just her and the other woman.

"I'll hunt with you," she suggested. "Just not the bison." The woman looked very hungry, after all, and Easy couldn't just leave her to the proverbial wolves.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
Daisies, daisies perched upon her forehead
798 Posts
Ooc — Cody
Korei Julia started backing away now as the other continued to warn her of these beasts. Korei still eyed them hungrily. So much meat.

"There will be enough for both of us, right?" Korei began, starting to move off with this other female. "Whatever we after."
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Finally, the woman seemed to take her word for it and began to move away from the bison. Easy breathed a quiet sigh of relief, but did not stop shepherding the other away from the area until they were well on their way.

"Of course," she soothed, already lifting her head to see what scents were on the wind. She doubted they'd find enough to give two wolves a good meal, but she was saited enough that she was willing to give up her share to the starving woman. It would, hopefully, be enough to tide her over and keep her from making stupid decisions until she found a pack to support her. "This way," she instructed, moving toward a distant stand of trees. "It looks like there are still turkeys about. They're easy enough to catch with company, and it'll be enough to give you a good meal." As they trotted closer, Easy thought to ask, "What are you doing in the area? Do you have a pack to go home to?"
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
Daisies, daisies perched upon her forehead
798 Posts
Ooc — Cody
The pale woman moved to turn fully from the bison that had looked like such a meal. That looked filling, rewarding to take them on. It would have lasted her for such a long time. 

The other seemed to raise their nose somewhat to the air above. Turkeys... "Turkeys. Those are easy enough, we can take those! And they taste delicious, as well" Korei licked along her chops at the thought of it. But to the question, her ears wilted down. "G....going wherever I can. I have no home."
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
The woman's excitement over hunting bison was easily transfered to turkeys. Easy was grateful, since she could certainly hunt the later, but would be hard pressed to try and bring down the former even with her skinny helper.

It had been rather clear to her that the other woman was a drifter just like herself -- or at least, what she'd considered herself up until recently -- but to hear it confirmed still made her ears twist back in disapproval. Some wolves weren't meant to go it alone, and it seemed to her that the pale woman was one of them. But there was nothing she could do about that. "Well -- you'll eat today, at any rate," she said, indicating the trail they were now on. "My name's Easy. What's yours?" she asked.

As they came over the next rise, Easy saw a small gathering of turkeys down below.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier