Duskfire Glacier A cinematic vision ensued
187 Posts
Ooc — hela
All Welcome 
going to go ahead and get this going! @Lane @Issorartuyok @Heda @Kigipigak @Keyni Ensio

Finally his paws reached the glacier. He had never been so happy to be anywhere in his whole life, and he knew that had more to do with who was here waiting for him than his relief at finally being home. The news he had delivered to his brother had not been good, but duskfire had been there to offer support. Now it was time to focus on their own pack and getting them safely to their new home. 

He stopped once over the border and released a long howl. All the glacier wolves would hear it, but he mostly hoped that it would reach Lane wherever she was. It would ease her worry and he would finally get to see her after being gone on a dangerous mission, longer than he had intended. 

He waited there, making it aware to the others that they could go on if the wanted. They might have their own reunions to get to.
604 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Tuuluuwaq's voice carried across the territory, and Lane lit immediately out over the glacier. She knew that her feet brought her swiftly toward news that could very well be bad, but anything at all would sound sweet to Lane's ears as long as it was Tuuluuwaq's voice doing the speaking. 

If there was a group gathered at the border, Lane didn't notice. Maybe it made her a terrible leader, but she had eyes only for one. 

When Tuuluuwaq came into sight, her gleeful barks loosed wildly into the air. She would not quiet until she was pressed against his side, wiggling, whining, running her muzzle across any part of him she could reach. She had no words yet, all she could do was press her body into his as she radiated joy.
187 Posts
Ooc — hela
if anyone thinks their character would stick around, they can jump in at any time <3

He saw the lovely browns of her fur against the white of the glacier, and then her excited sounds reached his ears. His heart jumped and started pounding in his chest. A stupid grin spread across his face and he waited to intercept her exuberant greeting.

She rubbed and squirmed against his side, her nose nuzzling his shoulder, neck, and chest. He returned the the affection eagerly, kissing and nuzzling and drawing in her scent. This was the moment he had thought of the entire time he was gone. 

I am sorry, kuulti, Tuulu murmured against where he had been kissing her head.
206 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Ensio kept pace with the group, smiling slightly when Tuuluuwaq called out for the Glacier wolves to hear. He sighed, contentedly. It was good to be home. Icy eyes swept over the whites and grays of his birthplace, taking in the winter beauty. Their look turned wistful and a touch sad. Soon they would be leaving their home. A land where so much had transpired, both good and bad. It had nothing left to offer them but memories.

As Lane arrived, he cast a warm look her way, paired with a vigorous wag of his tail. But he stayed off to the side, allowing her and Tuuluuwaq their moment of reunion. He knew how worried his mentor had been. How anxious he was to get back to her side. The true depth of these feelings were largely undeveloped for Ensio, who was still a child. He was just glad to be back with family.
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Not far behind the others, Keyni followed. Her pace was slow but deliberate. While it was good to be back at Duskfire Glacier and to see that Lane was well, the Tundrian stayed out of the mix. She would share no exuberant greetings of reunion here, such as Lane and Tuuluuwaq did. She might be welcome, but she was never set on staying long term. Her connections didn't feel as strong here.

She had long since grown restless. Anxious to move on. Not from her friends, but more so from the region itself. With life barely scraping by, it had lost much of it's appeal. Sensing the moment was upon her, she stayed to the side and looked on, unbothered by the scene unfolding. She would linger only a few minutes more, until she could bid her friends farewell with a well meaning send off.
Den Mother*
1,269 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary

she had traveled back with issorartuyok.
the reunion between tuuluuwaq and lane made her face burn.
heda knew that @Druid had come back. she had avoided the meeting. she knew also that her sister had gone to rivenwood anyway.
her own paws were helplessly stayed, and now as her golden eyes watched the leader's brother embrace her alpha, she felt a tangle of sensations rising high and sharp in her throat.
she wanted to leave. she wanted to tell no one. she would go to the place in the long lands where she felt duskfire would travel.
Den Mother*
699 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Also a cameo!

She wanted to stay in Rivenwood now that she knew her mother, sister and the others were there. She didn’t need the glacier’s help any longer, nor did she need to await word from the scouts. But she had run out on Heda and Lane once without a word. Druid refused to do it a second time.

Her arrival coincided with the scouting party’s. For a beat, she watched the way Lane reacted to a man whose name she didn’t know, though she vaguely recognized his face. Then she saw Heda and her heart leaped into her throat, a whine rippling around it. Everything and everybody else faded into the background as she moved toward her sister.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
604 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Tuuluuwaq murmured his apology, and Lane shook her head emphatically. "No, I'm the sorry one. We are never doing that again. I want--" 

Lane's eyes landed on the others; first Ensio, then Keyni, then Druid and Heda. She fell silent, at a loss for words. She was not sure if the rest of the pack had known anything of her and Tuuluuwaq's budding relationship, but she supposed the cat was now out of the bag. So to speak. 

She pulled away from Tuuluuwaq reluctantly, offering him a final nuzzle before moving on to Ensio. The boy received several loving tongue-swipes over his ears and a nudge. "I'm proud of you," she told him, smiling. 

For Keyni, Heda, and Druid, there were nods of welcome. "How does Rivenwood fare?" she asked to no one in particular, finally finding her voice. "..Are they in need of any more support?" Are there many wounded? Are there any dead? Lane's heart ached for the Rivenwood girls.
187 Posts
Ooc — hela
Tuulu raised an eyebrow at her first words. He had expected her to be upset, but he sensed something more there. But it would have to be discussed later, when they didn't have an audience. 

He followed her gaze to the others. He hadn't even considered the fact that their relationship wasn't really common knowledge. But he had been so relieved to see her that he hadn't cared who was around. He honestly didn't care now; he wanted others to know that Lane was his and he was hers. 

He frowned a little when she pulled away but quickly went back into business mode as Lane addressed the others. She told Ensio she was proud of him, and the Tatkret nodded. He did well, Tuulu added. His hunting skills were valuable in helping Rivenwood.

Speaking of Rivenwood, Lane wanted to know how they were. They are as okay as you would expect. Their leader, Mahler, and a packmate named Laurel were badly injured. Mahler is their healer, so Keyni helped him tend to the injured. Kigipigak patrolled to ensure there was no more danger. Ensio and I hunted for them. He paused, his expression turning grim. The ones who attacked them are called Ursus; they managed to get away with Laurel's two pups. He knew Lane would be most affected by this part, being a mother herself. 

I think they are okay for now, he told her. I do not know what they intend to do as a response to the attack or if they will need the help of their allies. Duskfire was set to move soon, which made things difficult if Rivenwood did want the glacier wolves to stand with them against Ursus.
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
OOC: Ensio is skippable. <3
Keyni shifted restlessly on her haunches. It sickened her, what Ursus had done. Made her stomach twist, knowing that the wolves of Duskfire must leave, for their own good, while Rivenwood was left in tatters. And as a single wolf, with no permeant affiliation, her power was severely limited.

She hated feeling useless. True though it may be, the Tundrian was resolute. She did not admit defeat easily. Her head had been lowered slightly, brows pinched in deep thought. When she had the chance to speak, she set a meaningful look to Lane, Issorartuyok and Tuuluuwaq. 

"While I intend to go my separate way, I plan to keep in touch. Just as I made the same promise to Kukutux and Moonglow. Despite the great distance between them, they are allies to Rivenwood. At the very least, I can inform Kukutux and her clan of what has befallen them, when I see her again."
604 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Pupnappers? "Oh, no.." Lane murmured, her heart leaping into her throat. Any pups from last season had to be pretty large by now, if they could be compared to the size of her own children. It would have taken considerable force to remove two against their will. Lane shuddered. As far as she was concerned, the Duskfire wolves could not leave these lands soon enough.

"We should check in with Rivenwood once more, after our pack departs the glacier," Lane allowed after a moment of thought. That would give Rivenwood enough time to decide upon a plan of action, and perhaps Duskfire would be in a position to help further. Perhaps Rivenwood would even desire to join them in their westward trek, seeking a new homeland that would be safer for whatever children might remain. 

Lane nodded to Keyni after she spoke. "You've been a great friend to Duskfire Glacier, Keyni. Keep in mind that you have a home with us in the Hinterlands, if you ever want it." Keyni's words also reminded Lane of her own need to check in with Kukutux. She'd add that to the growing list of stops she needed to make on their journey west. 

Lane offered a thankful, parting nudge to Keyni. She then turned to address the group. "Come on, everyone.. let's get all of you out of the cold." Recalling the snow storm that had passed through the previous week, Lane figured that the suggestion would be a welcome one for all of the weary travelers. Except perhaps Keyni-- she sounded eager to be on her way. 

Lane ushered the group into the packlands, leading them away from the border and toward the warmth of the Greyfall Caverns. She would not be able to resist sneaking a few furtive kisses onto Tuuluuwaq's cheek as they walked, a foreshadowing of what was to come when they finally found themselves alone. 

Fading here, feel free to post exits if you like!