Moonspear two moons
Sun Mote Copse
970 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
PPing Stingray with permission

Njord approached @Stingray about an ambassadorial trip to Moontide. There was no big celebration but Njord could spy a quiet excitement in his son’s expression… and that was enough to set the plan in motion. It appeared @Sialuk had given Stingray an additional mission, as well. Njord was confident it would be a good trip for them to take together.

First, at @Meerkat’s suggestion, Njord called out to @Alaric and found the man not long after.

“Alaric!” Njord greeted merrily with a hearty roll of his r’s. Stingray accompanied his father and stood beside him. “Stingray an’ I are takin’ a trip tae Moontide on tha coast. We’re wishin’ tae bring gifts tae tha knew pack. But- ahh,” he grinned sheepishly, “ah’m nae much a craftsman myself. Could ye ‘elp us make an’ find things tae trade?”
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric was nose deep into his herbs, sorting and searching. A couple new skins out for folding. All that was needed was a hole with claw or teeth and a stick to hold it closed. He had some small antlers and things for pups that he was digging through too.

He tilted his head upwards and then outwards and greeted the two men with a smile.

Hey there Njord! Stingray! Course I can. What kind of items you want to be making? He swept his tail back and forth in a happy motion and waited. He liked helping others learn to make things and trading was his bread and butter. So it was always nice to do something he was used too.
Sun Mote Copse
970 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Meerkat’s suggestion was on point. Alaric was surrounded by a collection of wares, sorting a pile of herbs and grasses unfamiliar to Njord. The man’s neighborly welcome brought a smile to the father’s expression, a twinkle in his pelagic eyes.

“We were thinkin’ tae brings things Moontide cannae find by tha sea. T’was Stingray’s suggestion,” he credited. The duo, familiar with a seaside existence, knew there were certain resources that would be coastal rarities. “Medicines from tha forest… furs from our game. Or perhaps minerals you can only find in tha mountains,” Njord rambled a few suggestions. “Somethin’ tae show our good tidings tae Samani, Rodyn, and their new pack.”

“My clan an’ I… we dinnae ken tha way of tha trader. What would ye suggest, Alaric?” he asked.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric listened and gave the younger male a beaming smile. Well done then Stingray. That's a good suggestion. Hrm.

He looked around and slowly began to pull some of his herbs out. Well you got mint for some tummy inflictions, and it can also help when you're all stuffed up with a cold. Strong, but worth it. There's some chamomile, helps soothe, if you steep it in water and drink it. Usually a small little log works just fine, but mind you tell them. They don't steep it until they are giving it to someone it can only last at most a day or two, before it gets not good. Here's some raspberry, and roots. Tasty for a snack, but also helps joints, and tummies especially in the older and younger ones. And Valerian can only be found on the mountains. Helps with headaches, when you can't sleep, anxiety and the winter blues. However no pregnant wolf can use it, and neither can little puppies. Adults only.

He looked through his treasures for young ones and found a couple of pretty rocks that showed up green and blue and iridescent and pressed them near. (Laboradite) Though he kept a few too. After all. He couldn't go about leaving his stores empty for the littles of the spear.

Then he looked them over and lay one of his packs nearby. It was all good to go they just needed to roll it up and secure it with a bone or a branch as he showed them how right then.

As for furs. I only have rabbit, but I can help you hunt another if you'd like.
Sun Mote Copse
129 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
One post cameo just so I have it in my threadlog for future reference, I hope that's okay despite the private tag. Please continue to skip and powerplay Ray as if I never posted at all!

The yearling mustered up enough pride to smile when Alaric praised him for his gift idea. He knew all the things that could easily be found around the beaches and tidepools, but those were things Moontide would soon have in abundance. Landlocked treasures were more valuable, or at least Stingray thought so. He still wasn't quite used to living inland, much less on a mountain.

He tried to prick up his ears and listen while Alaric displayed and described his herbs, hoping to learn something that might prove useful to elevate him from the pack's personal paperweight, but it wasn't long before Stingray's brain was overloaded and buzzing with an altogether unpleasant sound. Which one was for tummyaches again?

There was no way Ray could ever be a healer, that was for sure.

Nor the kind of tradesman Alaric was, he realized as the man produced a fur to carry the gifts in. Stingray didn't have the foggiest clue about curing hides for use, nor was he all that interested in learning. In fact, that practice felt downright unnatural to him — he was, after all, a Sveijarn man of the earth and old blood. He was awed by Alaric's knowledge and skill and grateful for the means to carry the gifts along, but it wasn't something he could see himself ever excelling at.

He would just have to keep looking for other ways he could be useful and get a life, as Swordfish's voice often told him. Thanks for you help, Alaric! he beamed, showing none of the inner doubts about his purpose swirling around in him, though Njord alone might notice that it was uncharacteristic for his son to not jump at an opportunity to show off his "skills" via a hunt.
Sun Mote Copse
970 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Totally good! I lol’d at the internet dial-up tone

Like Stingray, Njord would be lying if he said he completely followed everything Alaric described the medicinal plants. Some sounded more precarious in their prescription than others and Njord would’ve hated to bring something that he couldn’t articulate the dosage, and so he listened closely.

Then he recited an abbreviated list back to Alaric to make sure he had it all straight.

Njord and Stingray picked through the vibrant stones and selected three for gifts. Their value reminded him of the pink stone Kukutux had gifted him so long ago.

“The rabbit skin will be enough,” he assured Alaric. “When Stingray an’ I return, we will hunt large game an’ bring its pelt tae ye in thanks.” It was only fair. “Maybe then, ye can show us ‘ow tae cure it. And where tae find these herbs so that we may ‘elp ye fill yer stores.”

The picture in Njord’s mind was a peaceful one and he looked forward to the season ahead.

For now, he looked at the goods laid out before him. “Ah ken Moontide will appreciate these gifts. Thank ye, Alaric. Can ye show us how to wrap it all?”
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
me too

Alaric knew that it was hard pressed for others to listen to all of his words. However, most of what he had wasn't gonna cause any issues. As long as the paid attention to the two he made note to point out. They'd be fine.

Alaric pulled a cured rabbit skin and lay it there for them to carry their treasures in. Ah thanks I'm just glad I could help ya. I'd love too. And I'll show you what's in season.

Alaric unrolled the skin and placed the items in it. With paws an nose he rolled it as tight as he could and with one paw held it down and with teeth on small bone worked it through some small claw holes that he had bore. One claw holding it open. Then backed up. It was all there for them.
Sun Mote Copse
970 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Last from me!

Njord’s eyes lit up when he observed the intricate way Alaric’s wrapped their wares. The healer’s craft never ceased to amaze the coastal man.

“Ah thank ye again,” the red-tail praised. Stingray picked up the wrappings and balanced them across Njord’s shoulder. He walked slowly, careful not to drop it. Stingray and his father said their goodbyes and then traveled toward the borders.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!