Wapun Meadow According to the map, we've gone about four inches
564 Posts
Ooc — Fira
Grezig rolled her eyes and then stared at the pup. Her facial expression was as somber-looking as ever, but behind that mask, she was losing patience already. “What do you mean you don’t know?” she asked, speaking slowly as if the pup were stupid. “Are you lost? Are you parents dead? Why are you out here by yourself? Speak!” She hoped that these questions would be enough to cause the pup to actually communicate. If he was not forthcoming after this, she would leave him where he was and continue on. She needed to hunt and did not have time for this whelp.
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RE: According to the map, we've gone about four inches - by RIP Grezig - June 20, 2018, 04:04 PM