Mount Apikuni Tastes like chicken.
Misae — "White sun"
17 Posts
Ooc — Ajax
yooo! @Grezig

As the majority of the group conversed fervently with one another, Donoma found an opportunity to amble off, claws clicking rhythmically against the hardened topsoil as she traversed the peak. The bitch faced the raw mountain gale, following the alluring scent of a crisp tarn that the breeze promised downslope. 

The strong wind buffeted her agouti robe, chips of rock sharp between her toes in spite of her thick pads, hardened by hours of treading along pebble streambeds and cooking against the heat of shale plats. Fortunately, her stomach occupied most of her focus, pulling her thoughts away from the stinging in her feet. 

Aha! At last! Donoma exclaimed within the confines of her mind, quickening her gait as she approached the small pool which was carved into a flat outcrop of granite. And small it was, indeed. A diminutive trickle fed the barely puddle-sized pool, which held but a mouthful of minnows- of equal magnitude. The dame snorted in sore disappointment but knew that even the most minuscule meal outweighed an empty belly. 

The prospect of sharing flickered across Donoma's mind. This.. 'snack' would only feed one other individual at most. She thought back to the jaded woman from earlier in the day. Perhaps all she needed was a bit of energy. Therefore, as decided by Donoma, she was the chosen candidate. What was her calling? Gesic? she thought to herself, swiveling her ears back in the direction of the congregation. Her muzzle soon followed its course, and she was back off, loping hastily to the Apikuni's pinnacle.

G-Gresic! the bitch decided, barking as she trod. C'mere!
I have a very unpredictable and complicated schedule.
If my responses are so untimely/strung out that you lose interest in an ongoing thread, please let me know and I'll get back to you asap.
564 Posts
Ooc — Fira
Sorry for the wait and the shit post.
Grezig’s ears perked at the sound of… her name? What had someone just called her? Gresic? Hmm. Must be someone new if they didn’t know her name properly yet. She stood up and trotted over in the direction of the call, and found a grey-furred wolf—the one from earlier, who had interrupted her nap. “Ah,” she said, mostly to herself. “It is you.” She cleared her throat as the female came closer. “Did you need something?” She could no longer be annoyed at this woman for forgetting her name, because she had put such little effort into remembering hers. “What… was your name, again? I apologize, I have forgotten.”

Editing an ending to this.

It turns out, the woman really did not want to converse with her. After an awkward silence, Grezig turned and walked away.
