Grouse Thicket over the hills and far away
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
All Welcome 
Set for whenever is conveninet. All welcome, but she is looking for @Tegan. I am also super interested in meeting @Finley or some other family member, but no pressure to respond :)
She was a little bit scared. Easy had never been this far from home before, and she didn't know anyone from this land except for a boy in a pack who had reason not to like her. In her short life, Easy had yet to interact with someone who didn't like her - the experience with Towhee had been her first. So it stood to reason that maybe it was just a fluke? Maybe Towhee would like her if Easy tried really hard?

... Easy kind of liked her. For the same reasons she liked Valette and Dawn. She was a badass female warrior, and she was leading her own pack! How much cooler could someone get?

So she'd followed them. And she'd camped just outside of where they had camped. And when she'd worked up the courage, she sent up a thin, querying howl for her friend.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay had been keeping himself busy with the babies since they arrived at Heron Lake Plateau but he missed home. This wasn't it. Nowhere was it, nowhere but Redhawk Caldera. He didn't think that the black feathered woods wolves would really come after them. Why would they if they hadn't so far? They were probably just licking their wounds too -- maybe they were even moving right now. Eljay hated the move and he'd been grumpy about it the whole way, though mostly inwardly. On the outside he had just looked worried and troubled.

As he set off to look for some solitude and food Eljay softly sighed as he made his way outside of the plateau. Just as he crossed the plateau's frays there was a howl nearby. It was short and called for Tegan, but Eljay didn't recognise the voice. He stopped in place as it sounded and shifted his weight a bit. Then he decided that since he was already so nearby he should check it out, even if just to make sure it was safe for Tegan's sake. The big brother in Eljay never died, after all, even if he didn't think that his younger siblings liked him back very much.

Ears perked forward as he happened on a young girl and said, "Uh, hi." His body remained neutral as he said, after a moment of hesitation: "I'm Eljay, uhm — Tegan's brother." In case the Blackthorn looks hadn't given it away yet.
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Easy eyed the man distrustfully as he approached but warmed up at once when he identified himself. She wagged her tail and pranced right up to him, keeping her stance loose and submissive.

"Nice to meet you!" she said brightly. "I'm Tegan's friend, Easy. And I'm lost." Whoa, it was even scarier to admit it to this wolf than to herself. She glanced over her shoulder as if Daddy would appear just behind her to take her home, but no such luck. She'd just have to retrace her steps the hard way and hope that she remembered well enough, or that their scents were still present.

"He got in trouble cos he left to find me and then brought me back home," she explained with a bit of contrition, just in case Eljay hadn't yet heard about this. "But I'd really like to see him before I go, and maybe to prove to Towhee that I'm cool like her."
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach

Fin had followed Eljay at a slower pace. Her body was aching from the journey and she was pretty sure that her mouth was going to permenantly taste like puppy from all the time she'd spent carrying one or the other. Still, when her son wandered off, she had felt compelled to wander after him. He had not been happy about this move and she worried that he might take it upon himself to sneak out on her once again. She had never asked if he had succeeded in his "test" or whatever he'd considered it when he'd gone to Drageda. For all she knew, he hadn't passed it and was on the verge of heading out for a re-take. Whatever that even meant.

The beta was mildly surprised when Eljay answered the call that sounded. She had anticipated that he would shy away and she'd have to abandon her son-stalking to respond to the summons alone. But she found him there instead, making conversation with a girl that Fin didn't recognize by sight, though she had a feeling she might know who this young lady was...

"Proving to Towhee you're cool like her is a pretty lofty goal," Fin quipped as she limped her way over to the pair, offering a smile to the girl, "You're an ambitious one, aren't ya."
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
The girl was submissive and friendly enough luckily and soon identified herself as Easy, a friend of Tegan's. Eljay's face fell into a worried frown when she said that she was lost, and he wondered how she'd found this place; and if she would find her way home, and how. "Where is your home?" he asked, figuring if they knew where she lived maybe he could help her get home; though Eljay's sense of direction wasn't very good, maybe others knew.

Eljay hadn't heard of Tegan being in trouble because he'd brought someone 'home' (though his eyes widened at this news, as he thought 'home' meant inside the territory), though he could imagine Towhee hadn't been amused.

Just as Eljay was about to say that Tegan'd probably get there soon mommy showed up just as Easy said that she wanted to prove her coolness to Towhee. Eljay didn't really think Easy was 'cool', but mostly because everyone that he defined as 'cool' were wolves that'd mock him or think of him as lower than everyone else. Though he guessed Tegan was kinda cool so maybe, since he hung out with Easy, she was too. Or maybe she was just not uncool.

Deciding to stop headaching himself with his internal discussion about the definition of coolness Eljay said, "Hi mommy," and nuzzled the underside of mommy's chin respectfully with a faint wag of his tail. "This is Easy, a friend of Tegan's."
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
"I live in the taiga, near the beach. We're neighbors with Easthollow and Drageda," she explained, hoping this would ring a bell. Her attention was soon stolen by the arrival of an older female, similar in appearance to her absent friend. And Eljay called her Mommy, which was somehow more funny than her calling her father 'Daddy'.

"I am ambitious," she chirped, wagging her tail at the newer wolf. "I followed you guys all the way over here from the valley!" And she was proud of that, even if it was causing her trouble, now. "I just wanted to see Tegan before I left. I didn't mean to get him in trouble or anything."
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
Easy. So it was the mystery girl. Fin peered at her with more interest as the girl replied to her comment. She was a chipper little thing. Finley liked her immediately, but still was not surprised that Towhee had drive her off prior to their departure from the Caldera. Towhee was not a chipper little thing, and she was not immediately likeable. Strangers didn't work well for her, but Fin was more open on that particular subject. The encounter at the borders may have gone very different had she been there instead of the young alpha, but it didn't much matter now. Only one thing was for sure - this girl was so not ever going to be cool like Towhee.

Finley grinned at the loveable little dork, shaking her head lightly. "It's alright, Tegan got himself in trouble," she explained, "He was commanded not to leave and he did anyway to go see you. He unfortunately is too much like me for his own good." She paused then, frowning thoughtfully as her head canted. "Don't you live pretty far from here..?" she asked, trying to remember what Tegan had told her.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
There was a visible startle when Easy said that she was neighbours with Drageda. "Is.. Could you give them a message..? I used to live in Drageda, so if it's not too much trouble, I.. After the war I was wounded and went back to home. If you speak to Blixen from Drageda ever, could you... Tell her I'm sorry?" Eljay frowned ruefully, wishing that it had been different. He wished to relay a similar message to Bobbin but Blixen was the one who had seemed most attached to him. He hadn't meant to hurt her, but he knew he probably had. Sorry might not cut it but it was still better than nothing. Probably.

Eljay listened to the interaction between mommy and Easy in silence. He looked over his shoulder, wondering if Tegan was gonna come.
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Easy looked to Finley when she spoke, glad to find that it had not been entirely her fault that Tegan got in trouble. "I do!" she agreed when asked if she lived far, "I'm actually pretty lost right now. But please - is he okay? I didn't wanna leave without saying goodbye, and I at least wanted to make sure he's alright." A look of consternation briefly crossed her face. "I'm worried I might not see him again."

Then her attention returned to Eljay. "I'll take your message - I've met Blix before. If I can find my way back to the taiga, I'll drop by and let her know."
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
Fin couldn't help but smirk at the girl's answer. So she was lost, but she seemed in perfectly good spirits about it anyway. She was reminded a lot of herself at that age, only this one had a lot more innocence and a lot less swearing. "He's fine, just a little bitter about the whole thing," she replied, "Nothing he won't get over. I'm sure he'll be out and about again in no time and you'll probably be the first one he goes to see."

Her gaze moved between Eljay and Easy as they spoke of messages for Drageda. She wondered then if she would ever again see their coastal allies. There had never been any talk of reuniting in the future, unless you counted the sentimental promises made in whispers when you were hugging your loved ones good bye, which Finley did not. They were intended well, but nothing to be counted on, or so she had learned in her long (for a wolf) life. "You might mention to them that we've left the Caldera too and that we've settled over here, if they ever need us," she added for good measure. She suspected Wildfire's days of scouting may well have passed now considering what had happened to her, but she wanted to make sure her goddaughter knew where to find them just in case.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay nodded when Finley tacked on an additional message, and he smiled appreciatively at Easy as she promised that she would tell Blixen the message if they'd meet again. There was a short moment of silence before Eljay said, "I'm gonna check on the pups. It was nice to meet you." He smiled at the girl and then nodded at mommy before turning back towards the territory. With the newness of this all he wanted to be sure that the pups were fine so he went off to find them after allowing a short moment for any last words between the three of them.
2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
Her son excused himself shortly after the conversation came to an end. Fin glanced at him and let him know, "Wait up for me - I'm right behind ya," before looking again at Tegan's friend. "Be safe, alright? I'll let him know you came by," she said, offering a smile before turning to follow her eldest. She hadn't spent much time with the girl, but she could understand already why Tegan would risk Towhee's wrath to go and see her. Hopefully the next time he went to visit the girl, there would be a little less rage to endure.