Redhawk Caldera So I'm wishing, wishing further
Sun Mote Copse
2,022 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
All Welcome 
At this point, Fennec was having a hard time remembering what it was like to not be in pain.  Whenever anyone brought food she never did much more than pick at it, and she'd dropped a lot of weight that she didn't really have in the first place.  She spent most of her days in a feverish, silent haze, drifting between sleep and awake as she could and typically ignoring conversation beyond one word answers.

The compression on her chest had worsened, and that was what finally did it on the words.  It was hard enough for her to draw enough breath just to exist.  

For the next couple of weeks, she'd be the same, speaking rarely and mostly out of it.  She'd lost a lot of the anger and upset from the early days, and instead had taken on an almost listless acceptance.  She forced herself to try to eat at times, but that was the extent of it.

Currently she was half-asleep and nearly fully (finally) out.  Even when she slept, she typically had her muzzle open as she gently wheezed for air.  
halfway point! Markin for next couple weeks that she'll be pretty non responsive until the swelling goes down and she can breathe again.  Will leave this open a bit just in case, then read only it!
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Bronco hadn't lingered long after his visit with Fennec- Niamh hadn't even seen him leave, but from all she could tell, he hadn't spared any time for his siblings, which disappointed her. While Niamh herself was not immune to the lure of favouring some children over others, it appeared to be quite clear that he had chosen to prioritise Meerkat above his three other siblings; and whatever fallout there was from that decision would be something he would have to deal with on his own. She was disappointed in both Nellie and Bronco, as neither of them had, in her opinion, done enough with their younger siblings. 

But they were adults now, and she couldn't force them to be friends. She could only hope hat perhaps Quetzal, Alyx and Primrose would be more fit role models for next year's litters, though they would never really want for much, considering all the other role models they had in their lives. 

Figment was still around, and Fennec as well, though she'd been in very rough shape when she'd returned. Niamh wasn't the most sympathetic wolf, but she did care about her step-daughter, so she brought a hare with her and traced Fennec's scent to the area where she usually remained. She was asleep, and looked peaceful. The days were getting shorter and the nights colder, so she simply approached her sleeping packmate, placed the hare on the ground, and curled up gently alongside Fennec, to at least provide her with warmth and company as she slept.
Sun Mote Copse
2,022 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fennec registered a warmth nearby and assumed it was Towhee at first in her semi-conscious fog.  She didn't move or react, but the presence of someone else alongside her was comforting and the warmth extremely welcome.  It was so hard for her to fall completely into sleep, but from appearances sake, there wasn't much of a difference.  Either way, she was just as absent.

Time passed, but eventually, Niamh's scent became enough to turn distinct and surprise her from her stupor.  Fennec hadn't expected her step mom to visit; not because she did not think she cared, but because Fennec knew that if she weren't a healer this wasn't a place she'd be.  She hadn't figured Niamh would bother.

There were only subtle signs to indicate the change, though.  Fennec's ears tipped to better hear her position and her breath caught briefly before settling into a slighly different pattern.  Aside from that, she remained as she was.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Niamh wasn't the most subtle wolf, nor was she terribly sensitive to other wolves' moods and feelings, so she didn't notice the moment when Fenec realized who she was. As far as she knew, Fennec was asleep, or close to it, and she'd probably chosen not to speak because she was sore. From what she'd been told, it was probably best not to try making her speak, and Niamh (for once) had the tact to not abuse the situation and talk Fennec's ear off simply because she knew she'd cornered someone who would listen to her ramble on without interrupting her. Fennec wouldn't have been able to run away either, so she easily could have taken full advantage of the situation, and droned on and on about absolutely nothing. 

But she didn't. Instead, she settled down alongside Fennec, heaved a soft sigh and relaxed, exploiting one of her other talents- falling asleep within a couple moments of settling down. The hard was still tucked away by her elbow, and she'd probably offer it to Fennec later. But for now- she was content to sleep side-by-side with Fennec, and dozed off within minutes into a quiet and gentle slumber.
Sun Mote Copse
2,022 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
While she wouldn't have minded talking, Fennec didn't mind the silence either.  It was easy for her to ignore the pressure to respond lately, but the shared company was what she actually craved.  Her parents had all made sure she was never alone for long, but when she was awake and they were all gone, the space felt worse somehow.  Colder, bigger, and more empty.

It was a small blessing, maybe, that she was with it less often than not lately.  True sleep still came rarely, but lack of it combined with lack of appetite and air led to the sensation she was once more slowly slipping into.  A strange liminal space where hours would pass and she'd be unaware, lost in the fog of her own mind with thoughts flickering through at random, chasing themselves like strange spectres around her.

The burrow they darted down, as she drifted off this time, was one that followed her step-mother's trail.  She'd thought, to achieve everything she wanted to be, she'd need to leave home behind.  Yet Niamh was as much a badass as they get, and here she was... next to her.  She'd run from family various times and each time had proven, a little more, she was capable of standing on her own.  But when she thought of Niamh, and Towhee, and Hydra, that wasn't what she thought.  They were beyond that - and maybe that was what she should be aiming for.  Something else.

If she could catch it... merge it with the vision she had for herself... then maybe...

As she lay there, Fennec instinctually relaxed, and without any awareness or direction, her shallow breathing slowed somewhat to match Niamh's.  In spite of everything, she was able to finally slip into a true (and deep) sleep.  Something about the other wolf's presence carried her to it, and it would likely outlast her presence by a span.  Until she left, though, Fennec's body read the cues of 'safety' in Niamh's warmth, and she was out like a rock for the forseeable future.

We can archive this if you like!
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!