Stone Circle One step closer
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Set a week from this thread, for @Turmeric at the moment!

Arlette had joined the Swiftcurrent ranks, settling in a new pack and trying to get into a rhythm after being on her own for awhile. It was actually a blessing to her to be in a pack. She realized she loved the company but also the security it brought. She was more rested after sleep and also felt more relaxed. She loved that she could spend more time with her daughter.

When she joined Arric spoke of Kvarsheim being an ally. She had met with Gunnar, who had been really pleasant and offered her a place. However, then she wasn't ready to settle, now with Mulberry-- Bellatrix being pregnant it felt like a better fit. Still she wanted to keep connections good since Swiftcurrent was befriended with them.

Arlette reached the border and howled for a presence, she wouldn't go as far as to demand the leader this time. She just wanted to check in. The borders did smell more fortified, so perhaps their numbers were up and they were doing well. She was glad for them.
115 Posts
Ooc —
He knew that voice, and he ran to her like a little boy on Christmas Day.

Mom!! he didn’t need to see her up close to know it was her; even before he crested the hill that held stone circle, he called to her. She had finally followed him! Finally found him again! And he wasn’t ashamed for her to see him anymore. He’d sprung back into the Merry he’d been before he’d let depression take hold, before he’d fallen in step with the Saints.

And he thought of his travels, of the ocean, and Inkeri. Of their meeting in the forest, of their pledge to each other.

Though he slowed his step when he reached her, his whole body shook with the want to embrace her. He laughed instead and danced a happy hop around her.

I can’t believe it!! What are you doing here?
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette was surprised to see Turmeric coming over the hill. It was an excellent surprise to see him here. "Turmeric!!!," she gasped in disbelief. She wagged her tail and as soon as he came close she just pulled him in an embrace, honestly, it seemed that he wanted it just as much. Arlette couldn't imagine her luck, two out of her three children back here! She could cry in happiness. "I came to visit Gunnar. I've met him before. He offered me a place here, but I wasn't sure yet," she started to explain. After all Stone Circle was her very complicated past. She wasn't sure if Turmeric knew that... "Did you know that this is the location where I was born?" She might not have told him about the stones, and where she lived before, just because she was upset with her mother.

"Anyways, Then I found out that Mulberry is at Swiftcurrent Creek and I've decided to join there instead because well...," she paused. "She is pregnant! I'm going to be a grandma and I wanted to support her. Also Swiftcurrent really needed a healer." Arlette decided to let that bomb drop right away to her son. She offered him a smile. "It is so wonderful to see you," she admitted.
115 Posts
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She pulled him into a wolfish hug and Turneric let himself fall against her. His tail still flurries against the ground but the rest of him stilled. He closed his eyes, buried his nose into the soft furs of her neck, just like when he was young.

He listened to her speak — marvelled that they had almost shared a home together again! — and pulled away with a laugh of surprise when she mentioned living here before.

I thought you’d only ever lived with the Saints! he said. But this had been her home! Is that why this place had felt familiar, even though he’d never been here before? He was sure that wasn’t how things like memories worked, but it seemed romantic, and he liked the thought.

And then, she mentioned his sister -

Mulberry? he blurted out, and closed his mouth to let her finish, but his mind reeled. His sister, too! She was here, close by! And pregnant!?

Woah woah woah, Merry said, and took a step back, laughing, Good to see you too, mom! Ha ha just — I’ve gotta sit down. Mulberry’s gonna be a mom? His mom, a grandma? Him — an uncle! What - when did this all happen? Or — I guess it doesn’t matter. When’s she due? And… who’s the guy? he asked more seriously, in that protective brother like way, even though this was also punctuated with a laugh. Whoever he was had to be good, and had better be treating her right.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette shook her head gently. "Nope, I've joined the Saints much later, because of your father," she explained. He had been the rough and tumble man that stole her heart after her ... depression. She looked over her son, to the territory behind him. "I've grown up around the stones. My mother, your grandmother Valette, was the matriarch at the time. She passed away though...," she explained. "It is a long story, but one I am willing to tell another day if you wish."

Arlette laughed softly as well and then sat down. "Yes," she confirmed. "Yes, she is going to be a mom. Oh-- and everyone in her pack calls her Bellatrix. I haven't asked yet why, but perhaps that is some good information for you as well. They probably don't know her as Mulberry." Arlette paused for a moment then. When was she due? Soon. There wasn't an exact date. "Soon, I think in like a week, maybe a little more," Arlette explained. "She.... She hasn't mentioned a guy, or a father... So I assume he won't be there. It is alright though. I will be there to help her," Arlette said without judgement. She actually sounded a little excited. "What about you? How are you?"
115 Posts
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When you come for a longer visit, I would love to hear it, but the longing in his voice probably betrayed that he longed to hear the story now. Still, it seemed mom hadn’t expected to find him here and he didn’t want to keep her from the Creek if it would cause anyone to worry — especially Mulberry.

Bellatrix, he said, though it would take some getting used to. He thought her name had been perfectly perfect, but he call her by what she wanted now. He didn’t want to burn any bridges. Got it, I’ll remember that for when I visit you both, he promised with a smile.

A week! he said again. That meant they could actually be along here any day! He frowned at the thought the father had left her, and even with mom’s reassurance, he decided if he ever found out who the slimeball was, he’d have a few good punches to give him. Maybe slip a bit of buckthorn in his food while he was at it…

But he concealed this all with, I guess I’ll have to visit sooner than later! Introduce those little tykes to their favourite Uncle Merry, he said with a laugh. And maybe there maybe one day to be Aunt Inkeri? he blushed a little, and his smile stretched like a half moon at the only answer he gave to his mother’s question of “how are you?”
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette dipped her head. She would love a longer visit. Arlette quirked up her lips at the idea. She would love to spend some time with him as well. Arlette nodded at the name change. She also liked Mulberry better but it wasn't her place to judge. "You are always welcome to visit," she assured him. She knew their packs were on good terms so that was perfect.

"Yes! That sounds wonderful," she smiled. "Inkeri? Ohh tell me more?," she instantly stated eagerly. She wished to know more about this female in Turmeric's life, she really liked the idea that he found someone to spend his time with. She knew Turmeric would choose someone good. She was still curious. "Would she be willing to meet me today?"