Moonspear nature's will
2,114 Posts
Ooc — gerra
All Welcome 
Her trips around to do anything were shortening, and fast. But thankfully, today the sun was out and the past few days had been relatively mild as far as temperatures went. Finally, she could feel more spring in the air.. and the mountain too. 

She was loitering around on a small outcropping not very far from the den's location, content to feel the warmth on her shoulders, then eventually decided to stop and lounge. All of herself needed a good warming anyway to help shoo away the last of the winter blues, and Ame was not motivated enough to go marching her entire self anywhere far from here right now.

She tucked her achy paws against her chest to help prop up, then rearranged the rest of herself far too carefully for (a normally lean, svelte) her to ever enjoy this.. but with a little time, she was situated and fluffed up her dark furs generously once done. All too eager to drink up as much sun as she could before clouds could roll back in, she simply maintained a lookout point from here, curious to see who passed all while she oversaw and enjoyed not moving.
[Image: 5ifpFkc.png?1]
i want to bleed in the 「r a i n
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
i hope this is ok!! If not I can delete and start a new one <3 this just looked lonely! Set a while after meeting dirge in my mind

This had to be it, right!? She stared up at the mountain, taking in the scent of the wolves who lived there.  A pack on a mountain, tall and intimidating, with an alpha who really liked mom and really hated dad... the feelings mutual both ways.  She couldn't wait! Wraen and Terance had to be here! No matter what that other wolf had or hadn't said.

Her first instinct was to charge in, but no, not a good plan.  If her siblings were here she wanted these wolves to like her.  And, y'know, talk to her before eating her face off.  Good catch Maia.  So she instead sat down, satisfied, and unleashed a loud summoning call over the mountain.

Moon wolves!!!! I got a question!?!?!?!
2,114 Posts
Ooc — gerra
oooh! of course it's ok! it was all lonesome ;o;
All was quiet. Uneventful, clear to the point of letting her doze periodically from her sunny lookout point even.

To such a loud call, her ears sprung up when the moon wolves were addressed with questions. Unfamiliar, first of all. Second.. coming with questions.. Ame exhaled a sigh and felt her hackles shift, contemplating how annoyed she felt by this intrusion upon the quiet of her afternoon. She wasn't expecting any visitors, nor feeling all too hospitable without good convincing--but as her status as head of these moon wolves, she'd go see what this noise was all about.

There no particular haste about her next move, but she got herself up and howled back, a short, reedy note that was hopefully not too groggy-sounding (maybe just a little disgruntled, but that was partially intentional): What? Coming. With that said she swung up her tail and picked up a heavy jog to go, finally abandoning her sun spot but at least her black fur was holding the warms in nicely enough to not make her miss it too badly.

Still making for absolutely no sort of rush, Ame tracked down the stranger eventually and greeted her with a hard stare. "What do you need?" she asked as she closed in on the young wolf, a little curious, but mostly prickly.
[Image: 5ifpFkc.png?1]
i want to bleed in the 「r a i n
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
There was a going theme on meetings for the young girl, and it was a perfect summation of her mental state that she hadn't even considered the problem might be her, not everyone else.  At least this woman had called, confirming this as the right place, and didn't seem terribly put off by her presence.  

"Heya!"  She looked her over.  The older dark woman held herself with a grace Maia could only dream of having with her awkward beating, and it gave her a bit of pause for the first time since coming here.  Not that it kept her quiet long.

"I'm looking for my siblings," she began, intending to keep it short but as usual getting off.  "My parents used to know this place and said they would probably either be at the moon mountain thing or the red bird place, and they weren't at the red bird place."  Tegan's correction hadn't really stuck.  "So here I am!"
2,114 Posts
Ooc — gerra
To such a brightness, she was still stone-faced and going to be difficult to impress. Her eyes narrowed anyway as she looked the silvered wolf over so carefully, especially the more she heard--siblings, as well as parents knowing this place marked as suspicious first of all. Amekaze was listening, though, and stepped closer to stand a little taller. "This is Moonspear," she began there, at least giving her that courtesy over moon mountain thing. The other place had to be Redhawk, but she wasn't looking to dredge up her outlook on them right now.

"Who are they? Your siblings and parents?" The Moonspearian matriarch had been around long enough to stand a good chance at knowing.. especially with the tiniest inkling of suspicion that she was soon to disappoint this girl at a time when the mountain had only just warded off so many of their former comrades—times were changing.
[Image: 5ifpFkc.png?1]
i want to bleed in the 「r a i n
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh.  Moonspear.  She committed it to memory, but it would be gone as soon as she stepped away from this wolf's company.  Her hard drive really only kept a few subjects, and random pack names weren't one of those things.  

She was aloof but in a seriously cool and intimidating way that had Maia instantly crushing.  She didn't give a whit that the other wolf didn't seem to like her for some reason in this case; she was digging the aesthetic.  "Wraen and Terance.  Dante and Osprey are my mom and dad," she answered, figuring after the fact that she probably should have started with that.  Siblings wasn't super descriptive was it? Oops.  Without much of a pause, she went straight in farther. "I left home and figured I'd meet up with them and see how things were going, y'know? Not that I'm trying to follow them or need them around or anything, I'm perfectly fine alone," she said, puffing up a little.
2,114 Posts
Ooc — gerra
With her ears pricked, she felt her expression turn a little stonier as the list of familiar names spanned on to have this fall right into place. Now she eyed the yearling in a new sort of light, wondering how many of these were Dante's features she was seeing reflected back upon his daughter.

Drawing a slow breath, she had nothing good to deliver once her justifications ended. "Ah. Your father was my good neighbor once a long time ago," Amekaze said, since she had always held Dante in a certain sort of favor even knowing that he and Charon butted so badly. But, in a very blatant way, it was that violent clashing of the two that had brought the speckled yearling to her mountain range once too. Very likely, it was a monumental catalyst to all of what she sat neatly upon up here on Moonspear.

Nevertheless, moving on: "Well, your siblings both were here, but they took off in favor of traitors and cowards not too long ago," she laid out simply enough, lacking any particularly motivating inflection. "Cannot say I know where they have gone to from here, but it is not near." She reasoned it may be obvious enough why she wasn't actively ranging often recently and quite frankly, neither did she care enough to go searching the wilds to see where her former packmates had pranced off to after they had decided they had gained enough here.
[Image: 5ifpFkc.png?1]
i want to bleed in the 「r a i n
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia nodded; she hadn't heard much about this place, but she sorta remembered that.  Mom had liked the guy and dad had said he didn't mind the girl, though he hadn't been willing to much explain.  Probably because he and Osprey weren't on the same page about the whole thing.  Not that she cared either way what her parents thought of a couple strangers! She was face to face now and thought this woman was pretty cool, if a little stiff.

"Oh,". She said, her ears falling.  So the other wolf hadn't been lying.  The liars and traitors remark hadn't been directed at them, so she felt no need to be offended by the frank statement; honestly, even if it had been, sometimes siblings got insults.  After all they hadn't stuck around where mom and dad said they'd be, had they? Now she didn't know what to do.

"No idea of a direction even?" She pressed, her tone a little downcast but still hopeful.  Maybe she could give a clue? Maia was tired of wandering aimlessly, and she really didn't want to turn tail and go home.
2,114 Posts
Ooc — gerra
With her history at the Sunspire far behind her, Dante included, she really did not have many lengths to share on that matter right here and now. Instead, disappointment turned tangible as the girl's ears fell in the face of such news about her siblings. Understanably so. However, she had anticipated it to some degree, and answered first with a somber, slow shake of her head. "Honestly, not one I would count on very much," she said, disclaimers first and foremost with a shake of her head. "Their route out went to the Glen," with a swing of her snout, Ame gestured accordingly in its direction where the flatlands opened up in full beyond. At least not towards the coast.. not immediately. "Cannot say I was motivated to track them beyond there any." There been no need, not when, frankly, it was not her concern any longer once it left the mountain and she had her family at her side still.

She exhaled a soft sigh through her nose and let her ears subtly splay, vaguely apologetic. "But really, you have not missed them by much--about a turn of the moon, maybe a bit more.." because she had been keeping track of these things lately but this was plenty of times for wolves to trek if they felt the need. Amekaze wondered if they stayed just out of immediate range on purpose. "Have you been on the road for long?" she asked, still curious enough about the girl to pry a touch while she still had the opportunity. Wraen and Terance had fast-tracked to the shitlist for their lack of grace in the recent matters, but Ame had liked them each well before the debacle. So maybe a little thanks to this, Maia deserved a longer look than most.
[Image: 5ifpFkc.png?1]
i want to bleed in the 「r a i n
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
What she gave wasn't much, but it was a start!  Which was way more than anyone else had given her.  She had half expected that to be the end of it, but instead Amekaze did her the pleasure of asking her about herself.  And Maia, at the age and disposition she was, loved to talk about that.

"Forever," she emphasized dramatically, her posture gaining a sort of exaggerated weariness as she did.  "I didn't know traveling was gonna be this hard.  There's no one to talk to, your on your own for food, and everyone you meet hates you" she finished. Then, as if realizing what she'd said, added, "but I'm getting really good at it.  No problem."
2,114 Posts
Ooc — gerra
Largely nonplussed by any of the dramatics packed alongside the answer, but humored enough, she canted her head with interest, matching a quirk to her brow to it too. Forever, whatever that meant to the girl who couldn't even be much older than Vela and Jarilo, was certainly one thing--so she nodded sagely. "Yeah.. not a lifestyle that all can take to," she agreed, subtly veiling in a sort of praise for her not being dead yet, and having made it to here in one apparent piece. It wasn't easy to roam alone but a younger roving Ame had spent her own share of time trekking about solo--and she, independent and introverted, had done alright. "Or even survive. But it does take some getting used to, sure, and guts," she nodded again, this time more towards Maia--who looked quite hale and whole for wandering for forever, after all.

"But that is good. Hopefully not too many miles left before you can reunite, yeah? Sorry I do not have better news for you here." she said. "Do you think you will stay with them if you find them or keep going? Wraen liked to scout around.. maybe you will run into her out there," she added, curious of her intentions or if that wandering feet gene ran so rampant in their blood.
[Image: 5ifpFkc.png?1]
i want to bleed in the 「r a i n
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
At Amekaze's words, Maia did puff up a bit, taking pride in that yes, she was one of those who could.  Kinda.  For the most part.  All former complaints were cast aside in the glow of her newfound lone adventurer pride.

"I dunno, guess I didn't think about it," she responded, suddenly thoughtful.  Would she stay with them, and would they even let her?  Maybe! And she was pretty awesome, so probably they'd want her around.  Yeah?  

"Probably," she finished, then added "I think."  Because no way she wanted to jinx it by being too sure of anything.  That was normal right, seeking out family despite leaving home? Or was she entirely lame for doing it?  She didn't want to look lame, least of all in front of Amekaze, so she fell into a sort of awkward silence.
2,114 Posts
Ooc — gerra
Ame listened with a soft nod, agreeing, and not judging whether or not she had her mind made up by now; the alpha knew the odds of circumstance, and really, wondered if a mindset like that might do a young wolf like her good down the line. For what it was worth, she could offer this much at least: "Well in whatever comes—good luck on finding them, and safe travels." she bid the loner should there be no further questions, because she was done prying if need be since most of it did not seem to concern her Moonspear family, and neither was she looking to tie the girl down—especially when some here may not take all too kindly to her sort after the traitorous leave of her brother and sister.
[Image: 5ifpFkc.png?1]
i want to bleed in the 「r a i n
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Man, she coulda hung here all day with this rad lady and listened.... but nah.  Roamers gotta roam.  And since Maia was now confirmed survivor extraordinaire, it was her duty to move along as awesomely as possible and not seem too hung up on a wolf she just met.  Sweet. 

"Thanks!" She replied brightly, then deciding she needed to add something nice to depart with, added "You too," before realizing what she had done and wanting to faceplant violently into the side of the mountain.  Great Maia.  Great.

Now red under her fur, she nodded to reinforce the thanks and turned to go, departing with slightly less awesomeness than she wanted but still pretty happy with the encounter overall.  She had a direction! Now to follow it.  What had it been again?

Oops.  Well, no way she was going back to ask.  She'd figure it out.