Phoenix Maplewood for the world’s more full of weeping than you can understand
Wild Fauna
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Random Event 
Seemingly overnight, a strain of unknown mushrooms have popped up near Feller’s Pond, circling a small sapling. Where they have grown, grass and nearby foliage have died away and near the water’s edge, several turtles sleep peacefully. A break in the ring where they’ve apparently feasted until their bellies were full, unaware of the effects of their easy meal. A strange sensation is apparent in the area, with a feeling of do not enter, but the pull of curiosity’s strong despite the push upon approach. Have the turtles broken the spell during their feast? Did they make it worse? Approach with caution.

Written by @Mallaidh. Info 1, Info 2
1,328 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
the ring brought him to a sudden halt, but it did not frighten him. that, he was sure of.

aditya padded toward the fungi with interest, muzzled tipped low, inhaling their earthy scent. the ground was wet, and ahead, a group of happily replete turtles dozed; they would good snacks, if he was able to catch them unawares. but his eyes were only for the mushrooms, now.

where had they come from? adi had been to feller's pond a thousand times or more--perhaps an exaggeration, but it seemed a great many occasions--and he'd never seen these before. he would have remembered. not only for their perfect shape, the contrast they cut against the forest. . .but for the aura surrounding them. something pulling him in, inch by inch.

while others might have found the circle ominous, he was enchanted. the spirits that danced here were ancient and benevolent. he closed his eyes and thought he heard music. far off, faint. lilting songs and the pitter-pat of tiny steps in rhythm.

some might have written it off as jaadoo--magic. his uncle certainly would have. but this was on a different level entirely, to aditya, in the realm of the divine. this was hari's work, and he looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of the dark wolf in the shadows. it had been many moons since hari had visited his dreams.

had the time come again, for his god to meet him face-to-face? without any inkling of fear, aditya stepped into the ring, waiting for hari to come.
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tiny steps where, in fact, making their way steadily towards the wolf who stood within the circle. unblinking eyes settled on the rear of the creature, and quickly she veered around and hauled her way up a nearby trunk, thoroughly uninterested in allowing the weird thing any kind of advantage.  claws dug into aging bark as she flung herself into a nearby tree, tail whipping around behind her as she sought to catch her balance. 

when she'd stilled (and likely made herself known) did she leap suddenly a branch higher, two, until the not-quite dog was within her sights but a few tail-lengths below her. and then she waited, until she could ascertain whether or not the creature was a raging idiot like his domestic counterparts.
The Curious Sweetheart
89 Posts
Ooc — IndianaServal
Loir had noticed something quite odd in the distance as she finished off the leftovers of a rabbit she had found that had tasted quite delicious. There was a "ring" of mushrooms in the distance, and Loir had never seen such a thing before. Curious, she headed over to them. "What's this?" She asked, tilting her head. Loir then cast a glance towards some sleeping turtles.


What was this?
[Image: gamekeeper_master.gif]
HUNTER TRADE: 1/5 threads
1,328 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
his eyes strayed up at the sound of noise in the branches, darting to and fro to find its source. finally, his gaze rested on a copper form amidst the leaves, staring back at him--without blinking, which was unsettling--with cerulean eyes. adi cocked his head, one corner of his mouth lifting in an intrigued grin. before he could do anything further, footsteps from behind distracted him.

what's this? he wasn't sure if loir had noticed him, being so caught up in the ring of mushrooms. "i don't know," he responded anyway, turning to face her, though keeping one ear turned toward the feline that lurked above. "i've never seen it here before. but there's magic in it. . .right?" aditya wondered if she heard it, felt it. the far-off music--the shimmer in the air.

he pointed his nose toward the other creature, glancing at loir. "looks like we have a visitor," he remarked. a cat, he thought they were called. a miniature cougar, for all intents and purposes. most were afraid of wolves, but some, he'd heard, had hearts much bigger than their brains. they would take on a moose with little regard for their welfare. brave little things.
The Curious Sweetheart
89 Posts
Ooc — IndianaServal
Loir then casted a glance at Aditya. She hadn't noticed him previously because of how the mushroom ring was so...interesting. When he had asked if magic was in it, Loir looked back at the mushroom ring, wondering. Magic, in a mushroom ring? How could that be possible? Loir didn't believe in magic at all, but maybe there was. "Who knows." She said. "I've never seen anything like this before, in my life.

Apparently Aditya and Loir weren't the only ones who were interested in the mushroom ring, as there was a cat. She looked up at the cat with her amber eyes. "I wonder what a cat is doing here." Loir wondered aloud. She hadn't ever seen a cat like that before. Sure, she had seen feral cats, but she supposed they could live in Teekon. Loir had supposed other kinds of cats could live in Teekon, like ocelots, but maybe not.
[Image: gamekeeper_master.gif]
HUNTER TRADE: 1/5 threads
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they didn't seem particularly keen in chasing her off, but her expression twisted into something haughty none the less. arrogant, she decided of the grey one,  and stupid of the first. there was no magic, only mushrooms.  she wondered what they were doing so far from the human's garbage cans. obviously, these were a different sort of dog, not pets, either, that much was obvious by appearance, and the smell.

she stalked nearer the end of the branch, tail flicking behind her. "they're called mushrooms."  idiots. they happened to be growing in a circle, but this fact she glanced over, having seen little of them and assuming this was nothing unusual. gaze skipped balefully to the grey one, the female. she didn't like her much of all, and most of the feeling came from the fact that she'd been somewhat offended by the way her presence had been addressed.  "the cat's here because it wants to be"
The Curious Sweetheart
89 Posts
Ooc — IndianaServal
Loir let out a sigh. "I know what they're called, I've just never seen a ring of them before." She corrected. Maybe she had said something a bit confusing? She didn't know, but would go straight to apologizing. "Sorry if I sounded confusing." She apologized.

Apparently the cat had just decided to come here, and Loir nodded, resuming to looking back at the mushroom ring. "Why would there be a ring of mushrooms?" She had asked. Loir only knew of them being just scattered around, not in a ring.

Sorry for short post, I had to hurry.
[Image: gamekeeper_master.gif]
HUNTER TRADE: 1/5 threads
1,328 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
loir seemed ignorant of the aura surrounding the ring, which was fine--perhaps he was just going crazy, hearing music and voices and all. but then the cat opened its mouth and began to speak, and aditya's jaw dropped, wondering if going was an understatement and he was already there. he looked back and forth between the wolf and the feline, wondering if loir thought this just as odd as he did.

"didn't know your kind could speak our language," he remarked, gaze lifting to the cat as one side of his mouth lifted in a half-smile. "be careful with that. wolves meaner than us wouldn't hesitate to make you their next meal." the danger could even come from their own pack. sunny and shale were talented hunters; the need for food had made them lethal.