Fairspell Meadow People aren’t very welcoming
394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
All Welcome 
The pup was running fast; away from that forest and definitely away from the mountains. She managed to feed herself off of rotting corpses and field mice but she was still thin and in her eyes still not worth anyone's time. Her father was gone, her mother was gone, brothers vanished and for once she felt all alone. The young wolf finally slowed down but was alert for any others.

1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
She saw the pale figure enter the meadow from her elevated spot by the makeshift altar, and rose to her paws, traveling with hobbling steps toward the. . .visitor? Another young one, she realized as she drew nearer. A girl, alone, looking quite lost.

Jaes kept bringing children to her doorstep, and yet the world had taken two of her own babies. Why?

There must be a reason.

Hello, Maegi called out on approach, forcing the barest of smiles upon a face gone cold and drawn as of late. Where did you come from? Can I help you find someone, or something? Might as well offer her assistance, even if the girl was just passing through.
394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She saw the female approach and the young pup despite the woman sounding nice immediately lowered her body and tucked her tail between her legs. "I didn't mean to trespass I'm s..sorry." She stuttered and looked up at the scarred woman. "I..I'm Minnow." She kept certain things to herself but would soon open up.
feather heart
118 Posts
Ooc —
just a cameo post so feel free to skip me.

scarab had been close to the borders — having hidden his petrified sandpiper in it's hiding hole for the day — when the sound of running footfalls had caught his attention. though scarab's golden filigree coat does little to camouflage him amidst the grasses there is taller grass that has begun to brown in the throes of autumn and he lowers himself within them as he stalks the girls that has barged into the meadow with all the grace of a bull in a china shop, lapis lazuli gaze flicking to and then following maegi as the nona moves to intercept her.

scarab doesn't doubt that maegi has the situation well under control — the girl cowering before maegi with tail tucked and stuttering words does not appear as any sort of threat — but scarab finds that he's becoming protective of the nona all the same. he straightens up, no longer concerned with masking his looming presence. a curl of his lips is given: a non-verbal message that he was watching and ready to strike at the first sign of aggression — for fear was not a far cry from aggression after all, he knows. it triggers the same fight or flight instincts and scarab remains a golden ghost in the distance but nevertheless alert.

words: 219
it's a quality of the gods
to see a creature with its back broken
and be unmoved —
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Young and scared, probably lost. Maegi shook her head, reminded a little of Eshe—but this girl was even younger. It's all right, she said softly. The borders aren't as strong as they should be. Minnow. Still none of her questions had been answered, but that was fine for now. Come, walk with me, she offered, before Scarab's scent turned her head in his direction.

He looked fearsome, protective, and she gave an infinitesimal smile to see it. Maegi gave him a dip of her muzzle in quiet pride, all the while keeping her posture relaxed to assure him that everything was (likely) all right. If he wanted to follow, he could.

She took off slowly, waiting for Minnow to catch up. Where's your family? she asked, wondering how and why all the lost little lambs were ending up in her meadow.
394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She noticed the other pup and the hostility made her feel a little uncomfortable and she quickly looked back to the other wolf. She was invited to walk with her and the young wolf stood up and walked a bit behind the wolf. "My mum is gone...my dad disappeared....my brothers missing...uncles gone..." was all she could say, she knew if she spoke about it more she was gonna burst into tears, even now th tears swelled in her eyes and threatened to pour out and she looked down at the ground
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Maegi was disheartened to see the girl's tears and softened her gaze further as she glanced over, trying to watch her step in the meantime. I'm sorry to hear that, she murmured. Funny how different wolves reacted to similar circumstances. Scarab had come here more or less numb to it all; Minnow was still clearly feeling the brunt of emotions dredged up by her family's disappearance.

Where were you living? Perhaps we could keep an eye out for some of them, the Nona offered, trying to inject some hope into her voice. Missing now didn't have to mean missing forever, and it would give a much-needed boost to her spirits to reunite Minnow with her family. They probably are out looking for you, too.

My name is Maegi, she added, softly flicking the tip of her tail against the girl's flank.
394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She sniffles a bit but gains her composure again. She listens to the woman's questions and tries to answer them. "We were a part of elysium before someone took it over and my daddy took us away." She couldn't remember exactly where they were before. "I don't know where we were after I ran after the ground shook." That's all she did it seemed was run.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Maegi wasn't familiar with Elysium, so it must be a pack beyond what she knew to be in the flatlands. Minnow had come a long way, then, especially at a run. She, too, understood the desire to run when things went south. Whether it was within the ground, or within her heart. . .

Well, we will certainly ask around about anyone from Elysium, I promise, she said, making a mental note to tell Jakoul— no, drat, the woman still must be on the mend! Who would be best for the errand? Moonshadow, or her brother? Midar?

Their numbers were pitifully low and Maegi could only blame herself. Are you hungry? she asked, trying to keep the self-deprecation at bay. We might have a bite to eat in one of the caches.
394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She loosened up a bit and was no longer scared of the female. She offered her some food but she shies away a bit despite her stomach growling at the thought. "I wouldn't want to take food from you guys." She said simply
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
She swore she could hear a distant rumbling, but whether it was truly the girl's stomach or perhaps a far-off omen of further earthquake doom, she couldn't (and wouldn't) tell. Maegi shook her head fervently at Minnow's response. We're not so bad off that we couldn't spare something for you, she lied, feeling a twinge in her own stomach.

The Melonii began to pad toward the nearest cache, tucked away in one of the lower parts of the meadow. While they continued to walk, Maegi looked over at the lost child. What are your brothers' names? she asked gently, and—oh—a stab of grief as she thought of Ramsay and Euron, suddenly.

My brothers missing. Mine, too, she thought, and sucked in a sharp, labored breath to compose herself.
394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She eased up to the female and she thought about it as she walked alongside her. "My brothers names are Valiant and Aeryn." Little did the youngling know of her brothers amnesia but she would soon enough.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Valiant and Aeryn, Maegi repeated, keeping those names, as well as Elysium, for safe-keeping. It would do to ask around, especially if the boys were lost much like their sister. There must be frantic adults out looking for them, yes? She hoped they hadn't been entirely abandoned by their elders, through death or otherwise.

Death or betrayal. The beating of the drums of time.

They reached a small stash of food, and Maegi ferreted out the freshest of it all, a small but relatively plump squirrel someone had snared in the woods. Here, she murmured, nosing the game toward Minnow. Eat. Get your strength up. Get some sleep and I promise I'll ask around about your family.

With that, the Nona retreated into the near distance, intending to chat with Scarab for a while. He was well on the mend, and proving an able contributor. Soon enough, Minnow would, too.

They would be okay.. . she hoped.