Redhawk Caldera Be true to your bar
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
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Earlier in the day, Phox had eaten something that didn't agree with him. Presently, he was nursing a very upset stomach, and he felt like he was going to... well, he wasn't sure, but he knew something was going to happen. He looked queasy and unwell, sulking next to a tree in that place between sleep and awake. He had eaten grass out of instinct a little while ago, and while that had quelled things for a bit, now he thought it had been a terrible mistake.

Tired, but unable to really fall asleep, he groaned pitifully. Raven was nearby, watching over him, but she didn't seem too terribly concerned. Whatever he'd eaten, she seemed convinced that it would pass. Phox just wasn't aware of how it would pass.
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2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
Raven told her not to worry about the little boy, and so Finley didn't. Not really. Except... he was so smol and his tummy hurt. With the alpha's hormones on overdrive from her heat cycle, she simply couldn't regard her little Fidget's upset stomach rationally. Seeing his sad little face and hearing him groaning as his stomach roiled made her want to cry, no matter how illogical a reaction that was.

And so, Finley could no longer sit idly by while her little one sat miserable and hopeless. She stood from her spot near Raven and trotted over to him, her lower lip protruding more and more the closer she came to him. "How's the little Fidget feeling?" she said, baby-talking to the pup in spite of her fervent hatred of baby-talking. Fucking hormones. The things they did to her sensibility, "Not so good, huh?"
112 Posts
Ooc — Kim
"How Fidget feel?" Orca mimicked, standing at her godmother's shoulder and imitating her look of concern as she gazed down at Phox. She had followed Finley, having been playing quietly in the dirt nearby when she noticed the Alpha female's movements. Her little tail wiggled and she looked up at Finley before shifting her attention back to Phox.

He really didn't look good; even Orca could tell that, from the expression on his face and the moans that seeped from his mouth. Her tail stopped moving and she shook her head, frowning. "No good," she said sagely.
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
The boy groaned at Finley's approach, looking rather pathetic while doing so. He shook his head, but that only made him feel more unsettled. Orca stated the obvious, and Phox shot her a dirty look. Of course he felt "no good." But the dirty look was quickly replaced with one of straight-up pain and suffering as his stomach cramped again.

Phox stood up, somehow thinking that would help, but it didn't seem to do him any good. His stomach made more funny noises, and it felt like his whole insides were twisting and flopping around (without his permission, no less). Half-lidded eyes looked at Finley with a sort of "what do?" expression.
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2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
Finley frowned sympathetically as Phox turned his face up to hers. She felt a nudge against her forearm and looked down to see Orca had followed her. A small smile flickered across her muzzle as the pup asked her brother how he was doing, then answered sweetly for him. She reached down and licked the spot between Orca's ears before looking again at Phox as his stomach rolled audibly.

"Do you want to go get some water? We'll come with you?" Fin offered him. She had chatted briefly with Raven before following the boy to see if there was anything they could do, but the medic had said it was better to wait it out rather than try to medicate. Being a completely impatient creature, Finley had not been inclined to agree. But, Raven did know best and so she'd let it go. But still, there had to be something that could give him some relief while they waited for the time to pass.
112 Posts
Ooc — Kim
Orca paid no mind to the frown that Phox directed at her. She let most issues roll off her back in a similar manner; and besides, she was much too curious about the funny sounds his stomach was making. She couldn't leave before finding out what was causing all that noise.

When Aunt Fin suggested water, Orca nodded astutely. "Wa-wa," she urged.
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Finley suggested water, even offering to go with him to the stream. He swallowed, his throat feeling dry and scratchy. A slow nod was given after Orca expressed interest as well. Phox picked one foot up, placed it down, and did his best to walk. His stomach cramped with every step, and about ten feet away, his insides had had enough.

Next thing he knew, Fidget's body was convulsing and making disgusting "hurk-hurk-huuurk" sounds. He lurched, then a pile of grass, half-digested meat, and bile came up through his throat and out his mouth, falling to the ground. It looked absolutely revolting... yet very tasty all at the same time. Without even thinking about it, Phox began to eat it right back up.
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2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
Orca agreed with her, and Fin took that as a good sign simply for the fact that she liked being agreed with. Obviously it was never necessary for her to do whatever she pleased, but still. She reached to nuzzle the little girl's head gratefully, praising her for her obedience and also to say a quick I love your little face without actually speaking it aloud. Then her gaze went to Phox who looked miserable and forlorn, but agreeable to the plan.

Finley moved to lead the two little wolves to water as planned, but she had gone only three paces when the sound of her godson tossing his cookies made her pause and glance back. She gave him a pitying look, but did feel a bit hopeful that this might actually make him feel better. Being a wolf, she did not find the sight of him gobbling his tossed cookies back up the least bit revolting in spite of how the writers shuddered at the mental image. Instead, she cocked her head hopefully at him and asked, "Do you feel any better?"
112 Posts
Ooc — Kim
Orca grinned and leaned into Finley's brief caress, enjoying the nonverbal praise that was bestowed upon her. She then fell into step behind her godmother, casting furtive glances in Phox's direction as he trudged alongside her. When he suddenly paused and began to heave, Orca paused too, watching him with a mixture of concern and curiosity.

Phox deposited a pile of vomit on the ground and almost immediately began to eat it again. Orca leaned towards him, sniffing with interest, but her brother gobbled it up before she could get a taste. When Finley asked if hurling had made Phox feel better, Orca glanced up at her and nodded. "He better," she said, whether or not that was actually true.
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
I'm good wrapping up here, but y'all are welcome to keep going, too!

Gobbling back up his own vomit was an odd experience, but as Stevie pointed out, they were disgusting animals with no manners. That's how I read it, anyway! Orca announced that he was all better, and although the taste in his mouth wasn't particularly pleasant, Fidget did feel a whole lot better. Maybe whatever had upset his stomach just needed to come up for air.

His tail wagged, and he smiled at Finley, a chunk of vomit still clinging to his muzzle. "Feel be'er," he replied, swiping his tongue around the rim of his mouth to sweep up any leftovers. "Go ge' wa'er?" he suggested. He did still want to do that, after all.
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2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
I'll close it up for us! <3

Fin watched the proceedings with hopeful interest. She smiled at Orca as she made her confident assessment that Phox was better now, using what the alpha could only describe as "kid logic". Her eyes travelled to Phox's face to see if he agreed with the determination. The boy licked his lips and looked up at her with a brightening expression, confirming what his sister had suspected. Pleased, Finley leaned down to run her tongue across his face a few times, cleaning up whatever mess her godson left behind as mothers were wont to do.

Finley nodded to his request to continue on to the stream. "Whenever you're not feeling so good and especially when you throw up, you should always have some water," she encouraged, glancing at Orca as well. It was a good standard to go by. Water wouldn't solve everything, but it did usually seem to help when you just weren't feeling good. Stepping forward, Fin lead the way to the nearby stream so they could all drink their fill and the kids could get back to playing and being kids.