Whitewater Gorge the salesman's like what up,
hey, motherfucker!
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@Easy :o

hah! they couldn't stop him now!! tegan had been hit with the very frustrating reality that was strict parenting. so what, maybe there was a war-- or whatever-- but tegan didn't care! it was a cruel and unusual punishment to keep him cooped up in that territory for the rest of his miserable life. and though elwood and finely had even very clear about them not being allowed out of the territory, tegan had made a run for it... uh, almost immediately. 

he'd be back for dinner, they wouldn't worry. 

he had run for a while, worried that towhee or x might show up and scoop him up to bring him back into the territory. they pretty much had eyes everywhere. but after a while, he'd decided he was most definitely safe from their gaze. and, since it was so clear outside (surely nothing would wash away his scent trail), tegan decided he could continue forward and a comfortable pace. and then, he came upon? could it be? the earth's buttcrack?? no way. oh shit, just wait until he told his siblings about this. he'd discovered the earths ASS!! and boy was it big. he stopped a little ways off, sniffing curiously. it certainly didn't smell like any ass he'd ever smelled before.
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Ooc — mixedhearts
Set before the Great Expedition, in Easy's timeline.
The dark girl sped back toward Morningside, knowing she'd been gone far too long, and Daddy would start to worry if she didn't get back to the plateau before he laid down to sleep. In fact, it would probably cause pack-wide panic, and Easy did not want to be the source of a false alarm after all her family had been through.

Of course, it was not long before she ran into trouble - trouble in the shape of a giant gorge she was sure hadn't been here on the way down!

"When did they put this in?" she called out, moving toward the silvery shape of another kid about her age. She'd had only good experiences with children, and assumed that a child could not be dangerous at all, because children were fun, like her.
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tegan whipped around at the sound of paws thudding hard against the ground and watched as she skidded to a halt not to far off. she was little, like him, maybe even littler, and she looked like no one he'd ever seen before. to tegan, she looked like autumn leaves-- but in the winter, dark and damp and crushed underfoot. or like the stones at the bottom of the steam that ran through the caldera-- or maybe a little like both. he stared for a minute-- not awestruck, by any means, just curious-- and was most certainly watching her when she spoke directly to him.

"what do you mean?" he asked, with a wave of his tail, "it's the earths butt, you're born with a butt, it's been here since the earth was born." then, suddenly, tegan wondered when the earth was born. maybe towhee would know? he would ask later.
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Easy bristled at once, not liking that the other wolf would challenge her on the topic. Embarrassment was not something she bore well, and it was certainly embarrassing to be told off by a boy"Well it wasn't here when I passed by this morning," she said hotly, hoping he'd take her at her word this time. "I came by this way before and it was all flat."

She looked across the chasm, wondering how she was supposed to get home, now. A pressing matter for sure, but not as interesting as making sure the boy didn't think he was smarter than her or something dumb like that.
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oooo defensive! tegan liked that. his brow quirked, and he gave a small wave of his tail. "are you sure you're not lost? where are you from?" he asked curiously... but what help would he be? tegan didn't know any part of the land at all, except for this earth-butt, and he wouldn't be able to get her home even if he dedicated his life to it.

well, maybe he could if he did that last bit-- but it was tegan, so of course he wouldn't be doing that.

"i can help you get around it if you want," he then offered, for some weird reason. tegan didn't care to help her at all, but he wanted to investigate this butt further, and this gave him the opportunity to get up close and personal. besides, that made him look like an expert of the topic, which, he was totally a butt expert so he figured he could play the part.
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Easy was fairly certain she wasn't lost. She'd gone down from the plateau, so didn't that mean she just had to go back up to get back home? "I'm from Morningside," she replied, not pausing to think that he might not know what that was. "Where are you from?" It did not occur to her that she might not know his pack, either, though she knew of no packs other than Easthollow and her own. (Somehow, she did not expect him to say Easthollow or a pack she didn't know, and she certainly didn't think he'd claim Morningside. Kids, amirite?)

"I don't need any help," she said firmly. "I'm just going to go aroung the butt. I mean - it's a ravine, okay? A ravine is a river that's waaaaay down below you, and that has cliffs on the other side, too." Daddy had told a lot of stories about travel, and those stories often included the death-defying act of leaping across ravines. She was old enough to think that going around it was the better option.
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morningside. tegan had neeeeevver heard of that before-- but that wasn't surprising. "red hawk caldera-- it's real cool there. where's morningside?" he asked her, actually genuinely curious. he bet it was somewhere pretty-- honestly, the name was sort of soothing. he didn't mention that though.

ravine? what did this girl know about ravines? it sounded like a fancy word for buttcrack to him. "fine, fine," tegan said, reassuring her that he wouldn't try to help her get around. it seemed like a lotta walking though. "you know a lot about this buttcrack," he then said with curiosity, coming off a little mean maybe(just cause that's how he was, but he was genuinely interested in it), "who taught you about it?"
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Ooc — mixedhearts
Easy blinked at the boy, trying to imagine what Redhawk Caldera would be like, aside from cold. It seemed to Easy that every place was cold these days, so that distinction didn't tell her very much. "It's at the base of those mountains, up on a plateau," she explained, pointing her nose in that direction.  "Where's Redhawk Caldera?" She wondered, suddenly, if they were part of the war that Morningside was fleeing from.

"My dad and my sister," she replied proudly. "They've both been on a lot of adventures, so they know all about things like this." And so do I, she wanted to add, but ultimately did not. "I'm Easy," she said instead. Paused. "I mean, that's my name. Easy Ishara Morningside."
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tegan hummed a bit, tail swinging as he turned to look back towards where the caldera was. "thataway," he announced, "guess it's kinda like a plateau thing... with a lake ish. hard to explain-- you'd have to see it." tegan realized that sounded like an invitation, but he honestly didn't think this girl would want to come see it, maybe her dad and sister told her what a caldera was-- she wouldn't have to see it then. 

to easy's-- that was her name-- tegan made a mischievous smirk. "oh, word?" he said in response, but he probably wouldn't ever make a move... or any further comments, since he was not well trained in the art of seduction. "sorry-- that's a cool name, i dig it. my name is long and stupid-- you can call me tegan," he introduced, falling into something less teasing and more friendly.

curiously, his ears angled forward. "you know anything else about ravines? i still think it could be a buttcrack but i trust you, you seem to knows what's up."
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Ooc — mixedhearts
Easy's ears perked in interest at the mention of a lake. It sounded cool to claim a territory that had a whole lake inside it. The swimming would probably be better someplace like that. "Our plateau has a pond on it," Easy offered. "It's got pointy fish and snappy bugs in it. We eat them, sometimes."

He sad something funny, then. Word? Easy didn't know quite what to make of that, but it didn't sound like the sort of thing she had to respond to. Word. Maybe she would try using that sometime.

"I do know what I'm talking about," said Easy with a wag of her tail, her tone warming somewhat. She liked to be right, and the boy was kind of cute when he was agreeing with her. "What's Tegan short for?" she asked.
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tegan didn't know what she meant by 'pointy fish'. what the fuck what a pointy fish? tegan knew what pointy was, and he knew what a fish was, but what kind of a fish was... pointy? tegan meant to ask, but easy moved right along to the ravine and he decided he'd forget about it. maybe he'd make something up to to tell towhee about. towhee could fish, probably. whatever. 

"taoiseach," tegan then said without skipping a beat, the name was stupid and long and tegan quite hated it, but it was still there and probably good to know. maybe he could use it as like... a secret undercover name, cause no one knew him by taoiseach... oh, damn, except easy. now easy knew him as taoiseach. shit. "is your name short for something? or is it just that easy, easy?" he asked with a bright, smirky smile. god he was so funny, he really should get paid for this, it just doesn't get any better than this shit. 

"what else do you know about ravines though, seriously? i gotta know."
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"Teesha?" Easy repeated, head tilting to the side. It didn't seem that long to her - not longer than hers, and not longer than 'Tegan' either. Perhaps he just didn't like it. Teesha sounded kind of girly, anyway. "No, Easy doesn't stand for anything. My daddy says he just wanted something that was Easy, so that's what he called me." It wasn't a very cool story, in her opinion. It just made her think about how unhappy he must have been with her mother.

"There's not much else to say about ravines. You can die if you fall into them. Only really strong wolves can jump across to rescue their friends." That was what the stories said, at least. "I've never heard of a caldera, though. I guess that's just another word for a plateau? Or is it a plateau that has a lake on it?" She'd have to ask Daddy about that. If she ever got home.
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"yeah, basically," he replied with a shrug. it was probably accurate, tegan zoned out for a quarter of a second talking about his name-- it was boring and stupid-- and had forgotten he was having an actual conversation. he didn't mind hearing about her though... but, damn, her story was sort of boring too. whoops, oh well. "cool story, bro," he responded easily, and then moved on.

"wild," tegan then said thoughtfully, referring to the ravine, his tail waving, "betcha i could jump across it some day."  which might've been true, maybe? but tegan looked about as average as they came-- thanks mom and dad-- so maybe 'really strong wolf' wasn't exactly on his list of describing adjectives. "uuuuhhhh, somethin' like that, i dunno what a plateau is, honestly, but it's like this raised bit of land and then-- yeah, lake. i guess it's more in it than on it? like a bowl-- yeah, a bowl."
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Ooc — mixedhearts
Easy didn't mind being called 'bro' too much. She thought it was just another odd word to use at odd times - like 'word' - and made sure to repeat it to herself a few times in her head so that she could copy his exact tone and flippant additude. Something about it appealed to her very much. Would Daddy like it, she wondered?

As for the rest - well, they were speaking two different languages, as far as she was concerned. What was a bowl, anyway? "Word," she said forcefully, hoping this was enough to make him think she was cool, and also that she knew exactly what he was talking about. "I think I could, too. One day." She peered at the boy, considering. Was it her imagination, or was she a bit bigger than him? "I bet I can jump further than you can," Easy challenged.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
hey, motherfucker!
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oh boy that was forced, and tegan could tell-- easily. a smirk creeped up on his pale features and his tail began to wave but... he tried not to seem so overconfident in himself. but like, come on, she was literally copying him, trying to sound like him, how could his ego not inflate like, at least a little bit? "no, no," tegan said, shaking his head, "you sound like you're in pain. there are like 3 ways you can say stuff like that and in pain doesn't usually cut it." tegan wasn't so great at intellectual explaining(cut back to his explanation of a caldera), but he was a master of words. he thought he could handle this well enough. "i know all about that stuff. it's a good skill to have, for real, gotta let people know you're in control of your conversation, super important," he said with a puff of his chest. it was true though! someone could be completely dominating you in some sort of smart talk or whatever but so long as you just sort of shrug them off-- you're winning. tegan learned this early on.

"no way... let's make a bet!!" tegan said with a quirk of his brow. he made the note that well, yes, she was bigger than him but... she was probably older, he'd catch up.
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Easy was intrigued by this - she'd thought she'd said it like him, but then again... her voice was changing a little bit, lately. Maybe it'd cracked. Or maybe she just wasn't as good at this talking thing as he was. "Word," she said again. "Word. Word. Bro. Word, bro." She stopped short, realizing she looked pretty ridiculous. Her cheeks heated under her fur, and she offered the most flippant phrase she knew. "Whatever." That, at least, she knew she could pull off.

Easy trotted away from the butt - the ravine - and stood several feet away, not interested in accidentally falling to her death. A stick was procured and laid on the ground just in front of her - a starting point, soon enough. "And what are the terms of this bet?" she asked loftily, quirking a brow at Tegan.
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tegan snorted. okay! he actually liked easy, she was kind of fun. even though she really sucked at being like him, it was cute that she tried. after a few attempts she ultimately gave up, and tegan grinned. "at least you've got that down," he teased with a wave of his tail-- the whatever, that was, 'word' and 'bro' just didn't suit her. not now, at least, maybe with time.

he thought about it for a minute. "okay! how about this, so, if you win, i'll teach you how to talk right. a real step up in life, i swear, a good prize. and if i win..." he thought about it, trying to decide what he really wanted right now at this very moment, "you have to tell me that i'm the greatest in the whole world! mmmm, a minimum of once a month! cause that's something that's gotta be repeated ya know? can't just say that in passing." those were good terms, tegan thought. ah, well... "i'll tell you're the greatest too, if you win," he added-- just for good measure.
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Ooc — mixedhearts
Higher number wins? 59
Easy thought hard about this deal. Somehow, she was not all that enthused about being given 'lessons' by the boy. But either way, it would give her an excuse to track him down and hang out again. Besides, she could never have too few wolves telling her she was The Best. And it wouldn't hurt her to say it to him, either.

"Deal," she agreed, turning to the stick and lining up. With a mighty grunt of effort, she launched herself across it, aiming high in hopes that extra air would get her further than a full-tilt.
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haha loser - tegan

she agreed to his bet-- obviously, it was a good bet? it was basically win-win for her, cause on one hand she got lessons from him on how to be just all around better, and on the other hand she had an excuse to see him every month and... let's face it, tegan was a treat. so, again, win-win. 

tegan wanted to cheat, since it'd be so easy just to step across that line and then jump while she was midair? like seriously? but he was also very positive that easy would make him re jump since she didn't see him jump-- he somehow decided she was smart enough. maybe not in reality but, tegan wasn't gonna risk it. so when easy had landed and planted her feet in place, tegan did the same thing-- one big grunt and heave and then propelled himself forwards right... in front of her! "hah!" tegan yipped, freezing where he stood to turn and look to his competition, "i won!"
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Urgh. Easy didn't know what had gone wrong. Perhaps full-tilt would've been better than height - she'd have to ask Dawn or Dad when she got home. In the meantime, she wasn't going to try jumping over any ravines, and more importantly, she had to figure out how best to convince Tegan she really was worth hanging out with.

"Oh," she said with a raise of her brow, as if she'd just noticed that he had in fact won. Hopefully, it looked like she didn't care. "Looks like you did. Good job, Tegan."

A moment later, her airy demeanor fell away to reveal a proud grin. "How was that?" she asked, prancing in a little circle around him. It really wasn't so bad that he'd won. She could live with that, and she'd practice extra hard, and then next time they saw each other she'd beat him twice as bad and rub his nose in her dust. Oh, and, "You're the greatest in the whole world, by the way."
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oooo she was tryin! tegan gave her a bright smirky smile to that-- it was filled with arrogance. "oh my god! thank you sooo much!" he shot back chirpily, and skip-walked around her once before stopping and standing with an excited wave of his tail. then he shrugged. "not bad, i'm just better, you'll never be above me in a conversation," he replied with a prick of his ears. 

but to her real compliment (as real as it could be, she was contractually obligated to tell him that now), he gave a gracious bow, tail still wagging. "not too bad a loss, i say," he shrugged, still smiling, "soooo what, where do we wanna meet next month?" tegan was ready to hash out those deets.
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Easy shot Tegan A Look, not impressed with his pompus behavior. It was good in small doses, but she wasn't sure how much more of him she could stand. Part of her - the part whose feelings were hurt by his dismissal - was tempted to say that she didn't feel any particular need to see him again. But another part of her - the larger, more lonely part - only cared that he was her age and not someone she saw every day.

"Right here is good for me," she said with a shrug. "We can meet the day after the dark of the moon. How's that?"
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"sounds ppppeeeerfect easy-peasy, i'll be here. noon! maybe noon-thirty, ya know, fashionably late," he replied with a bright smile, and then tilted his head, "i'll see you soon then!" he didn't wanna get stood up, but he didn't expect her to turn him down. after all, she'd lost the bet!!! can't back out of a loss.

and so tegan turned tail and began back off towards home. this was actually pretty far... yikes, that was gonna be a journey. but whatever-- tegan would make it if it meant he'd get to see his new friend again.
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Easy stood and watched him, a somewhat incredulous look on her face as he spoke. Did he really talk like that on purpose? She wondered if the rest of his family spoke in the same manner, and then had to hold back a smile at the picture that created in her head. It didn't matter much; Tegan was soon loping off in the direction of his own home, leaving Easy to face the problem she'd been worried about when she'd first seen the ravine.

This was going to take some doing.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier