Phoenix Maplewood down for me
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495 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
All Welcome 
maybe @Aditya ?

Desdemona felt restless, walking around the outskirts of the Maplewoods, diligently guarding the territory lines. She was not used to such an easy and peaceful pace that it felt almost unsettling. She thought it would be nice to relax for once, but she couldn't help but feel her neck bristle in caution. Was it okay to do this?

First and foremost, before thinking about her own comfort, shouldn't she do something for the Pack? Desdemona was a newcomer, and did not like the idea of sitting within their borders being a moocher. She didn't like being useless. However she did not know where to start, as so far the best she done without a task presented, was circling Pheonix Maplewoods as a guard. Maybe she should ask someone...

The dark wolf kept doing her duty of guarding the woods on the outskirts, a noticable frown was on her face as she thought on what to do.
1,327 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
while not having much time to watch her every move, adi had kept some tabs on desdemona while the girl settled in. she seemed to have made some friends in sunny and alya, which was good, and she was keeping herself busy. he hoped not too busy, though. he didn't want the newcomer burning herself out less than a moon in the pack.

"hey, there," he called out casually, catching up to her while on his own trip around the borders. he fell in step at her side, flashing her a grin. "how are you, desdemona? is everything all right for you here, so far?" after the extreme deference she had shown during their first meeting, he didn't expect much of a candid answer. . .but perhaps she had warmed up a little, since then.
grind me down
495 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
She turned her head toward the familiar voice, and immedietly fell behind, feeling the unconscious unworthiness to follow beside him. She was also about to step down into a bow, however she remembered how he said she didn't have to bow.. There was also @Alya's voice that was brought forward, 'you can bow if you want, but you should speak to others face to face.' Her previous conversation with the Princess brought a sort of enlightment on conversations and social interactions,  'normal wolves don't greet each other by bowing.' Desdemona frowned as this struggle appeared, and inwardly felt a worridful battle on whether she should. She wanted to try and fit in her new life... But, "My liege."

"If I may speak bluntly... I'm terribly sorry to do so," she stared at him with the upmost seriousness, "your customs are different then from what I have known... I do not know what courtesies are here. " It seemed that her usual tone and way of showing mannerism were frowned up, and she wasn't sure how to take it. Did they have a different way to respect their leaders? "A bow is the sign of respect and obedience."

She cut straight to the point while got the chance.
1,327 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
his grin grew wobbly, a bit, as she addressed him with the my liege she'd used before. he heard her out, though, head slightly tilted at her reasoning. she came from a place far different than anything he had ever known; while small courtesy bows at a foreign border were one thing, this was altogether another. he nodded, letting her know that while he vehemently disagreed, her input was, at least, valued.

"you don't have to do any of that here," aditya countered softly. "at morningside, we respect each other by being kind. by doing our part in the hunts, the patrols, watching the children. . . otherwise, we're family, and treat each other as such. no bows necessary."

his eyes creased as his smile grew broader again. "and no more 'my liege.' it's aditya. or even adi, if you prefer," he added. "shorter, easier to remember." he hated the title, really. it made him feel like some sort of despot.
grind me down
495 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
'You don't have to do that?' Her frown remained as she thought, and only grew upon her face. It felt like a nice concept, but she couldn't help but feel tongue tied on the equality that Morningside presented. It felt disrespectful, if she were to even say that someone was equal to her dirty self. But a warmth tapped at her chest ever so slightly on the thought of it existing. It felt like... Desdemona would need to protect that peaceful idea. She couldn't personally accept it though, "yes sir."

Though, she would obey. Orders were everything to Desdemona. Oddly enough she held on her stubborn ways of courtesy and went into 'sir' instead of my liege. They very thought of referring to the Alpha by his name felt nauseating, but she thought it was a pleasant name, "Morningside is truly like a good morning." The whole pack was too pleasant, the sweetness that seemed so natural to others left an odd taste in her mouth. Her face eased into her usual serious manner as she spoke of the group.
1,327 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
well, 'sir' was certainly an improvement over 'my liege,' though 'aditya' would have been fine and 'adi' even better. still, aditya would take this small victory. he smiled at her sentiment, gazing over the sun-dappled forest floor. it was a pack full of warmth, and always had been. despite their moments of sorrow, they would persevere. it was in their nature.

"it is," adi agreed, slowing down so that they were on even terms once more. he glanced over at her. "this isn't my birth pack, nor my family's. i never had a home, before morningside. they took me in with nothing but love and respect; how could i ever leave?"

he had been destined to be here. fate had washed him upon these shores, taken him to the borders of the plateau. he readily accepted the notion, welcomed it, even. whatever was had always meant to happen; whatever was to come was etched in stone.

"tell me about yourself," he said softly. "where do you come from? what was your life like, before this?" he had some ideas, based on her body language, but it was her story to tell.
grind me down
495 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
She nodded along in acknowledgment, and patiently listened to his story. She does remember the beginning, Sunny mentioned the history of Morningside and said his father created it. She was curious on how someone not of blood managed to gain the reigns, as he does not seem like the fellow to use force to get the position. Though besides a thought she did not voice out, Desdemona started to feel an understanding toward his words, as she started to feel similar to the Pack. She was too grateful for them bringing her in... The best she could do was help maintain the peace,

Then it took a twist to her own fate... Desdemona didn't mind sharing the past, but found it troubling how to explain in a short, and simple way, "I come from old traditions," they were the opposite of Morningside, "they were... Prideful wolves. Took pleasure in obeying the Alpha above all else, even if it meant abandoning your family. It's a courtesy." She bit her lip, not wanting to admit there was a time she felt similar, and regrets it everyday. She felt a regret to her brothers and sister, "blood was everything, yet nothing." She paused, trying to sort out her words. The wolf hasn't talked too much, but today seemed to be an exception, "I was the Beta's bastard litter alongst my siblings. A stain, on his perfect life, but he held himself too high to abandon his own 'kin.' It was a stain on the pack itself." Desdemona still questioned why they didn't simply kill her off as a pup, and even today, she does not know, "does this Pack look down upon vile blood?"

She raised her jaden gaze and looked directly at Aditya, asking a serious question. It was a rather large baggage that clung to her self-worth since long ago, "do you accept a bastard, such as I?"
1,327 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
he fell silent as she began to speak, happy that she was offering her story. the delight turned to sorrow, soon enough. his mouth curved downwards in a troubled frown, eyes soft as he looked at her, as she asked him her questions. without hesitation, he shook his head, and then nodded--'no' to her first query, and 'yes' to the second.

"desdemona, i wouldn't even know how to define 'vile blood,'" adi murmured, coming to a halt and giving her a kind--if intense--stare. "my opinion is there's no such thing. wolves should not be judged by flesh and bone. it is their heart and character that matter most, at least to me. and i hope to the rest of the wolves in this pack, as well."

he sighed, looking absently out past the trees, to the open land beyond. "i never knew my father," he continued. "he left my mother while she was pregnant. i suppose by that definition, i, too, am a bastard. but does it matter?" aditya returned his gaze to desdemona, shaking his head. "not here, it doesn't. you and i. . .our worth is determined by what we do, what we give. not who sired us."

the sentinel smiled. "i suppose, in that regard, family is everything and nothing here, too," adi reasoned. "we look out for each other, as if we all share the same blood--but where that blood came from in the first place. . .matters not." he touched his muzzle to her dark shoulder quite gently, holding it there for a moment before pulling away. "you're one of us, now. and i'm happy to have you here."
grind me down
495 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
Desdemona quietly listened, meeting his stare with her own jades. Her thoughts on the wolf before her, Aditya, and even the pack known as Morningside, continued to exceed her expectations. She already held a positive outlook, but the words spoken from him brought wramth.

Desdemona focused on his story with her usual serious demeanor. Her stare softened, finding.. An odd comfort, he was similar to her, "you are one of a kind," the dark wolf bluntly announced, "you, and Morningside." He did not let his past haunt him like she has, and rose high to find a home. She held respect for him.

A pleasant feeling wrapped around her body, as she stood still while Aditya rested his head on her shoulder. Desdemona felt her heart sweeten by the motion, as she does not remember a time when a wolf did anything of the sorts to her. Even her siblings, she does not remember if they have done a similar act. It was small act of touch, but she treasured it. The corner of her lips raised very faintly... "thank you." she could only offer a small amount of words, but it held her feelings. Even she did not know what she is doing could be what some call, a smile. Though very light, some may not even notice through her darken features.
1,327 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
"well, as are you," he teased, eyes creasing as he grinned. "but i appreciate the compliment," he responded sincerely, bowing his head. "morningside is special, isn't it?" there wasn't a more special place in the world, in his opinion. just a few wolves here would make it whole.

he thought of all those he had lost, not in body but in presence: kieran and sorrel, raid, lavender and dauntless. . .easy. the ones who had left stung most of all, knowing they were out there somewhere, just not here. he didn't hold it against them one bit, but damned if he didn't miss them almost every day.

"you're welcome, kumari," adi said with some reverence, smiling. "and welcome home."