King Elk Forest Ungrateful
170 Posts
Ooc — JB
All Welcome 
Feel free to presume that @Stormy Boy is with her; I have permission to PP him a little.

They left the plateau with some haste; she knew she could not keep Phox and his family safe any longer, not when the Company had sent someone in pursuit of her — they would send wolf after wolf, and eventually something bad would happen, something she would never forgive of herself.

So, in an effort to keep her sweet-natured husband safe, she'd gone with the swarthy man with the booming voice. Camilla had no idea where they were headed, or where they were when her pleas for a rest finally earned a brief reprieve from their retreat. Camilla knew not to push her luck with this man — he was healthy, strong, and sure of himself in a way that might've appealed to some women but truthfully, frightened her. She went back to what she knew: treading carefully, doing anything he asked, assuming her role as the dutiful woman.

They eventually stopped in the middle of a dense forest. There wasn't going to be enough time for Camilla to plot an escape, or to leave any clues. But she planted herself in among the ferns and tried to catch her breath at the very least. Wherever they were going, it was like she was going backwards in time, to a moment of absolute horror.
lord of the hunt
1,603 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
After he'd spoken with Niamh and Towhee about whatever it was, he remembered that he meant to track down Camilla and comfort her. Make sure she was okay and not too scared off by Towhee's aggressive behavior. Well, not really aggressive, just explosionary. What he found was far more frightening. Her scent leading to the borders, then mixed with one he did not know. Male, by the looks of it. With a short howl to @Towhee (or rather, X) to let her know he'd be back soon, he charged after the trail, nose close to the ground.

It took a couple of hours, but he wasn't a hunter by trade for nothing. Her scent grew stronger, and he practically stumbled over her when he crashed into the ferns where she was hiding. Camilla! he half-whispered, half-shouted, You're okay! I thought for sure— but he realized they probably weren't in the clear just yet. Is he close? he asked, just barely audible close to her ear.
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170 Posts
Ooc — JB
The howl had risen behind her, and she didn't hear it. Her mind was fixated upon her new husband, or guardian, or whatever he was — this burly man full of attitude and swagger, reminding her so much of the men of the Company. Whether or not Storm was a part of that, he had created a link with Camilla and now had an unwilling (but dutiful and obedient) woman at his disposal. Their travel was punctuated by a one-sided conversation which droned on and on, until the forest. Until she could slip away and hide, but Camilla knew it wouldn't be for long.

And it was here she was set upon by a dark figure. Their strides were well placed - she almost didn't hear him coming - but as the body careened in to a patch of ferns nearby, Camilla's head ducked and she pulled herself away even as Phox's face came in to view - and his voice. The panic of his arrival was replaced by a furious concern.

Phox! She said sharply, filled with surprise and then - wait for it - terror. Sshhh, shhh, he find you, but even as she warned him she was pressing against his dark figure with her silver-streaked one, comforted by the boy's presence and eager to bestow flicks of her tongue to his cheek and throat; submissive to him but glad, too, for the potential to say a proper farewell.

It did not occur to her that Phox was there to save her life.

I had to, I sorry — he, he came, I had to — she pleaded with him, voice stricken with worry and sorrow, and then she fell silent but trembled against him.
lord of the hunt
1,603 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
He wasn't surprised by her answer. Phox had spent enough time with Camilla to know that she was like a flighty bird, ready to let her confidence flutter away in an instant. She shushed him, insisting that "he" would find them, and Phox frowned. Who? He must have been nearby if she was worried that he would hear, and whoever this nameless creature was, Phox was ready to fight him. The gashes across his face had yet to heal (thanks, lynx), but he wouldn't let that reel him in. Of course, if they could sneak away unseen, that would be ideal. He could take Camilla back to the plateau where he could protect her more easily.

She insisted that she had to, and he shook his head dismissively. You don't have to do anything, Camilla. You don't even have to come back with me, but I promised to keep you safe, and the plateau is the safest place I can think of. His voice was barely a whisper, as he didn't want to draw any extra attention to them. She didn't have to come back, but he wanted her to. He wanted her... well, in more ways than one, but that was a confusing mess he really did not want to get into right now. Especially now, actually. Maybe once things had settled down he could sort out how he felt about her, about Towhee, about Niamh, but so far it was all a big confusing mess.
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170 Posts
Ooc — JB
As he spoke, her frightened face paled. What she wouldn't give to be back on the plateau! To be safe, to have Phox -- for him to be safe too, but -- I can't Phox, I can't, he's... something crashed in the woods, a branch losing structural integrity or perhaps just the load of snow it held on high, maybe something bigger and more volatile, and she hesitated to continue. Camilla's voice died with a small eep, and she ducked among the ferns. After a long pause filled with pivoting ears and panic, she looked to Phox again and explained, He'll hurt you. He'll kill me an' hurt you, I can't.
lord of the hunt
1,603 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
The crash made him tense up, holding his breath and waiting any moment for her kidnapper to pull them both out of the bushes and into the open, fighting for their lives.

Towhee would have (ironically) killed him for this, but... He'll have to kill me first to get to you, he replied in a low, gravely voice. Deep down, Phox knew that battling a wolf was much, much different from battling a lynx, but that short struggle certainly had boosted his confidence. He had saved Cinder from that cat, and he would save Camilla from whoever was lurking nearby. In fact, he might not even have to fight anybody... if he was smart about it.

If we're quiet, I think we can get back undetected. We can figure something out once we're there. He couldn't possibly leave her here, Phox knew that much.
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"Ever choked on your own love, before? I have; It don't taste as pretty as it feels."
28 Posts
Ooc — Xandir or just X
Well thanks for the invite, mate,” that chuckle of accent spoke through the parted clearing of trees and rock slab flooring. The shark sauntered forward, an arrogant sway of broad mass and scarred hide enough to rival an aged bear. A jagged heft of dark blue-tinted ebony fur caped the rouge, draping the top of the murdering thief in proper predatory fashion, while his sides faded to lighter shades before abruptly cascading to alabaster on his underside. 

Swaggering into this little private party wasn’t party of the plan, but the Aussie was always up for ruining good times of others to elate himself. It would probably get him killed one day, but here and now, he could blame it on her. He had gone to scope out their trail of heading back and she apparently could help herself to sayin’ her goodbyes to her little sop of a boyfriend. 

You must be her ‘husband’ she mentioned before,” he eyed the dark youth with a hungry jade up-down. “The couple she had before you weren’t too hard to put down - maybe you’ll be different.” 

Hefty muscles eased their aggression beneath the shark’s coat, waves of power under the dark sea. As Storm stood ready for this kid to prove his worth, they too, waited, ready to pull back their tide, and drown yet another soul beneath their might. 

Or,” the Company initiate advised. “you can live to get another sheila that’s actually your own, Phox.

A challenge on one side, and an opportunity on the other. Which was which? 
And which would this playboy take?
"Hey honey...
I'm back.
Did ya miss me?

Because I sure as hell missed you."
170 Posts
Ooc — JB
Her chest hurt, thinking about him facing off against the hurricane-force that was her captor; but she felt her love of him swell as he made his promises, her knight in swarthy armor. Her fear ebbed only slightly with this — and while she was terrified for him, Camilla felt her guard slacken in his company. She let herself hope, and scuttled closer so that she could press against him - feeling his warmth among the cold ferns, shuddering with fear she could not help, and sighed, I wish — but before she could finish, there came the deep notes of her captor's voice, and she froze like an anxious deer.

She was stricken for all of five seconds, before kicking off the dirt and lunging straight for the thickset man; in an act that could be compared to a mother defending their child, Camilla would put herself directly in to harm's way if it meant Phox could escape. She saw only one way out of this — for Phox to be safe, words would be of no use, he would have to run. Sacrificing herself was the least of her own worries. Men could do all manner of horrible things to her (they had, and if she survived he would), but she wouldn't let harm come to this boy.

Her teeth bared, her wild-kept fur haphazardly spiked, she went straight for his big stupid face with its toothy grin and loosed a caterwaul of snarls in an effort to distract — but one look from the oncoming storm and she'd be felled, seeing as she was the furthest thing from a warrior. Maybe it would give Phox enough time. Better yet, maybe he'd follow through and kill her — and then she'd have saved herself too.
lord of the hunt
1,603 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Phox listened to exactly one sentence from the thicker wolf. After that, he was a ball of fire (a Firebird, if you will) as he launched himself into the stranger at the same time as Camilla did. Even the strongest most capable warrior wouldn't stand a chance in a two-against-one battle. If her captor had thought that Phox would run (for a second time), he was sorely mistaken. The Redhawk had made that mistake once, and he would not make it again. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he had.

As Camilla went for the other male's face, Phox went straight for his rear end, hoping to latch on there and tear his ugly ass right out of him. His grip, should it land, would hopefully rip a good piece of flesh off the captor's hip and into Phox's mouth. He would most certainly savor the taste.
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"Ever choked on your own love, before? I have; It don't taste as pretty as it feels."
28 Posts
Ooc — Xandir or just X
She chose for him, running herself right into the fruit of his face. Now he had handled ambushes before - but this was one he wasn’t ready for. From the position he had stood, he was ready for Phox to attack, not the girl. So once she latched to his face, he only had enough time to pull back before she wrapped her own snout against his. But she was a quick little heiffa, and her snap landed directly on his lips in a ferocious kiss. The delicate skin tore, and bloody hell, did it fuckin’ smart! 

On his flank, the opposite had come to be, his rear having been savaged a many by both whips and fangs alike, it was a toughened hack of flesh. Unless you really dug in, all that was garnered was scar tissue, hardened by the repeated offense of time. But another patch was made, a balding patch that was under Phox’s attack, and the wally only made it gleam more of the horrid flesh. Storm wasn’t happy about having a bald ass, but it beat having a torn ass. 

His own pain from the siege was much more annoying than it was terrible, and as close as she was to his mouth, he was to hers. “Crazy bitch-“ wasn’t out of his mouth quick enough for him to rip his mouth from her own, tattered skin trailing dark red all over the both of them, the garnets dropped over an open set of jaws as he thrust his weight forward and intended to do as he promised earlier -

and crush her skull.
"Hey honey...
I'm back.
Did ya miss me?

Because I sure as hell missed you."
170 Posts
Ooc — JB
She tasted his blood and wanted to vomit instantly, the mere thought of any part of him inside of her making the situation twist from something defensive to something unstable with her loathing; her teeth caught against his face and she locked her jaw until he spoke and ripped himself free. As soon as Camilla's teeth her grasping air she felt that fluttering sensation in her gut — blood dribbled from between her teeth as she bore them in a grimace — however, she could not continue her assault.

His retaliation was swift and overwhelming. As he connected, she fell back with an animal shriek and snapped her teeth wildly, attempting to fight back even though she knew he was stronger and intent on hurting her.
lord of the hunt
1,603 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Short post to keep things moving along and to the point!

Phox came back with only fur between his teeth, but that wasn't about to stop him. He smelled blood, likely from Camilla's attack. She was keeping his face occupied well and good, and this time, Phox reached for the male's left hind leg, intent on clamping down on the tendon and ripping it straight out.
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"Ever choked on your own love, before? I have; It don't taste as pretty as it feels."
28 Posts
Ooc — Xandir or just X
Contrary to his plans, she fell out of his immediate reach and his wide grapple to latch and smash grasped nothing but the copper air of her screams and scrambled breath. The change in his plans was wrenched from her to Phox as his body categorized the threats by priority instinctively. With Phox’s gnatty ass bringing bear down to his more vulnerable spots, the Aussie twisted his body around in a swivel to focus his might on the fellow. The second the dark bastard locked into a tender leg, a trap of his own fierce carnage reared to maul the pretty boy’s face. And oh boy were those eyes looking mighty nice- 

how would they look as he snatched them out? 

Now the problem with being a hulky fucker was the hulky part, not necessarily the fucker part. He couldn’t reach the front of the bugger’s dear face, but the side of it. It was a dodgy move these two bringing him to this, he had to leave his mark atleast until somebody called quits.

But shit, he was near pack lands- 
it might have to be him, he irritatedly figured. He hadn’t ever turned down a fight,let along run from an ambush, but these two actually worked together as opposed to fighting by orders. The Rogue was following orders, and could abandon them to save his life. But he would’ve stuck in a catch 22 with either the Company, or this broad and her damned boyfriend. Way too much hassle, wasn’t it?
"Hey honey...
I'm back.
Did ya miss me?

Because I sure as hell missed you."
170 Posts
Ooc — JB
Gonna roll a dice. 5+ result means she does more damage, less than that and she gets hurt instead. Will edit post after result.

Roll: 2

Camilla was knocked away, but because of the interception of Phox the assault to her own body temporarily stalled. She felt a bit of her fire die out as she hit the dirt; however, watching (even dimly) as the giant shifted his attack towards the nimble boy caused a spasm of fear-turned-rage to vivify the battered woman again. She rose up and lunged with all the ferocity she could muster --- years of abuse and trauma distilled and focused. She threw herself at the dark shape of the man but, having not been trained in combat, she landed only a few blows and could hardly penetrate his dense coat. As the man bore down upon Phox, his turning body swiped against Camilla and sent her reeling in to the ferns.
lord of the hunt
1,603 Posts
Ooc — aerinne

Contact and grip. Those two things were in Phox's favor, but obviously not for long. Unlike the other male, Phox wasn't ready for what was coming next. He had fought animals other than wolves, but this was his first real fight against one of his own kind. It was sheer luck that he hadn't immediately been ripped apart... and he had Camilla to thank for that, too. But she could only keep him busy for so long, and Phox was too slow to react when the other wolf's teeth connected with his own face.

Grip gone. Contact going the other way 'round now. The left side of Phox's face was pulsing with searing pain now, and he fought the urge to howl in pain. Thankfully, his attacker had missed his actual eyeball. Unfortunately, blood in the face ran quicker than most, and he couldn't see out of his left eye now. With his attacker's face so close to his own, Phox aimed for his nose, one of the most delicate parts of the face.
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"Ever choked on your own love, before? I have; It don't taste as pretty as it feels."
28 Posts
Ooc — Xandir or just X
rolled a 3 for damage received . Are we doing health bars too or no?

Seemed he was destined to just have an ugly mug forever. His front lip on the side was already ripped off, giving him a forever snarling grin. Now, he felt jaws lock onto his snout as he had closed his own as he munched air. However with nothing bogging down his own chomping agenda, he was free to wrench the snout clear without much more than a few slits from Phox’s incissors. 

Undeniably, he was feeling hopelessness try to worm into his mind, but the adamant anger kept it out of the frying pot for now. Instead on his plate, was Phox, whom his goal was to finish in a blur of blood and bone. Rearing his awful tanky body forward, the shark made a sideways pass to wrap stained jaws across the left of his target’s neck, either to barrel him into crumpled meat or snatch meat and tendon from a tender nape. 

Should the dame come free of her troubles, Storm would continue his plight to attempt killing her, taking precious and risky seconds to try snatching what he could from her as well.
"Hey honey...
I'm back.
Did ya miss me?

Because I sure as hell missed you."
170 Posts
Ooc — JB
If you want, but it might be faster just to do damage rolls and like... Get this thread complete since it leaves us all in limbo.

She sagged against the ferns for a moment, and felt the ground rumble as the beastly man came after her — only to be redirected as Phox continued to snap his teeth at him, defending the poor woman from further harm but earning himself a score of fresh wounds. For a long moment Camilla was trapped by indecision; she saw the blur of dark bodies fighting, smelled the blood, felt the ache of her own body where it had landed hard, and could only watch as the violence unfolded. Her eyes got wider and wider the longer she sat there (it felt like hours, it wasn't even a breath) — and she knew she had to keep trying, keep fighting, to save Phox from the man's wrath. She couldn't save herself but Phox --- he was innocent, he was only trying to help her.

She screamed, STOP,  I'LL GO IF YOU STOP — and was on her feet again, charging at the man on black and trying her best to ram in to him with her slender form, pester and bother and distract so that Phox could at least withdraw for a moment and gather himself. She couldn't bear to think of his poor face cut to ribbons on her behalf. But as she came to fight him, to scream and shout and make promises, Storm's attention deviated and he snapped his teeth towards her. She felt the singe of hot pain in her breast and with a gasp, staggered backwards among the ferns again.

The green of the ferns, the white of the snow around them - both were streaked with sharp red.
lord of the hunt
1,603 Posts
Ooc — aerinne

Phox felt the full impact of the other wolf, but he was able to use his shoulder to block the brunt of the force. He did not feel teeth upon him, which he took as a blessing, but he was upended for a split second, and it took him yet another to regain his footing. The Redhawk heard Camilla yelling, but only faintly. It was as if everything except the snarls and growls of the other wolf were drowned out, distant. Phox's face continued to bleed, an open wound, but he did not give up. His breathing was more rapid, and he was tiring, but he couldn't wouldn't let Camilla be captured again.

Wavering slightly, he launched himself at the male again, lips peeled back as he aimed for the face again. He knew he was putting his own face at risk, but at this point, he didn't care.
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-speaking+ptero- -ptero- speaking
"Ever choked on your own love, before? I have; It don't taste as pretty as it feels."
28 Posts
Ooc — Xandir or just X
Should he have been a normal wolf, surely he would’ve been crushed by a pair of wolves ambushing him at once. But no, he was Stormy Boy, and ole Stormy didn’t give up for shit. Now that didn’t go without saying he didn’t get wounded - he got tore the hell up. Both Phox and Cami latching to him at once, he was tied at both ends. 

She came back a whoopin blur, cutting and whittling at his shoulders until he felt hurt enough to snap at her, nabbing that tender bossom of hers before she retreated yet again. She was a zippy one! 

Adding to that, turning back to Phox’s persistent ass, his opponents jaws dragged directly across Storms eye. The immediate pain he had gotten was excruciating,and in a blind rage, he bumrished the smaller male, intent on just thrashing his jaws around to cut and kill whatever. 

This bastard was on Death’s door, knocking and slamming the damn bell-

Stop! Stop! I’ll go if you stop!” Like an idiot, Storm just had enough out of her. Obviously this daft bloke had been special enough for her to nearly get killed for her. But the problem? SHE FUCKIN STARTED THIS. 

You a trouble makin bedswerva, dolly. And best believe this ain’t ova yet” Storm pulled himself off of the Phox. Pissed off. That was all this bitter man was now. Just pissed off. Pissed off that he had to waste his time with this shit, pissed off that he had to get hurt, pissed off he couldn’t see out of his other eye now, pissed off he hadn’t just raped her ass and called it quits. And most certainly pissed off Gwen had put him through this.
"Hey honey...
I'm back.
Did ya miss me?

Because I sure as hell missed you."
170 Posts
Ooc — JB
She didn't realize she was sobbing until she was on her feet again, gasping air between bloodied teeth and watching the two men fight like a blurry oil spill. If she didn't try to intervene then Phox would be pulverised -- she felt a breath hitch in her chest and yet, Camilla wouldn't back down. She expected to be brutalized by this man whether they succeeded or not, and so she put her fear aside and lunged for the fray. The silver pelted woman inserted herself between the two dark shapes as swiftly as she could, baring her teeth in warning to Storm but otherwise not attacking. Phox wasn't going to last much longer - she thought she heard him moving behind her, maybe collapsing in to the ferns or reacting to her arrival, she didn't know. With her focus on Storm, she hid her fangs and pleaded, Please, please -- lets go, please, I... I do anything you want."
lord of the hunt
1,603 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Last one from me! Feel free to close out whenever you'd like. ^__^

At some point during the flurry of attacks between the three of them, Phox's vision went black, and he slumped onto the ground in a heap of bruises and blood. Several hours would pass before he finally woke, and the others would be long gone by then. He had lost the battle, but the war was far from over.
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-speaking+ptero- -ptero- speaking
"Ever choked on your own love, before? I have; It don't taste as pretty as it feels."
28 Posts
Ooc — Xandir or just X
Fucking finally, he cursed both inwardly and vocally. But damn, did talking fucking hurt. Instead of needing to say anything else, he wouldn’t indulge this pain. The pain only made him madder. 

As he stepped off of the seemingly lifeless body of Phox, he whirled a titanic body to stand dominantly over Camilla. Because fuck this, he was tired of her shit. Snapping bleeding jaws at her, it was clear he wanted her to move. On. Like, away from this dodgy scheme she tried to pull. 

And that one one one word he was gracious enough to spare her-


and once she she began to move, so did he. And off they went.

that was last from me thanks you perf bebs <3
"Hey honey...
I'm back.
Did ya miss me?

Because I sure as hell missed you."