Blacktail Deer Plateau I can taste it, the end is upon us
420 Posts
Ooc — Jitterwater
All Welcome 
His encounter with @Clementine had shaken him more than the vibrations of the angry earth, and it wasn't until days had passed that Firefly took notice of where his path had led; he had fled from Kaistleoki in a fit of panic, spurred by self-preservation, yet was drawn towards the mountainside with its slopes creeping ever closer to the plateau, knowing full well that there was more danger here than open ground, because he wanted to see her again. The pale blush of her coat and the way her face had lit up like @Erzulie's... Her voice, and her revulsion, playing over and over in his head as he crept closer to where the scents had become strong.

Firefly wondered, what sort of person was she? What about the others — how many children had he given to @Rosalyn or her wife? How many grew to look like their mothers, and would any of them look like him? Have his dark coat, his pale eyes? He had thought to camp along the edge of the territory until someone took notice of him; he wanted to make the reunion perfect, despite the growing dread in his gut that both of the women — and likely an angry @Caiaphas, a betrayed @Illidan — might come for him instead.

But they were so close, he thought. Having missed the difficulties of their childhood and the ruinous chaos of their home being destroyed (of which he had not considered), Firefly had one mission in mind and that was to reunite with them, to tell them of his part in their creation — meeting them, coming home. He knew — rather, thought he knew, expected — he would not be accepted back with open arms; maybe open mouths, scissoring fangs, but he almost wanted that to happen too. Maybe his kids were big enough and strong enough to face him in a fight, and he'd be able to test their abilities himself.

He found the scent markers of their relocated claim and crossed them. Firefly's trail was obvious and he did not try to hide himself; but he didn't call out either. Not until the ground began another quake, one which came so suddenly, sharply, that he was jarred from his thoughts of a possible future among the rough-and-tumble creatures of Rusalka. The ground shifted beneath his very paws and as he lunged for a seemingly stable cluster of stonework, the soil pulled away from him, as if the very land was plotting his downfall. His steps flailed in the air for a few seconds.

The rocks slid down, rumbling, clattering together like a gambler's toss of dice; but this was not a lucky moment for Firefly, as he was swept up by it. By the time the rumbling of the mountainside stopped, the stones were settled in place at the end of a gulley off the ledge of the plateau; it formed a slide of uneven earth, and at the bottom was the dark body draped in gold, sullied by dust and blood.

His life, his love, his luck, had finally run out.

Bye-bye Mr. Fly guy, you were hella fun. I will miss you. (Reference tags: @Scarab @Marisol @Nieve @Niamh)
7 Posts
Ooc —
Just one post for Lupita here! Making some assumptions about Firefly's body, please PM if I'm wrong so I can change. Just one post from me.

It was not the crumbling of earth that drew her in, but the enticing aroma of fresh blood.

Nimble on her little paws, Lupita followed her keen nose along the base of the plateau. She salivated in anticipation of a fresh meal, a single string of drool clinging to a corner of her maw as he hurried - desperate to be first on the scene to have her best share of whatever great bounty awaited.

By the time she arrived, the rocks had settled but dust clouded the air. The agouti she-wolf huffed through her nostrils several times, when an inhale irritated her airway enough that she felt the need to sneeze. She squinted through the gritty haze in search of what was destined to be her prize. Guard hairs rose with this sudden vulnerability, gripped by an uncertainty of who else might be out there. Ears swivelled atop her narrow skull as her nose worked, hungrily seeking where the scent of death might be strongest.

What she unearthed was not the appetising flesh of a sheep or a doe. Instead, Lupita found one of her own kind. She jumped back in surprise, though her desire to feed had her stepping in close again. With a shoulder she uselessly tried to shove a boulder off, one that pinned the dark wolf beneath. Tried, and tried, and tried.

Tired and frustrated, she opted to consume what she could. She opened the beast's chest and picked at his ribs, consuming what she was able so urgently that she feared she might retch. Without the luxury of time, however, she parted her jaws to reach out and take hold limp foreleg. Lupita tugged, suddenly fuelled by desperation to have something more and get away with it before anything else arrived to chase her off, but she would never be strong enough to slacken the joints or sever muscle just by pulling. Thus, her fangs set to work on the stranger's shoulder.

She set about tearing at flesh with a new ferocity and soon, she was bolting from the scene with an entire wolf limb in her grasp.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Just as she said that she would, the dark female set out in search of her young pup and towards the last known location of her, she trekked through the plateau with vigilance, with shortage of prey many wolves were most likely starving and the young mother didn't want to be caught in the middle of it.

The scent of death hit her nose first before she saw a wolf running away with part of a corpse it seemed. Curiosity got the better of her and she came closer and she knew the wolf before her; it was the father of her children. Now she had more bad news to inform her children about and she thought great another thing Rowan to be mad at her about. Moonshadow didn't want to stay long out of fear of someone hungrier to come along and a fight ensued. But for some reason she lingered. But would soon run off if nothing stopped her.
Babe, there's something wretched about this
477 Posts
Ooc — Noki
@Lupita we can roll if you want to for hits or misses!!

The plateau was beautiful. A stark difference to the sea he had gotten used to months ago - but those memories were quickly fading as he moved on into a new chapter of his life. After joining Rusalka, the knight finally felt that desire to fulfill a job. Something to do rather than sit around and wander aimlessly. It gave him purpose again. This time, his purpose would not end with an earth-shattering heartbreak and betrayal. 

The quakes alerted him. Feet spread across the earth, claws digging into the ground as to try and stabilize himself while ears propelled themselves forward as quick as lightning. The smell of blood was quick to follow, beckoning him to go and investigate what had happened. Once he felt the ground was stable enough, Rosencrantz was in motion. Quickly to the location where he crossed a woman with a leg in her maw, his eyes were set on her. The smell of Rusalka was not in the air, and she looked guilty. No one innocent would be running from a corpse with a limb in tow. 

A snarl tore through his visage as an empty gaze found his target, there was no hatred - only a duty-bound dog doing his job as he barreled toward the stranger with fangs set to snag her shoulder and stop her fleeing. These were Rusalka lands now, she would have to fight him to leave with her prize... or leave at all.

The other female was none of his concern for the time being, though he was aware of her figure in the distance. He was only one individual, he had to deal with only one at a time despite wanting to separate and deal with them both at once.
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7 Posts
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@Rosencrantz, she's a coward and wouldn't fight so I'm just gonna boot her ass outta here, lol.

She saw movement at the corner of a sharp eye, and felt her heart leap within her breast. A pale figure veered toward her, his intention clear.

Lupita, gripped with fear but still fuelled by her greed, held fast to the severed body part of the wolf she'd fed from. Her speed quickened, paws spurred by a heightened desire to escape now that someone had set their sights on her - and was unwilling to allow her escape.

What the hell was this guy's fucking problem anyway!? There was plenty of meat back there to go around, yet he seemed eager to rob her of her morsel. The awkward shape and the weight of it slowed her enough to allow this big asshole the opportunity to catch up. Her tail lowered, tucking close to her thighs and curling between her hind limbs in attempt to communicate that she meant no harm to him or his. She was simply a hungry loner, entirely unaware of any claim on the plateau, and would never return to it.

Not good enough, however. He made a lunge with fangs bared, grazing her hide but not finding any real purchase on her shoulder, and Lupita responded with a sharp yelp. Thus, she sacrificed her prize. It went tumbling in the strange male's direction, lost to her and (hopefully, holy shit!) tripping him up enough to stall his chase. Without the weight of bone and flesh to carry, she no longer had to focus on maintaining balance and instead galloped as far as she could from the brute who found it necessary to ruin her day.
Babe, there's something wretched about this
477 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Oh no! Sorry, Lupita! Maybe next time they'll be on better terms lmfao Skipping Moonshadow for now with Alyssa's okay

A sense of victory overcame him as he met his mark, teeth grazing against the female with a squealing sound erupting from her in exchange. She dropping her prize did, in fact, make him stumble just enough for her to make an escape, large paws thudding against the ground as he spreading his toes to try and get a better grip with his awkward position of legs. 

At least she was gone. Escaped, but he was hopeful she had gotten the message to get the hell out. Rusalka's scent was weak, new, it was strange for someone who had joined them after their move (still, he doesn't know) and expecting that this was their usual home, so empty of markers. Standing over the limb, he set his one eye on the darker female now who was slinking away. A bark echoed in the air as he warned her. Do not move. Deep tones were stern and steady as he watched her carefully...

If she remained still, he would pick up the leg and bring it back to its source. As macabre of sight, he thought it right to leave the perished individual intact until @Aningan or anyone else would come by to identify the individual. If she chose to flee... he would surely treat her the same as the other, and chase her down.
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534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
He was a rather large male and she didn't want to cause any trouble and the female stayed put and watched him travel back with the leg of her fathers children. She looked down at him with a sad expression. It seemed he died in a horrible way and she only hoped that it wasn't a painful way.
Babe, there's something wretched about this
477 Posts
Ooc — Noki
She didn't run. So instead of giving chase, he sauntered over. Thundering paws bringing him step by step closer as he gently carried the limb back to its mangled owner. Though he was not gentle by placing it down, there was still obvious care he took by carrying it over - despite the careless thud he let it down with after dropping it by the corpse's side. 

Turning his golden gaze onto the woman, her saddened expression barely alleviating his tone as he spoke forward. Who are you two. What are you doing here? Clearly he assumed both women were together on this. Standing tall and proud, he waited for her response. Patient, but unamused. She didn't smell of Rusalka either, but instead, oddly enough, more like the nameless woman he had picked a fight within the mountains weeks ago.
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534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
He dropped his leg and she turned her attention from the male to the alive one that stood in front of her. "I don't know who that woman was but I do know him." She said pointing to the corpse with her nose. "He fathered my children." Was all she could really say about the male due to them being brief aquatinted. "I was simply going this was to avoid the mountains and came across him here." She didn't want to cause any trouble, she wasn't in shape for it either.
1,689 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
"an' mine," erzulie murmured, sidling to her packmate's side.
firefly, mangled, the breath crushed from him — the woman's lip curled.
there was a disappointment within her that she could not feel more for the scarred man she had once enjoyed. perhaps she could have loved him — now, nothing, only the constant empty gnawing of fear that those around her would slowly die.
"you get de fuck on wid yourse'f," she ordered the other she-wolf, hackles flung up. they had a shared kinship; she would not attack if the trespasser immediately vacated rusalka's new claim.
rosalyn; oh she grieved.
[Image: F0ZZHqZ.png]
Babe, there's something wretched about this
477 Posts
Ooc — Noki
So she and that thief were not working together after all. Whoever she was, he hoped for her sake that she was fleeing far, far from here and/or somewhere that he will not find her within the plateau again. His eye focused on the dark woman, only allowing his ears to flicker as his gaze fluttered to the newcomer for a moment. He had to familiarize himself with anyone as of late, but she smelled of Rusalka, and he recognized her face from around. 

So they shared a man for their pups. It was a profitless bit of information for him, but he kept his opinions to himself. Instead, as Erzulie uttered her desire for the dark woman to leave, Rosencrantz snapped into action. A snarl tore through his face as he eyed the woman threateningly. I urge you to find a new path. Though if it was just him and the dark woman, he would have perhaps escorted her out - but hearing Erzulie's tone gave him a different idea.
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534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
So there was another pack occupying this land and she was taken back by what the female said. So he had relations with another female; not that she minded or cared at all. They were hostile but they had every right to be and she respected that. She looked to them both briefly. "I apologize. I will be on my way." Was what she said simply and ran in the direction she was heading, taking a mental bit of the territory to avoid.
303 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Although the commotion caused by the landslide had not gone unheard (surely, even a deaf wolf could have heard that), Aningan was not particularly quick to respond. His attention was on the coast and searching for a vantage point from which he could better observe it, wishing each and every day that they may soon be able to return home. But something pulled his attention elsewhere eventually, be it a scent he hadn’t even realised he’d picked up on or something different altogether, he couldn’t be certain. Whatever the cause, he was soon seeking out the damage issued by the quake, where he found far more than he had ever expected.

A woman as dark as a shadow was just leaving when he entered the scene, hackles rising subconsciously with the realisation that she shouldn’t have been there, to begin with. He followed her with his gaze until she was naught but a speck in the distance, then redirected his attention towards his pack mates. A thick, metallic scent hung in the air, originating from just next to those familiar faces—originating from yet another familiar face, crushed beneath the weight of the mountainous upset and torn apart by forces he did not want to know.

The man had stolen from Caiaphas, he remembered. There was even a time way back when the young leader had recklessly engaged the other male in a fight; he could not recall having ever thought fondly of Firefly, driven early on by his loyalty to the sea witch to rebel against him. But that past did not make him deserving of this fate, not even in Aningan’s eyes. He looked between those two still living before saying, “We should bury him.” It was all he could think to do, the only way he thought his soul might find its way home.
Characters are more than welcome to mistake Aningan for a polar bear.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
what's a little sweetheart like you
doing with a bloody nose?
576 Posts
Ooc —
Coming upon the chaotic scene, all Raleska could do was stare. And process. Slowly. 

Under the rubble she saw an exposed limb buried — reading the mood in the room she glanced from packmate to packmate, watching in bewildered silence as an interloper parted from their forest. 

She peered down at the caved in gulch, and withdrew her gaze immediately. She knew, instinctively, who it was. His body was battered and half covered in stone and dust, but she knew. 

It was not Raleska’s first brush with death, and Firefly was a man that had long since left her life, but that didn’t mean she was unaffected by what she saw. Meeting Erzulie’s hard gaze, Raleska whispered a hoarse I’m sorry. Standing between Rosencrantz and Aningan with a dull expression, Raleska couldn’t help but feel that familiar, choking sense of dread once more.
all of which makes me anxious,
at times unbearably so.
1,689 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
roll out erzobot

the dark woman took her immediate leave, and erzulie laid her eyes upon the sorrowful raleska, then aningan who suggested a grave.
the girl's tones mingled with the man's voice brought to crushing bear at last the weight and agonies of the past weeks; her lip curled. "dis man deposed caiaphas, abandoned our family, left rusalka. an' why did he come back? i do not know."
"bury him if you want. he is not wort' my time." the balefire in her two-toned eyes snapped with warning; she backed from the little group and departed unless compelled not to leave by some force.
[Image: F0ZZHqZ.png]
Babe, there's something wretched about this
477 Posts
Ooc — Noki
The dark stranger left without bickering or defending her stay. Rosencrantz wasn't quick to speak, he thought about his words, the meaning behind them, the emotion they held before opening his maw - especially in a situation like this that seemed like it could be sensitive... but before he could find his words, Aningan and Raleska joined their now duo, expressing their grief and offering to bury the corpse that laid before them. 

Erzulie was the last he'd expect to refuse such an offer - but it seemed the triangle was much deeper than the superficial story he was given just moments ago. She was quick to begin her departure and Rose had no reason for her to stay, he only offered a glance at the newer pair to wait for their reaction or attempt to keep Erzulie from leaving.

No matter how the scene played out, he waited with an eye asking if they still wanted to bury the man or leave him as Erzulie did. Time passes and nothing was shared, figuring the others would want some time to lament their fallen comerad, Rose chose to leave without another word.
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what's a little sweetheart like you
doing with a bloody nose?
576 Posts
Ooc —
Two swiftly left Raleska's company, and she was left to shoulder the sudden chill that raked her spine. Her gaze fell on Firefly one last time, before meeting Aningan's -- and understanding imminently the spark behind his icy gaze.

This man may have returned, but he had once overthrown her mother. Even so, to end this way... Grimfaced, Raleska turned and assisted Aningan in their unhappy task, but soon as the body was interred Raleska followed on the heels of Erzulie, not wishing to stay a moment longer.
all of which makes me anxious,
at times unbearably so.