Bearclaw Valley graveyard dead
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With the developments that'd come within the 48 hours between meeting the wolverine and now, attempting to hunt among the maples, the most significant must have been Blondine's new contempt for all prey animals. Before, she hadn't had many opinions on them, but since meeting that sorry wolverine and losing a good quarter of her field of vision, she'd decided that prey animals weren't worth the hides on their backs.

After coming down upon the hare — a swift action that she once felt guilty for — Blondine huffed and started making her way back to the cache in the territory's center. Her head was beginning to pound something terrible; the pain surged from her temple, down her spine, and out through her toes. It was the last thing anyone would have expected of Miss Blondine Abernathy, but she was preparing half a mouth's full of poppy seeds to try and beat the ache.
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excuse the quality on this, lol.

the last days she'd spent guarding the border had been awfully quiet, and she could not tell whether she liked it or not.  while it was nice that nobody was challenging their claim, the fights with the trio and nikan had been exhilerating — and she got to prove her worth.  additionally, there was the reunion with her littermate.  she almost feared not guarding the borders, lest something happen and she not be there for it.

yet today when she woke, she tentatively strode towards the heart of the packlands.  there were still a great many internal territories that she had not dared to touch in fear that she might somehow taint them or worse, earn the wrath of her white knight.

the smell of meat pulled her attention and she followed it, and upon arrival her jaw spilled open.  was she dreaming?  a meat pit! an entire pit full of meat!  all of this energy she had wasted hunting down prey when there was a perfectly good meat-spawn here!  she couldn't believe it.  for a moment, the sight of the woman who had performed that weird ritual to get her leg feel better went unnoticed.

she lowers her head, eyes darting before she pulled the smallest bit of meat from the pile.  yes, oh yes it was real.  but then she caught sight of blondine and she shivered — no!  she was not being bad!  

lucky lucky, the woman's back was turned to her.  she could take this chance to flee... or learn more about this strange meat-pit.  ghosting close, she lets out a weary and tentative h-haaallo, peering in at what the woman was fiddling with.  blast.  more plants?  that wasn't interesting!
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Blondine had her snout down at the seeds, ready to swallow them up, when an unfamiliar voice (coupled with a pleasantly familiar scent) whispered from behind her. She turned with a Hm? but sighed once she realized that it was only Reigi — no threat, no trouble. From the angle that she was turned, Blondine doubted that her mangled eye could be seen. That was probably for the best; she didn't want to scare the dark sylph off with such a surprising change. 

Oh, hey there, she replied with a crooked smile, Almost didn't notice you! How're you feeling, hun? Blondine remembered Xan mentioning Reigi's inability to understand but she doubted that it would be an issue. After all, she was a bright girl, probably capabale than much more of what was thought.
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ah, yes!  she responded with something that kind of-sort of sounded like the word she knew, so she must be doing something right!  her tail gave an affable wag, tongue lolling out of her mouth.  

blondine kept speaking but it went over her head, and instead she stuck her face in the weird plant pile.  so if meat spawned over there, did plants just come into existence over here?  if so, why did they need to find stuff for her leg-ritual?  weird.  she decidedly did not like these spawn points, and would continue to hunt for herself.

she returns her attention to the medic, the other's injured eye still shielded from reigi, and lets out a little woof.  she turns her leg to show the girl that it was better, because that was probably something she'd want to know.  that her plant-things did a good job, right?

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Blondine stayed silent while Reigi conducted her movements from one spot to the next. She wondered what exactly this girl had been through (or what she hadn't been through) to make her so...different? After a moment's thought on the subject, she decided that the judgement wasn't hers to make; God had made Reigi the way He had for a reason that was no one else's business.

When the well-healed leg was presented, Blondine gasped and bent down to sniff at it, nosing around to see if there would be any pain. She rose back up with a grin, now turning to fully face Reigi. Wonderful, she whispered, then remembered the searing migraine that she'd been suffering through. Without any further word, Blondine faced her seeds and swallowed up a fair half of the pile, unsure of how to properly dose such a drug.
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and then i disappeared for ten years

the healer seemed happy with her assessment of reigi's leg, and says something that the shade cannot comprehend under her breath.  

quickly, the woman's attention turns to the seeds before her, and she scoops them up in her mouth.  last time they'd been together, she'd done a strange ritual with plants and cobweb... 

so reigi put what was left in her mouth, too.

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Blondine was halfway through chewing the foul tasting seeds when Reigi's shadowy figure dipped down to what was left of the pile. A gasp was supressed, not wanting to waste any of what she'd managed to collect, but the surprise and shock was still there. Even above that, there was a significant amount of fear that'd come about her; if something was to happen to Blondine, it would be tragic, sure. But if something happened to Reigi, she wasn't sure she could forgive herself. Further, if anyone else could, either.

Because Reigi seemed skittish and generally unaccustomed to a demeanor as firey and quick as Blondine's, she thought that her immediate reaction might be a bit too much, so she held it in. Instead, with a calm, albeit shaky voice, Blondine gave Reigi a look of concern and sucked in a sharp breath through her teeth. Oh, hun...
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nasty!  she almost wanted to spit them out, but it was what her friend had done, so with a furrowed brow and downtunred flews she swallowed them gracelessly.

when blondine speaks next reigi's stomach turn.  what?  had she done something wrong?  a suppliant whine escaped from her scarcely parted lips as her tail ceased its wagging.  a warmth started glowing in her chest although she wasn't sure if it was from embarrasment or something else.

she couldn't place it, but she did not like it.  what was happening?  oh, she had really been bad this time.

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Oh, no, Blondine cooed with a gentle nudge to Reigi's cheek. She hadn't purposefully done anything wrong. If anything, the situation was the healer's fault; she should have put the pile away as soon as she saw her raven approach. Biting at the inside of her cheek, Blondine thought about what to do, finally deciding that there would be no use in fighting what was already done.

All that she could do was hope for the best i.e. no vomiting or diarrhea, no heart attacks, no wandering Xan nearby. Besides, even if she did want to do something, she was beginning to feel a little too loose to manage much of anything. They'd just need to ride this one out, and, boy, would it be smooth.
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the healer's touch assuaged the raven's anxiety, and with it she could feel a hazy warmth spreading through her body.  it pitted itself at her center, glowing and golden, and she felt her mind glaze over.  she didn't know it, but her eyes did, too.

it felt good.  it scared her, a little bit, because she was losing cognition.  her legs wilted from beneath her, and she crumpled onto the ground in a daze.

turning her head up to the girl, she cocked her head to the side.  what was this?

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Blondine looking at Reigi rn -->
There wasn't much to be done, then. Blondine was beginning to feel the mellowing effects herself, from the tingle in her paws to the jumping behind her eyes; Reigi wouldn't be getting much out of the healer for the duration of their trip. At most, there would be an offer of proximity, but one couldn't help the other anymore than anyone else could. 

Of course, there was a slight sense of guilt, but it was nothing compared to everything else Blondine was feeling.
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lmao i love it!  do you wanna thread through them being high for hours or do you wanna.... skip and/or wrap this up?

the tawny woman would be lucky — no vomiting, diarrhea, or heart attacks would follow reigi through her trip.

the warm feeling spread through her entire body, and something similar to a post-orgasmic haze clouded her mind.  her gaze unfocused as she allowed herself to relax and let the drugs take over.

when it was all over, she wouldn't remember a thing about the encounter other than this feeling, and that blondine somehow had something to do with it.

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Speed through, please! I'll try hinting at a conclusion.

It took a while before the Blondine was level again, though she almost immediately wished she wasn't; euphoria and pain were very different feelings. There wasn't much time to worry about her own distress, as most of her attention had been on Reigi throughout the entire thing. You okay? she cooed, her voice soft to try and minimize her own discomfort.

You should rest, doll. Not sure if Reigi understood her, Blondine got up and began to walk toward the center of the territory, though her eyes never left the raven's. She hoped that she would follow (1) because she didn't know how else to get her to move and (2) because she didn't need any strangers wandering by wondering why Reigi was doped up. If the latter was to occur, Blondine didn't think she'd be given much time to explain.
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dutifully, she followed the medic as she asked.  everything still had not quite worn off yet, but she was becoming more coherent.

once they arrived, reigi would sleep the rest of it off and wake up relatively unaware of what transpired.