Stone Circle In the middle of Summer
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
All Welcome 
Arlette's mischievous eyes glanced from behind a small log at the edge of the clearing. Mother had moved them away from the den more than a week ago. It was super exciting for the young girl. They were not far from the den. She could walk it herself if she felt like it, however, she thought that the clearing was much cooler than the den anyhow. There was far more to see, hear and smell. 

The girl was hiding behind the log, ready to jump anyone who was passing. There was always an adult around to watch them. Arlette didn't mind as they were usually very fun to play with. She knew that her mom and dad were doing something important and with having so many other members around Arlette just felt like she had a lot of friends next to her two siblings. The girl giggled behind the log to then peek over it again. 
Тал нутгийн хатан хаан
88 Posts
Ooc — Keg
Kegana had offered services by taking up babysitting duties for the afternoon. She was sure that Valette was nearby, as she was a diligent and protective mother. The summer heat was similar to the climate of Mongolia and she found herself enjoying the weather more and more. 

Taking the time to stroll, she ventured to close to a fallen log where an ambuse had been set. Kegana could smell the young girls scent of the air but could not pinpoint its exact location.
If my body dies, let my body die, but do not let my country die.
mongolian (hover text), common
~~ Hunter 4/5 ~~ Mercenary 2/5 ~~
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
The girl giggled softly before her attack. When she saw the other female go around the log she jumped before her with a playful growl. She couldn't jump so high to actually jump the female. Hence why she attacked the feet of the female instead of another body part. The girl grinned and barked at the paws before jumping back and looking up. It was Kegana! Arlette knew her! She barked in greeting and jumped from side to side. "KEEEE" She squeaked excitedly. The female was always really friendly with her so Arlette could only return that love. 
"The mountains do not break to the wind nor does the sky change for a single individual."
508 Posts
Ooc — Wilthking
Like a pillar of stone, Greyback sat steadily within the forest and watched the interaction between Kegana and the Valette's new pup. Her children were adorable, and very much like their mother and father; except Arlette, whose fur reminded him of the springs clouds. He silently wondered if it was some sort of omen, but pushed it to the back of his mind for later thought.

Smiling, he gave a curt bark, hoping grab their attention before rising to his paws and ambled his way over to them. "Hello miss Kegana," he greeted, his voice gruff as he bowed. He was always delighted to have a conversation with her, especially since her traditions were closely familiar to his former packs.
"And who might you be?" He chuckled, looking down at the white bundle of energy. Greyback knew very well who the youngster was, but they had yet to formally meet.

Тал нутгийн хатан хаан
88 Posts
Ooc — Keg
Soft giggling made its way out of a bush before the young pale fur ball launched infront of her an jumped at her paws. Kegana gave a slight smile as the girl jumped around excitedly. The mongol wasn't usually one to play around, but reached forward to nose the girl, nudging her into a playful wrestle. Until a bark broke her focus and Kegana turned toward the familiar voice, he kind gaze greated the brute, her impassive royal mask otherwise fixed. 

"Good afternoon Greyback." Turning back to Arlette Kegana gave her an encouraging smile, the little girl and her siblings were the only ones who got to see her smile. Flicking her head, she tried to let the girl know that he was a friend, although Keg doubt that Arlette would be shy.
If my body dies, let my body die, but do not let my country die.
mongolian (hover text), common
~~ Hunter 4/5 ~~ Mercenary 2/5 ~~
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette excitedly jumped around before the female when her muzzle came closer, trying to dodge it. As she twirled she was alerted by the bark as well. She instantly froze into a playful position. The girl watched as a large male approached. Her red colored eyes widened as she watched the form come closer. This male was probably larger than her daddy!! The pup was frozen in sheer excitement for a moment before yipping excitedly as she approached the male. 

Arlette danced around his feet, her white tail going crazy. Someone new to play with! She loved it. The littlest of the litter was not quick to be scared. Especially not of other wolves. Currently, it was more her age that got something to do with it rather than her personality. Now she was young she hadn't learned to be cautious or scared of things. Everything around her was safe, new and exciting. "Whee!!," she yipped. "Pwaay!PWAYPWAY!!"
"The mountains do not break to the wind nor does the sky change for a single individual."
508 Posts
Ooc — Wilthking
"Good afternoon Greyback."

"May the sun shines bright on you today." He responded, his words soft like a hymn. He rarely used the greeting in Teekon, and though Kegana was not from his homeland, he was aware she too, came from a very culture heavy pack and probably could understand his words. Easthollow had history, but their roots of religion did not run deep in his opinion.

He smiled and silentlu watched as the white wolves played together, Kegana's paws attacked by the little girl. Though he perked when Arlette rose up to dance around his own. How tiny she was against him. Lowering his head, he shoved his wet nose against her side and parted the fur, sniffing and familiarizing himself with her scent while nudging her playfully. It was when he settled down into a lying position that he opened his mouth and nipped playfully at her with his lips, reluctant to use his teeth at all.

His heart swelled as continued to play with her, his heart aching slightly as he remembered the few days he spent with his own children, their yips and barks engraved in his mind for eternity.

Тал нутгийн хатан хаан
88 Posts
Ooc — Keg
Kegana nodded her head deeply at the man response to her greeting, she wasn't exactly sure where the saying originated, but she had a feeling it was something from his past. Greyback held a regal look to him that made the mongol think he was from different origins, just like herself. 

The princess smiled slightly at as Arlette played, she was such a cheerful child. Kegana could see the future in the little girl, and it was a bright one. "How are you today Greyback? It has been sometime since I have seen you."
If my body dies, let my body die, but do not let my country die.
mongolian (hover text), common
~~ Hunter 4/5 ~~ Mercenary 2/5 ~~
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette eagerly played with Greyback. She didn't even realize that he was talking with the other while they were playing. His soft lips grazed her. Arlette easily toppled over and submitted. She was very easy going but high energy. She jumped back to her feet and tried to jump away from those nudges but that wasn't always the case. She squeaked in excitement when she was successful though. When she wasn't she just quickly jumped back on four paws. Her red eyes looked bright and glinted in excitement.

The pale girl perked up her hears when she heard Keg talk. She was starting to understand some words but not all. Mostly the ones that she heard the most like: Hello. No. Stay. Come. Stuff like that. Arlette's eyes focussed on Greyback's big paws. All unprotected, it seemed. Arlette sunk through her front legs and wiggled her butt before jumping up. She tried to pounce on Greyback's large right paw with her never dwindling energy, or so it seemed. 
"The mountains do not break to the wind nor does the sky change for a single individual."
508 Posts
Ooc — Wilthking
"How are you today Greyback? It has been sometime since I have seen you."

The man nodded to her words. In had indeed been a while since they saw each other. He was thrilled to finally talk to the white female and get to know her. For the while Greyback had been within the pack, he had yet to socialize with all the members, and it often left him feeling guilty. "I'm doing wonderful Miss Kegana, how about you?" he gave her a quick bow of his head, but upon doing so was met with the plush body of white bundle of fur in front of him.

"Oh dear..," He chuckled. He watched as Arlette leapt and danced in front of him, her energy boundless. What was Valette feeding them? He followed her actions with his eyes, and was ready to raise his paw when she leapt for it, but decided not to. He kept it still, splaying out his toes as the girl played with it.

He went silent upon noticing that it was the size of her head. "Miss Kegana," He curtly whispered, hoping to grab her attention. "Look." He tilted his head downwards, pointing to his paw. He stayed frozen, completely still and scared to move.

Тал нутгийн хатан хаан
88 Posts
Ooc — Keg
Glad to hear the man's affirmative answer, she had found that she eager to know the wellbeing of her packmates. A semblance of her old self had started to surface, opening up to the idea of this being her home. The little albino girl bounced around Greyback with all the energy a pup should have, it was rare for Kegana to reveal her emotions so easily, however pups always brought forward her happiness. It was easy to see how much the mongol adored the young Arlette. 

"I am just fine." Her gaze was distracted by the little girl, although she answered Greyback's question her ocean blue orbs were fixed on the alabaster child. "I think you are her new favourite." The mongol laughed lightly. To get comfortable Kegana settled into a prone position, lying down to continue to watch the two play. Her grin never leaving.
If my body dies, let my body die, but do not let my country die.
mongolian (hover text), common
~~ Hunter 4/5 ~~ Mercenary 2/5 ~~
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
So cute to think how tiny Arlette would be next to greyback :'D I can't

Arlette sounded a cry of glee when she landed on the big paw. She basically covered it with her body slam. Her eyes were focussed on nipping the wiggling toes. The female's tail was wagging eagerly. Only then the toes stopped moving. She tried to bite them, which was probably not more than a tickle for Greyback. She didn't feel small or tiny with Greyback or any other wolf as she was used to them being bigger. It was normal for the girl.

She looked up, instinct telling her that something that wasn't moving was good. She jumped away from the toes to then tackle it again. However, that was interrupted by a big yawn. The girl's red eyes started to droop quite quickly. Arlette's energy levels went from very high to extremely low. She tried to fight the sleep though and jumped on Greyback's paw again. She tried to nibble on a toe but passed out while doing so. A slumped white form was draped over Greyback's paw. 
"The mountains do not break to the wind nor does the sky change for a single individual."
508 Posts
Ooc — Wilthking
The man looked to Kegana as she spoke, but stayed still as Arlette played with his paw. He was silent and rigid as he was afraid to hurt the young pup due to their vast size difference; one wrong move and he could end up squishing her. He had hoped Kegana would catch onto his uneasiness and lure the girl away to herself, but was met with a laugh.

"I think you are her new favourite."

Greyback looked down at the now dead weight on his paw and let out a sigh of relief as Arlette was now asleep. She looked so small on his paw, nearly fitting on the whole thing. It was amazing how quickly her energy had turned, but not unbelievable as it happened to most pups. "Yeah.. ," the older wolf whispered, his voice soft as he was careful not to wake her. "I think so too,"

Greyback never had a chance to care for his own pups, and though he was not the girl's father, he relished in the feeling of now being a caretaker. He would do everything possible to protect her and her siblings. Lowering his head down, he nuzzled the ball of white fur with his cheek, sparing her a look of fondness before looking at Kegana with the same expression.