Northstar Vale I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you.
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
All Welcome 
Ehhh she'd logically be home by now, so here we go.

Climbing their way to the Empire's doorstep was more difficult than Ibis remembered, but they did it together. There wasn't much space for storytelling and so she didn't share much with @Akavir as they went.

They had spent many days together now, and it felt right to bring him home to show off to @Reiko — while at the same time the girl felt oddly possessive of the rugged boy, and almost wanted to turn him away so they could continue with whatever this was in secret. In the end they came upon the territory limits and paused for a rest on a high ridge; it could have been the same ridge where she had met Vespera prior to the formation of the Empire. From there they could look down in to the valley, and seeing the sprawling vista was like a breath of fresh air.

Finally, it felt like Ibis was home at last.
Swiftcurrent Creek
973 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
He didn’t stray far from his new companion. Stark black practically melted to the gentle creams of her fur every chance he held, whether in the form of affection or play. Despite his rather lame introduction, she had decided to let him stick around for a bit, and as they stood at the borders of her home after days of travel, the Mayfair offered a gentle chuff, his nose sliding to the graceful slope of her nape to preen at her fur. “So this is home?”

It was beautiful—for lack of a better word. But it wasn’t the beauty of the land or the promise of a pack that really kept Akavir at the side of the girl now. Maybe he wasn’t thinking clearly—the whirlwind of their meeting wasn’t lost on him—but he didn’t much care put too much thought on it. He was happy in her embrace and company—wasn’t that all that should matter?
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
She leaned in to him, his affections, his voice - the latter seeming so loud because of how close he was, although it was a quiet observation. Ibis' skin was humming and all she wanted was to offer herself up to him, or find somewhere quiet where they could nap the day away and talk; but she had to focus.

Yes. This is -- it's going to sound a bit pretentious -- The Reneian Empire. My best friend Reiko leads it. Up until now she'd given Akavir a few glimpses in to her own past, vagaries about growing up among the Willows with her mixed family and eventually moving in with her father, but nothing concrete. They had been heading for the mountains for a few days and all she had told him was, my home is this way!

Hopefully he wasn't deterred.
Swiftcurrent Creek
973 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
He whistled lowly in good humor, his own body moving closer to her warmth as he kept her close, his gaze finally drifting form her to look at the home they deemed an empire. Constantine and Durnehviir had always been simple in the choice of their homes—the names reflecting only the land they inhabited… but there was something intriguing about regarding a pack as a kingdom.

“Reiko,” he repeated, finally pulling back to study her closely. “We haven’t really discussed it… but do you think she’d have room for one more in her ranks?”
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
She leaned against him, tussling the fur of his cheek softly with playful, light nips. When he spoke she stopped, listening, and smiled - glad that he was interested in spending time in the vale. Reiko would benefit from having him around, she thought; but deeper than that was a possessiveness, a glee that he would commit himself like this.

Of course! I'll vouch for you. I'm pretty sure I can unilaterally decide its okay, too, being.. gulp being a Queen, as I am. Okay, that might be a little weighty; but it was just a title, and titles weren't that important. It wasn't like she was really royalty or anything!
Swiftcurrent Creek
973 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Wolfish brows lifted in surprise at her admission. Obviously the two knew little about each other, but she hadn’t mentioned before her ranking within her home—let alone the title of Queen. Perplexed slightly by the ranks, he studied her, champagne eyes looking over the svelte girl with new consideration.

“Queen?” So what did that mean—was she simply rolling around the hay with a commoner, in the culture of her pack… or? “Sounds important,” he teased, trying to keep the conversation light, despite suddenly feeling nervous that she was about to end their little… rendezvous. “You never told me you were royalty.”
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
As expected, he seemed to do a double-take after hearing her title. Ibis tried to downplay it as best she could, a light laughter spilling awkwardly from her lips, her head shaking: It is only a title, something that Reiko chose. To be honest I am not sure how it all works.

The last thing she wanted was for Akavir to go running for the hills because of this. He looked a little bit overwhelmed. I wouldn't call myself royalty. Before this I lived in a little forest on the other side of the mountains—and before that, a swamp! Really, what kind of a queen lives in a swamp? She chuckled softly and tugged at his cheek fluff affectionately.
Swiftcurrent Creek
973 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to say to any of this—the playful tug at his cheek reminded him of the Ibis before the information drop, and in truth, the swarthy wolf was far more interested in learning that she had lived in two other places prior to this, at least.

They knew very little of each other, that much was apparent. Still, the frost maned boy gave a gentle shrug of his shoulders, his eyes gleaming as he studied her, wolfish brows arching up. “Well, if you have the power to accept me, then what do you say? Not sick of me yet?”
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
Gonna archive here if that's OK!

She suddenly looked far, far too serious. Imperious, even. Ibis pulled away from him and shrewdly gave him a once-over with her eyes, then made a show of prancing around him for a better look, pausing in front of him and frowning quite sternly. Then she was silent. The silence lasted longer than what would be considered comfortable, and then a small huff erupted from her chest. She began to giggle, and the serious expression vanished from her completely.

I thought I could hold it longer, gosh, I am a terrible actress— she said between chortles. Her eyes flashed with mischief and glee as she pressed against him again, burrowing against his warmth. I could never, ever, ever be sick of you. I promise! She nosed against his scruff and began tugging at his coat with playful nips, pausing long enough to murmur against his ear: Come on, lets find somewhere to spend the night.

Winky face.