Blackfeather Woods All or Nothing
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa

The jet black female left the area where everyone had been assembled. It had been a few days and she did not desire to be there if Blackfeather befell. The young wolf then found herself wondering if she should even stay. Moonshadow begins to reminisce about the events that had taken place so far. I bet you didn't consider this would happen, did you brother. She gazes up at the sky hoping someone would catch her silent prayer.
222 Posts
Ooc — Chey
He'd grown extremely bored just staying around sunspire while Kelina recruited and everyone else did whatever they busied themselves with. He had taken off to explore and ended up straying past familiar scenery that he'd come from while entering the wilds. The scent of blood and rotting gore drew him in like a fly to honey and he studied the borders while he walked them, a low hum of interest as he counted how many bones and pieces of body he could find scattered around this area. 

Then he looked up from where he was walking and spotted her. Dark as the night sky with interesting colored eyes to match. Not as utterly stunning as Kelina's purple eyes against her black fur but this girl was pretty nonetheless. He wanted her...he wanted her bad. Not one to deny himself the simple pleasures in life he stalked toward her quickly and without a warning jumped upon her, jaws opening with a silent snarl as he fully intended to wound her and drag her back to sunspire.
pm me and lemme know how you want this done and permissable injuries. Dice roll or just have him beat her to submission and take her.
Warning: Nikan is a mature character and will have sexual and violent themes. Please be aware when joining threads.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She was suddenly interrupted as a strange male tackles her to the ground. Her ribs which were still fairly injured made her yipe softly as she bared jer canines and let out a loud snarl. She attempted to aim for his face as she snapped at him. "Get off me!" The female started to move around as she tried getting away.
222 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Much to his delight she seemed to want to put up a fight, lunging for his face which he avoided yet ended up taking the bite to his shoulder. A rush of air left his lungs as he flattened his ears back, face taking on a look of savage rage immediately. He would not stand for being beaten by a female again, he would hurt her, and he would bring her to Kelina as a sort of gift...he did want her to his self. As she was attached to his shoulder he twisted his head and attempted to bite into the back of her neck, where if attached he'd begin to shake until she unhinged her jaws from his shoulders.
Warning: Nikan is a mature character and will have sexual and violent themes. Please be aware when joining threads.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
sorry phone post
Moonshadow felt his teeth enter her neck, the exhilaration of pain shot through her body as she attemped to throw him off. Through the struggle, the female couldn't seem to muster any kind of call for help.
222 Posts
Ooc — Chey
He held on tightly and began to thrash his head back and forth, the movements causing his teeth to slice deeper into the flesh. Once he'd secured a firm grip he jerked her back, hoping to release her from his shoulder. If she released him, he'd begin to circle her for a better attack.

it's okay! Same.
Warning: Nikan is a mature character and will have sexual and violent themes. Please be aware when joining threads.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The pain was too much to bear as she felt his bite go deeper into her flesh. She had managed to draw some blood but she could feel hers fall to the ground as well as she lets out a small howl, yet not loud enough for anyone to hear.
222 Posts
Ooc — Chey
The cry from her mouth startled him. He couldn't afford to have a whole bloody pack against him. He quickly surfaced around her front again and aimed a quick series of snaps and bites toward her maw, hoping to capture it between his teeth or at least distract her enough to keep her quiet.  The goal he had know was to force her down where he'd cause her to submit and then he'd lead or drag her away, whatever she decided was nescessary to force him to do.
Warning: Nikan is a mature character and will have sexual and violent themes. Please be aware when joining threads.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow hopped back and snarled at him. Who was this guy and what did he want from her? Did he not know where he was or did he simply not care. Nevertheless, the she-wolf wasn't going down without a fight despite how weak or inexperienced she may be at fighting
222 Posts
Ooc — Chey
He was growing fed up with this game. Taking her was now a matter of proving his strength and dominance rather than the simple fact that he wanted her. As she leaped back he curled his lips over his fangs and lunged forward. As he sprung he shoved off the ground with his forelegs and lifted his upper body off the ground,balancing his weight on his hind paws. He towered over her for a moment looking like an angry bear before he tipped forward, forelegs aiming to wrap around her neck. If secured he would flip his weight over, his grip on her neck bringing her down as well.
Warning: Nikan is a mature character and will have sexual and violent themes. Please be aware when joining threads.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Phonee post I know its short.
Moonshadow snarled at him as she bared her teeth, she tried to dodge him as he began to lunge but wasn't able to get out of the way fast enough. All she felt was a heavy weight on top of her.
222 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Nikan grinned as he secured his hold ontop of her and twisted his weight to throw her down to the ground. Once there he moved on top of her and snarled. "Keep struggling and you'll die. Come with me and you'll live. simple choice."he hissed in her ear. He stood still to give her a moment to decide, not caring what she chose because either way he would get safisfaction from it.
Warning: Nikan is a mature character and will have sexual and violent themes. Please be aware when joining threads.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow was left with no other option as she slowly nodded her head. "Okay." She managed to say as she waited for him to get off of her. She knew that she would not be able to fight him.
222 Posts
Ooc — Chey
A surge of glee made him grin down at her as he climbed off of her though he stuck close enough that if she made to run he would be on her in seconds. He hoped that Kelina would be proud of him for bringing her such a pretty female as a prisoner. This girl had even fought against him well enough that she would be useful for them if forced into obedience. "Come on then. Kelina will love meeting you."

Feel free to post again or just Archive! I will throw one up at Shadow mountain for us and Kelina set after the sacrifice meeting!
Warning: Nikan is a mature character and will have sexual and violent themes. Please be aware when joining threads.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
just a little cameo

Maegi was still tucked away in a dark corner of the Woods, mourning the absence of her brothers, when the sound of a struggle reached her ears, not incredibly immediate but close enough to cause her alarm. Ears flattened against her skull, she slipped quietly toward the noise, hoping that this didn't mean the intruders were back. Cicero had been so adamant that they'd return, and seeing them again would not only be downright dangerous, it would deal a serious blow to her pride.

After all, she had chosen to stay here, despite the potential pitfalls.

A gorse bush blocked some of the view, but Maegi soon was able to make out the dark form of Moonshadow, engaged in combat with a young, burly male. They exchanged blows, back and forth, neither relenting. As she had when Miraak had fallen, Maegi felt powerless, and watched on silently, mismatched eyes wide.

Come with me and you'll live. Much to Maegi's chagrin, the woman eventually acquiesced, led by the boy out of the forest. They were heading back toward the mountains Blackfeather had crossed, and the girl was momentarily unsure whether to track them or to warn someone. Finally deciding the former was the most sensible option, she scurried back the way she'd came, looking to inform Kove of this latest catastrophe.