Dawnlark Plains Anybody there?
The Curious Sweetheart
89 Posts
Ooc — IndianaServal
Loir had been a lone wolf, and she hadn't handled lone wolf life too well. She needed a family, and hoped she could find one. The smell of other wolves was strong, and being in Dawnlark Plains gave Loir an uneasy feeling. She'd maybe be thought of as trespassing, and chased out, but she wasn't sure. Loir sniffed the ground and continued on, hoping her fate wouldn't be death, or injury.

Would she be accepted?

Loir then decided to make her presence known, and she took a deep breath.

[Image: gamekeeper_master.gif]
HUNTER TRADE: 1/5 threads
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador

water drips from her pelt as she rises from the half-shaded pool; her saving grace in the heat that has her pelt burn against her skin. in the north, she is more comfortable, and she contemplates another trip to the glacier should the rising temperatures peak again. 

she moves languidly across the plains with the intent of finding a meal and ignoring the burning from the scabbing wounds across her shoulders, but it is instead the thin silhouette of a pale-pelted stranger that makes it's way across the heart of the territory. she pauses, disbelief turning rapidly to white hot fire as her mind flickers immediately to the polar wolves they had only recently forced from the maplewood. 

she falls easily into movement, lope carrying her swiftly towards the intruder, hackles stiff and lips peeled back as she snaps a warning, seeking to push the interloper back towards the borders swiftly.
The Curious Sweetheart
89 Posts
Ooc — IndianaServal
Loir instantly felt threatened when she had noticed the other wolf snarl at her, and she ran backwards, ears flattened as she went into a submissive position. I mean no harm! Loir whimpered, prepared for any fate she may have to receive. It's my own fault for trespassing, if I even did. She thought with worry. I seek a home. I didn't do anything wrong, and I seek to join a pack. Loir hoped that maybe if she now decided to share some of her history, this aggressive female would maybe warm up to her.

My family was murdered recently, and I don't have anyone to help me. They had knowledge of the packs, and I was figuring Morningside would maybe...suit me? Loir said, still in her submissive position, black-flecked tail still tucked underneath her legs.
[Image: gamekeeper_master.gif]
HUNTER TRADE: 1/5 threads
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador

the girl folded beneath her onslaught, and the sterling leader paused in her step; the only other option being running the woman over. it was obvious now that the woman wasn't one of the polar wolves, and yet her words did not diffuse her anger in the slightest. "you crossed clearly marked boundaries. get the fuck back over them, now."  she moved, snapping out at the woman in an attempt to have her move further back, away from the heart of the plains where the young wandered at that delicate age where they possessed the ability to move about, but not the brains to react to a threat. 

it was when she mentioned morningside that her intentions flickered briefly; still pushing up against the woman's personal space in clear warning for her to move back or fall prey to warning fangs, but the mention of the pack had her gaze narrow, fully intent on figuring out how and why such a thick-headed girl knew of their pack, and how to find them.
The Curious Sweetheart
89 Posts
Ooc — IndianaServal
Loir was just too afraid to even think at the moment, so she had backed away even more, her heart pounding. She could end up being on the brink of death if this wolf chose to make her leave without giving her a chance. Loir was on the brink of maybe running away in complete fear, and she had let out a sheer whimper of terror.

Would her chances of finally finding a family be botched?

Loir guranteed, but she dared not to say her thoughts aloud. Hopefully there was someone here not as unpleasant as this female. Please. She pleaded. This is my only chance to have a family. I'll do anything, I promise!
[Image: gamekeeper_master.gif]
HUNTER TRADE: 1/5 threads
1,328 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
much like it had dawn, the sight of a pale wolf across their border raised his hackles in the wake of the maplewood incident, and aditya headed swiftly that way, thankful that his co-leader was already there to back him up. eyes flashing, he pulled to a halt beside dawn and lowered his gaze upon the female, who was not familiar to him. she didn't have the scent of the polar wolves, but she was new, and she was across their border without permission.

"who are you?" he demanded, having missed her explanation. he glanced over to dawn, questioning. "who is she? has she told you anything?" aditya turned to look at the stranger again, mouth firming as he gave her a disgruntled stare. "you do yourself no favors by trespassing," he said censoriously, but there was curiosity in his gaze.

she was built well, with an open, honest face. could this simply be a lone wolf, a potential joiner, with no head for boundaries? the thought was intriguing enough for him to relax the slightest bit, waiting for either of the ladies to speak. after all, chasing away an able-bodied wolf at this point was beyond silly; the pups grew larger and larger, and with the days, more hungry.
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador

the woman slipped back over the borders, or near enough to them, and her hackles fell. the arrival of the sun-kissed co-leader by her side had the molten of her gaze dampen and fade, his questions and steady tempter stilling her own. "a good question." gaze lingered on the woman as if awaiting a response, ears thrust forward and tail still held high. "she wants to join," was all she offered, considering "my family's murdered" and her knowledge of the pack to be things examined later.

she paused, considering the woman's words, before her auds flicked and she gave voice to her offer. holding her anger at bay until it dissipated, she did not allow it to colour her words; the woman was submissive enough.  "Morningside needs hunters. bring back something, and we can start over, forget your tresspass." she offered the woman a second chance on the condition that she could hunt; and do so well. gaze flickered briefly to Aditya before wrenching it back to the girl, refusing to look to him for approval.
The Curious Sweetheart
89 Posts
Ooc — IndianaServal
Loir had noticed a male then appear, but she was happy once the female had decided to give her a second chance. Loir was great at hunting! She knew she'd be able to do that.
Loir walked along the plain, sniffing for potential prey. It was summer, slightly cold, but she didn't mind. Just then, one thing caught her eye: a rabbit. Loir crouched low and began sneaking up on the rabbit, not caring if she was doing something completely odd. If I can catch this rabbit, then I'll be a member of the pack! She thought, and she began feeling confident. Loir wouldn't let her possible chance of becoming a Morningside wolf fade away, so she had to kill this rabbit. Once Loir was close enough, she pounced on the rabbit and grabbed its neck, ending its life with a killing bite. Loir then picked up the rabbit and began trotting over to Aditya and Dawn with the rabbit dangling in her maw. She placed the rabbit at their paws, hoping for approval. I managed to catch a rabbit! Loir said, cheering up a little.

Would she get accepted?
[Image: gamekeeper_master.gif]
HUNTER TRADE: 1/5 threads
1,328 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
waiting for loir to return, aditya shifted awkwardly next to dawn, resisting the urge to pace, restless. he was relieved when the newcomer appeared again, and even more happy to see her come back with food. that hadn't taken long at all, a good sign. her enthusiasm was catching, and aditya looked at dawn, his mouth quirking in a half-smile as he spoke.

"she held up her end of the deal," he rumbled, blinking slowly. "now we must hold up ours." he turned his gaze back to the woman, his smile growing broader, more even, as he continued. "you must continue to provide, and stay away from the dens with pups unless--and until--allowed to go there. additionally--"

aditya looked back at dawn, head tilted sideways. "she needs a mentor, during her initial stay here. i can serve in that role, unless you intend to." his words were stilted but not completely wooden; he was still trying to get used to their new relationship, especially when pack matters were concerned. he got better with each encounter, but there still was tension that the woman must undoubtedly sense; adi hoped it didn't put her off the pack entirely.
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador

the woman whirled as soon as she realized her chance; Dawn stilled as soon as she'd moved out of sight. the silence stretched between them, durable and unbroken in all the time they waited. she moved to sit back on her haunches, waiting, unsure if or when the woman would return. 

and yet she did, and Aditya broke the silence. she did not protest as he offered the woman a place in their fold; had they not been desperate, and had Aditya not spoke at her side, she may have very well chased the woman away the moment she'd seen her. perhaps, now, she'd prove to bolster their ranks; the outcome of this would be interesting. 

Aditya was speaking to her, she inclined her head toward him. "you'd be better suited." she spent a great deal of time outside the borders, and the decision to allow Aditya the role was an easy one. gaze returned to the woman, auds flickering towards her. "your name?" 
The Curious Sweetheart
89 Posts
Ooc — IndianaServal
Loir was simply overjoyed now that she had been accepted into the ranks of Morningside, and she slowly nodded at Aditya's words, of how she had to stay away from the pups until, and unless, she had been given permission, and then when Dawn had approved of her as well, Loir had offered a smile. To realize she had a "mentor" now, to teach her more, was more exciting, especially if maybe these two were of high authority. My name's Loir. Loir explained.

And there, she had said her name, the name her new family would forever know her by.
[Image: gamekeeper_master.gif]
HUNTER TRADE: 1/5 threads
1,328 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
"loir," he repeated, testing the new name on his tongue. he smiled. "good to have you with us. would you like the tour now, or later, after you've had a chance to rest?" some joiners seemed keen to explore right away, while others--having undergone more recent trauma--needed some respite. he was fine either way; he'd continue his way along the borders with or without her.

honestly, trespassing aside, he was happy to see a newcomer to morningside. it had been. . .how long?

aditya looked at dawn, nosing the rabbit closer to her. "if she does want to look around with me, will you take this to aviana and pema?" he asked in a gentle tone, neither demanding nor pleading. the mothers would be happy to see it--any food would do, at this point, even if it was a meager offering. beggars couldn't be choosers.
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador

she scooped up the hare noiselessly; it had the plumpness of a summer-fed creature, and would do well to feed the nursing mothers. maw thoroughly closed around the creature, gaze fell once more on Loir, committing the name and face to memory swiftly as she dipped her muzzle in farewell. turning on her heel, she left her co-leader in the company of the newest recruit, hoping that she'd serve to bolster their ranks and not become another weight on their faltering hunters. truly, she had hopes for the former, and yet the lurking thought crossed her mind all the same.
The Curious Sweetheart
89 Posts
Ooc — IndianaServal
Loir smiled at Aditya. "Sure, I'd like a tour." She replied. She was so happy that she had been accepted into Morningside, she'd do anything. She needed them for her own good, they were the only family Loir could have. "I'll do anything I can for the pack, anything in thanks for allowing me to join." She said with a smile. Loir would exhibit extreme loyalty all thanks to Dawn and Aditya, and she'd risk her life for her family.

Mom, Dad, brother, sister, I have found a new family now, I hope you're all glad I have found shelter. 
[Image: gamekeeper_master.gif]
HUNTER TRADE: 1/5 threads