Blackfeather Woods So many things to explore
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
For anyone who wants to see the pups outside the den. Also Moonshadow would also speak of Istoiras abcense @Rowan @Moonshine also tagging for reference @Falling Star

She had to get out of the den, she had to do something other than wallow in her emotions. Then she had a good idea; “Come on children let’s go outside and I’ll teach you more about the world.” She watched as her trio tumbled after each other. She might as well start teaching them about the world.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Luckily, Parvati's whelping den was nearby Moonshadow, and Maegi trusted the woman to look after her children when she could not. Today, though, they were all out and about, exploring. She marveled at the way the pups were growing, faster than she could keep track. Then again, she hadn't been the most attentive of leaders. . .

But that, hopefully, would change soon, once she got out of this funk.

Hey, Moonshadow, Maegi greeted, forcing a smile upon her weary face. She blinked down at the children, trying to make her ragged countenance as nonthreatening and friendly as she could. Hey, you guys, she added, her tone bubbly. Isn't it amazing out here? So much to see!

She only vaguely remembered most of her time as a pup, long lazy days in Spiderlings' Glen, idly exploring or playing with her brothers. She hoped they would remember their childhood just as fondly.
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
He easily bounced after his Mother, having explored most outside the den with her. He loved it! 
Certainly a mamma's boy, not that he'd likely admit it to anyone but himself.
He was trailing behind with an oversized stick, awkwardly trying to hold it up and drag it -- which it was both doing, just at all the wrong angles. He hurried to keep up though, hoping he wouldn't fall over or anything dumb.
Especially not in front of the stranger. 

Ah, he'd seen her before. At the stinky, black and white beasts that she didn't like. He didn't like them much either. Very big. His tail whirred like a helicopter trying to take off and he yanked the stick to get there quicker. He stood behind his siblings, staring blatantly at her with as much of a grin as he could manage on his face. What was her name now? He was somewhat forgetful at the time, there was much going on in his life to remember names. 
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
135 Posts
Ooc — thalie
Without even a second's time, Moon stumbled awkwardly away from their den and after mother. There was no time to be nervous or scared about what the outside world was to them and she was eager to see more of it. To a child like her, each time she went outside everything looked vastly different than the last day. The trees were like different colors and the leaves a different shape, even the ground felt and looked different! She could swear that there hadn't been branch there yesterday... but her brother was keen on getting to it first. Moonshine didn't mind and despite the tug to go and help him carry, she instead carted along after mother. Her attention wishing to be nothing short of present and fully committed to mom. The stranger? Well, she was familiar but not as familiar as her siblings and mother so she kept her distance. Smiling politely, however, when the woman expressed amazing to them. She wasn't wrong - there was so much to see and clearly so little time.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She watched as her pups filed out of the den one by one. First was Rowan whom found joy in a stick and Moonshine who was simply excited to just be outside and then last Falling star in the rear and she smiled. “Hey!” She greeted her friend and then looked back at her pups. “Little ones this is Maegi. “
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
The Nona beamed at the little ones, wagging her tail at Moonshadow's greeting. What's your names? she asked, folding herself lower to the ground to better look them in the eye. She'd learned them once before, but Maegi thought it would be more meaningful if it came from them. Social lessons, right?

Nice stick, she added, nodding toward Rowan. Where did you find it?

Strangely enough, despite the neglect in her youth, Maegi was settling into this motherhood thing fairly well. Perhaps the only way to really make up for the way Potema had treated her was to pour all the love she could out to the children of Blackfeather Woods. It came naturally to her, for sure.
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
Sorry for my trash delay
His eyes widened as the woman spoke to him. His tail wagged so hard he nearly threw his whole rear end off balance. He thought through the words, remembering how to speak and what she asked. "Ro-wan!" He grinned at his perfect pronunciation. As always, he sounded every syllable harshly, but at least he could get his point across. "Maagy." He repeated, tilting his head. Hm, didn't sound quite right. No matter, he'd practice it.

His mind was running hard but he was doing it. The thinking. Stick. Find. Where.
"Over there." He grinned, tipping his nose up at all the other sticks on the trees. No, he'd found it behind.
"Wait. Over there!" He turned, pointing the way they'd just walked from. Yes, that was better. It came from above but he'd found it back there. Lots of brain thinking. He turned back to face Maegi, sitting down with a smile.
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
135 Posts
Ooc — thalie
Moonshine frolicked forward, keeping his sight on mother and sibling mostly. The new lady was... promising, but having a certain number of individuals around her sometimes made her feel a little uncertain. At the posed question - the one that seemed so daunting - Moonshine stumbled mentally. The mocha girl looked at mother, squinting her left eye a little before looking back to Maegi. She wasn't much good at her name, yet, and so offered a slightly nervous "Moo'shy."  Luckily, attention shifted immediately to Rowan shouting about where he got the stick and instinctively she looked to where he was pointing. She wanted one but made no motion to move - scared about disappearing and not finding her way back.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
They were a wild little bunch of pups and took to Maegi quickly. Giving their names to the best pronunciation possible. It made her laugh a bit at that. Her trio were off playing in the distance and she looked to Maegi. “I wanted to make you aware of Istoira’s absence. I don’t know what happened she’s just gone.” It made her a little upset to say that but Moonshadow attempted to keep a calm and collected look.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
May-jee, she corrected with a gentle smile, blinking down at Rowan. To make him perhaps feel less awkward, she added, Ro-wan, tongue gliding over each syllable. The Nona nodded at his direction, then grinned as he changed abruptly, tail wagging behind her. It's really big, Maegi remarked, glancing up toward the boughs above. Must have come from one of the big trees.

The girl was a bit quieter—okay, a lot quieter—and she let her features soften as she turned to the other that had spoken. Moonshine, she repeated. That's a really pretty name. Sounds a lot like your mom's. Whether Falling Star introduced himself or not, she wasn't certain, for she was soon fixed on Moonshadow's news (of a sort).

I'm aware, she said coldly, though with no malice toward her friend. Still, for however distant she'd been, she at least tried to keep tabs on the denizens of Blackfeather Woods—and Istoira, once Moonshadow's, well, shadow, had been gone for some time. Any idea of where she might have gone? Any signs of trouble?

The news would likely be bad if they were to find Istoira, alive or dead. She had left the woods—whether through misadventure or desertion, they did not know. Maybe it was best not to know.
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
"Maegi." He repeated quietly to himself whilst they talked over him about Issy.
Oh damn, Issy.
"Issy we find." He said definitely, his tail curling upwards to show he was damn straight serious. Even if it took until he'd grown up and was allowed outside of the borders, she'd be found. 

After he'd insisted with a hard stare for long enough, he went back to fighting against his siblings with ferocious vigilance. He would grow into a fighter. Tugging at Star's tail whilst making sure Moony kept her distance, he was happy. 
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She gave her friend a somewhat sad look and shook her head slightly. “Istoira said she cared for me and then disappeared, I said I cared for her too. I don’t know maybe i..i scared her off.” Moonshadow truly knew not why she vanished and she was scared that it was her fault.

Her sadness was taken over by a small chuckle at Rowan. “Maybe one day.”
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
She gave Rowan a smile, then turned to his mother as she explained the situation further. I'll look around for any indication she might not have left of her own will, Maegi said, then her tone grew cold. But good riddance if she abandoned you and your children. You're—we're—better off without someone who will stick around.

You hear that, Titmouse? Good fucking riddance to you. And yet, the thought hurt even as it sprang up, and she pushed it hastily from her mind.

Well, have fun looking around, she continued in a much lighter, warmer voice, letting herself relax again. It's a beautiful day to explore. Nice to meet you three properly, Maegi purred, gaze raking over the pups. She glanced at Moonshadow, then. Let me know if you need anything, she said solemnly, one last offer before exiting the scene and continuing on her rounds.
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
Mother seemed sad.
Maegi seemed angry, for some reason, but not at his Mother.
Was she mad at Issy?
He stood, almost dumbfounded, watching after her, tempted to get revenge for Issy.

He exhaled slowly, looking up to his Mother and planting kisses on her face. Then, he abruptly picked up his stick and started taking it off again, likely with Moonshine dogging after it.
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One lie is enough to question all truths.