Northstar Vale If the world was ending.
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
Limit Two 
With all the knowledge passed to her from Reiko, Ibis needed time to process. She needed to compose herself; knowing that she would lose her cool if the so-called husband of her best friend were to come across her in the next few days. Ibis couldn't keep secrets very well as a child but she had since matured, and she understood the severity of the secret she now carried with her - as well as the power of her own, albeit unconfirmed. What she needed most right now was someone to tell her the truth: was she pregnant, was she going to be a mother?

As much fun as it had been to hang out with @Akavir these past few days, the conversation with Reiko had spoiled some of that for her. Now she looked at the cute boy with apprehension, withholding the details of her previous travel would no doubt come back to bite her in the end. Would he leave her if he knew? So she kept to herself, avoiding his scent when she came across it - although he was probably hunting for her too, which made things tricky.

Lucky for her the vale was massive. She picked her way through the northern corridor of the range, an area she hadn't visited yet. Much of the vale was unexplored judging by the lack of wolf-scent everywhere. Ibis knew how to conserve her energy as she traveled due to her experience as a scout and, later, ambassador - but she found herself easily winded as she climbed high among the hills, and it surprised her that she couldn't accomplish a simple task like a light hike without strain. She was huffing and puffing as she crested a narrow heathered hill, pausing to catch her breath as much as inspect the weedy plants growing there. Many were sunbaked and drying despite summer being a few weeks away. Aside from some patches of bramble and a scattering of young trees, she was alone.

And here, she felt she could finally breathe freely.

Tag for reference - maybe @Atwood? Anyone welcome.
237 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision had actually made it a goal to work his way around the borders regularly. Both so he could memorize them without problem and also so he could honestly report to Reiko everything was okay and perhaps she would be able to rest. Her pregnancy should not be so daunting and yet--he could not help but be concerned for her. 

 The wet nurse, Awenfen, was supposed to be tending to her, and Collision could only trust Reiko was in the right care with the willlowy woman. He didn't know enough about growing life to speak on the changes happening. 

 His eyes would scan the distance with ambitious intention. He wanted to make sure he secured every nook and cranny. His nose bathing in scents that he had only scented in other parts of the empire. There was nothing new. Nothing to be alarmed of. 

 There was something unfamiliar to himself though. His eyes caught the vision of their Queen, Ibis, standing atop a hill in the distance. His head twisted in inquiry and he pushed onward at a comfortable speed. He hadn't been formally introduced to her. When he had entered the Empire she was on leave--and upon her return it seemed he hadn't a chance to introduce himself. 

 A throaty chuff would echo from his chest and he would make an attempt to join her in the vicinity she had stopped in. He would prefer to keep a respectable distance and his head tipped gracefully, "Hello,"
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
The nymph was startled by a sound, and when she turned to face the origin - ears twisting forward - she saw a large wolf striding confidently closer. It was nobody she could immediately recognize; but being this deep in the vale meant they had to be a friend, right? She tried not to let her nerves show, which proved pointless - her fur puffed slightly, not that it was a powerful image with it being naturally so short. The man stopped and greeted her, to which she answered with a little nod of acquiescence - more out of habit than anything.

It should not have surprised her that others would be roaming the vale; she had no real knowledge of who was in the pack, or how strong they were, or any of that. Nothing to aid her as a higher-ranked individual among them. Off to a good start then, she mused.

Hello. Out for.. a patrol, I assume? Ibis questioned softly, stowing her earlier anxieties until she could wallow alone.
237 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision is unsurprised and unbothered when the evidence she has no clue who he is becomes obvious. There is an uneasiness, but it is not fully enforced. His scent, after all, was around the Vale and it wasn't likely he would have made it so far in without at least permission to come around. 

 "You assume correctly," He is direct, to the point, and today he is as stoic as ever. He forgets to offer emotion, a smile, a flicker of interest and instead moves on, "I'm Collision. Reiko allowed me the opportunity to be a guest here and I had decided to stay," It didn't actually matter and there was no reason he owed this woman a specific explanation was there? 

 "I'm just trying to do my part in keeping it safe," He was happy here. Reiko had entrusted him with being a personal body guard of sorts. He was able to keep a sharp eye out for her and for everyone that she loved and that he was growing to respect. Still, it was important that he act socially and come to know the others that could very well make use of him.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
He spoke with a rigidity that made her uncomfortable. Other than that the man appeared focused on his duty, and in good health — and it wasn't like Reiko would entrust the safety of the lands and its residents to people that could not be trusted. It took a little bit of mental convincing but gradually Ibis relaxed to his presence. He was only doing his duty, and that should be commended rather than feared. She wasn't even afraid, exactly, rather a touch uncertain because he was such a new face.

Thank you. It is an important role you play, she said, feeling a little stiff as she assumed a more queenly bearing. Being the leader of her previous pack had been difficult and that was before Reiko deemed her royal (whatever that meant); now, Ibis was trying to live up to expectations despite having no idea how royalty should act. The man lingered too, which made Ibis wonder if she should... do something.

After a few moments she offered: Would you like to walk with me? Even as she said this, Ibis realized it was more of a question than a command, and she felt utterly spineless. How was someone supposed to respect her position if she was so nervous about it?
237 Posts
Ooc — Impala
There was rarely a comfort that came with meeting Collision. Upon initial reveal he could be seen as cold or emotionless. Such was not the case. A prolonged conversation and one would come to realize he was so focused on maintaining well-being. He viewed happiness as a privilege. One he was sworn to protect for them when they could not do so themselves. 
 She addresses his little act and he nods his head. It was an important role indeed and soon he would hope Ibis came to realize he only wanted to keep her safe. 

 There was a quiet awkwardness and for a moment he felt it best he should dismiss himself, but she spoke up and shattered the silence. An invitation? He did not feel he could decline, "I would prefer it, even," 

 There was a slightly rounding curve to her abdomen as he moved to be beside her and Collision thought back to Reiko who was forming much of the same way. Was this woman pregnant as well? That made three ladies that he were aware of and he found himself slightly concerned. Did the Queen have someone that was going to protect her? Or would Collision be charged with it as well? 

 He didn't mind so long as the two women didn't try to explore the four corners and pull him in every direction. 

 "How did you come to be here?" She had been in the Vale much longer than He, but was curious how Ibis and Reiko had bonded so tightly they had built the Empire together. Perhaps getting to know the Queen would enlighten him further to the tendencies of the Empress.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
His observations were not shared, and so Ibis remained oblivious to the condition of her body; she had not yet learned of her pregnancy and merely suspected it, being too immature to handle the thought. It was why she had come out here - to be alone, to hash out her feelings and maybe decide on a plan. Any thought to do so had vanished with Collision's arrival. That wasn't a bad thing either, as he gave her something else to focus on.

Even if it was awkward for her to lead a strange man through a territory she had only begun to understand, at least they were together, and he could be trusted to keep her safe. Somewhere in the back of Ibis' mind came the accusatory tone of Reiko: Were you safe? Did nobody force you? It hearkened back to their little argument—and Ibis almost tripped on her own feet because of it.

She recovered hastily, feeling her face warm with embarrassment. He did not appear to notice, or he was wise enough not to mention. His voice rolled like soft thunder as he questioned her, and Ibis swallowed a lump in her throat.

Well, I met Reiko many months ago. She started to explain, trying to remember the exact day, but struggled. So much had happened. She was kind, and she needed help, so she joined my pack — at the time I was a young leader and I needed counsel to learn how to, um, do my job. She served on that counsel. That might've been wrong but Java is tired so just go with it. When our numbers dwindled we sought out Kaistleoki, as we both had friends there, but it didn't feel like home. Reiko came up with the idea of the Vale.
237 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision had not heard too much of Ibis except that she was one of the fellow leaders of the pack. Of course, he had not seen or heard of her except on notable mention and he wondered where exactly she had been in that time. That, of course, was none of his business so he pushed the thought into oblivion and diminished the curiosity permanently. 

 She strolled along side him in what appeared to be comfort and Collision found that he hoped his presence was apart of that. He didn't figure her to be an incapable woman (despite her small stature and thin appearance) so much as he had alwas longed to properly do his job and his job was to assist in safety for these wolves. 

 Collision listened closely to her little tale and figured it made sense. Reiko seemed one to keep only the closest of her friends near her. He was pleased to hear that was her history and so would likely become her future. 

 Collision's experience within the Vale was, admittedly, a bit limited. He didn't know many of the wolves closely and he could only identify them by scent. Ibis had been one that had been dwindling until recently, "I like it here...I think it does feel like home," He keeps his eyes forward and his body locked into movement. Perhaps the words were deeper--but to him they were casual as anything else he could have said. 

 "Do you think you've made a place that feels more like home?" Nosey, wasn't he?
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.