Silver Creek The Hunting Grounds
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken frowned at Arashi's staying. She was certain he had spoken out, because no one else had made the offer, but someone would have. His large body would have been welcome while hunting. What he lacked in speed, he could have made up in strength. Bison were not easily felled.

Maiken ran into the fray. She was a Svartravn, they did not shirk. She twisted and used her size to her advantage. Snapping at haunches and chest, quickly darting away from sharp hooves.
45 Posts
Ooc — The System
Venere did not care that Vidaar mistrusted the strangers — she had no qualms with them. Mother had said they were friends, allies, even. Why was he being so dumb? Rolling her eyes, Venere edged away from her brothers, so that she might see the hunt better. Some wolves, like Vex, the big man, and a couple of the Saints, rushed right into the hunt, but others she could see hesitated. She sneered at those who did.
Physical Health (100/100)

Venere is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Venere is mentally well.
29 Posts
Ooc —
Vidaar took off, and Vaska’s ears fell. Why did he always have to be so difficult? He loved his brother, but he did not follow; he sought out his sister instead.

Venere rolled her eyes: he caught this motion, and sensed that shift again, the subtle passing of power. Vidaar acted like alpha above them, but more and more, Vaska found himself following Venere. He did not change his mind today.

Sorry Vidaar.

He glanced after his retreating brother with a sad frown, and crawled alongside Venere, watching the hunt from beside her, pressed low in submission, despite eager eyes to watch the hunt unfold - looking especially for the woman who looked like him. He had liked her smile, and wished she had stayed to watch them instead. Or Kevalin - and he shifted his attention to search for his friend.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Their target was explained by Vex but that was all it was. She noticed that Turmeric moved closer to her. She didn't blame him, Arlette disliked that the strong abled male was going to stay with the pups. But she wasn't disgruntled for long. She was dutiful and quickly followed Fury and Vex into the hunt.

"Let's hope we are lucky," she told Turmeric under her breath. If the male was truly shunned from its pack then they might have an easier target. But never underestimate a bison. Especially a desperate one. The herd might still protect him, or the bison still wanted to belong to the herd. She wasn't sure how they would react. Arlette moved closer to Fury as she ran. 'Fury, only if we separate the bull we have a small chance. They are incredibly dangerous."
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Fury hesitated briefly as Arashi spoke up to guarding the children.
She had intended for Turmeric to guard them, but it was what it was...
Hopefully this didn't go badly.
The Warchief offered Merry an apologetic glance before sprinting alongside Vex toward their quarry.
The Warqueen would bite for the ribs and hocks of the aging bison before going for the weakest parts of its back legs, hoping to render one of them useless to make feling the monolithic ungulate easier.

Her gaze was watchful and analytic as always, taking note of where everyone was as she sunk teeth into the most frail part of the bison's hind leg, aiming to sever the tendons and do major damage
Fury is in peak condition
Health (100/100)
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
175 Posts
Ooc — The System
Sorry for the delays, next round ends 9/5.

Vex did not care that the others were hesitant, she did not care that they sought more guidance. A creature this large, you needed pure, bute strength. Tactics were all well and good, but the reality was that they just needed to overwhelm the bull with numbers.

Vex grinned at Fury as she snapped and tore at the beast, and she latched onto it's other side, teeth tearing into flesh. Blood seeped easily from the wound she made, but she did not stop, not even as one of the bison bul's great horns gored her in the shoulder.

Bleeding freely, Vex backed off, fiery eyes turning to the other members of the hunt.
Physical Health (100/100)

Vex is currently healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Vex is currently doing well mentally... or, as well as Vex can be.

Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
All the others were going in attack mode. Trying to bite and hang on to the creature. Arlette just made a lot of sound as she ran along the beast. She just wanted to overwhelm him, though she didn't dare to actually jump to the creature or bite it. She would just try to slow it down and stay away from those kicking legs. She stayed more to the front, again mindful of the horns, but at least there to slow it down.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken growled and nipped at the creature. She eyed Arlette knowing the she wolf was happier without teeth and claws. She couldn't blame her, she wasn't entirely pleased either, but she had been taught viciousness at an early age.

So she continued to swerve it, it seemed to be lagging, blood welling from numerous wounds. She wished for a brief moment she was larger, that she could do more damage.

She ripped at hole into leg.
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Artok snapped and leaped. He grasped at the side and hung on in intervals to try and unbalance the creature. Sometimes it worked, but it always rallied. They needed more of something, but he wasn't entirely certain wait. They finally had gotten it away from the herd. Now it was just a matter of grasping and holding on, and someone going for for the killing bite.

Maiken snapped at a leg, while Arlette snarled, the beast turned and Artok leapt to grasp it by the fat on it's neck, trying to unbalance it. Tug it down.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
73 Posts
Ooc — Aero
Kevalin rushed into the fray. He knew he didn't have the speed to be rushing around the beasts legs like some of the others, luckily they'd slowed it down enough now that his brute strength would excel now.

Maw open wide he reached for one of the already open sores on the creatures flank, tearing into the wound deeper, before sidestepping away from the great beast.
40 Posts
Ooc — Aero
The boy slowed to a halt as he watched the ensuing commotion. His mouth hung open slightly. The adults were all over the place and the giant was still alive. He circled back and stood protectively in front of his brother and sister. A small whine escaped from his throat. Even he could admit he had no place being any closer to the hunt.
45 Posts
Ooc — The System
Venere's eyes were wide and excited as she watched the hunt. The adults took turns attacking, and she saw her mother get injured first. A low, sharp whine escaped her, but the girl could do nothing from here. She leaned into her brothers for support, but the great beast did seem to be slowing. They would eat well tonight, and for many nights to come.
Physical Health (100/100)

Venere is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Venere is mentally well.
115 Posts
Ooc —
While others rushed the beast, snapping at leg and flank and neck, Turmeric stayed his mother’s course. Hanging back a moment, to understand her strategy.

Confusion, it seemed. Well, he was sure he could do that!

Turmeric aimed to course his way along the beast’s opposite side, but as he skirted about, he felt a sudden crack in his side and the air rushed from of him, along with the ground. He gasped a sharp and wheezing yelp.

In the frenzy, the bison had kicked with its one free leg — laboured by the weight of the others upon it, but still strong enough to send Turmeric tumbling back across the dusty ground.
29 Posts
Ooc —
The noise, the rush, the chaos. It was all too much to watch.

But when he thought to close his eyes and turn from the fray, he felt a press against his side. Strong Venere, his sister who never wavered, wavered now with that familiar sound of distress, and his heart felt a new thing for her.

Not fear which underscored so much of his love towards her.

Understanding. Commonality. The need to be strong.

He pressed back into her, seeking to comfort her, while he himself felt comfort from the nearness of her, and of Vidaar, who had skirted back from the hunt to guard them, like he always did - yet with that same pitched whine, that same commonality.

In this moment they didn’t feel so big anymore, but as small as Vaska always did. And while he thought that thought should have comforted him, it only made him feel lost.
239 Posts
Ooc — Heretic

Slight pp of Turmeric with his player's permission!

Though remaining with the children, as he'd promised to do, Arashi's attention had been more focused on the frenzy of the hunt.
The hound watched as all included parties played out their strategies and worked to tame the beast they all sought. 
He was completely immersed in the sight; at least, up until a sharp sound of vocals rang through the air.
The general's gaze shot through the collecting of hunters. Instinctively, it sought out Fury first. Nothing was wrong, thankfully. His eyes then moved towards the beast's rear where he found their newest addition, Turmeric.
Chuffing heavily, Arashi looked down to the children and growled lowly. A simple stay here, and do not move
Inching forward from behind the elk, the hound slunk to the frame of Turmeric. It was evident that from the whines the boy emitted, something was wrong. But then, none ever escaped a bull's kick without attaining something from it.
Though the general did not know specifically what was hurting, he knew to be as careful as possible. And so, grabbing the boys scruff, Arashi lowered himself to the ground and ducked his under the flailing body to inch him atop his back. Claws raked into his flank and backside, but he had little difficulty ignoring the sensation. They weren't overly forceful, at least.
Once sure his new charge was secure, he circled widely around the beast to be sure they wouldn't be targeted and moved towards where the children had been waiting.
Looking to the nearest pup, the hound rumbled, Help me get him set down on the ground. They were still young, but surely they were capable enough to lend some form of help when it was needed. The last thing he needed was to falter and end up tossing Turmeric against the earth too hard.

175 Posts
Ooc — The System
So sorry for the delay, this is the final round for hunting posts!

The hunt was becoming dangerous — Vex knew it must be ended, and soon. Despite her own injury, she rushed back into the fray, claws tearing and teeth biting at anything she could reach. Soon enough, the beast's blood drenched her, and with the help of the others, she would draw it down to the earth, jaws clamped tight around it's throat. Tearing away from it, she knew it would not last long. Blood poured from it's many wounds, and finally, it gave it's last breath. Vex then looked around at the gathered wolves, nostrils flaring. Is everyone alright?
Physical Health (100/100)

Vex is currently healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Vex is currently doing well mentally... or, as well as Vex can be.

40 Posts
Ooc — Aero
Vidaar was paying attention now. He saw exactly how dangerous the hunt was becoming and he sat himself firmly on the ground, straightening himself to watch. His mother was wounded. Not that it frightened him, but when the young wolf fell he couldn't stop himself from wincing. When the man ran towards the commotion, he was quick to step up to help the man lower the other wolf to the ground. Vidaar tilted his head at the man. Okay? Vidaar had spoken very few words to anymore other than his siblings, it was strange to address the man in this way.
73 Posts
Ooc — Aero
Kevalin was beside Vex, teeth pulling the beast's down to the ground and not letting go until it had drawn it's final breath. Kevalin scanned the area, instinctively searching for the children. When he noticed the young wolf on the ground he shook his head. Doesn't look like it. He responded to Vex as he went to them.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken helped to take the beast down, and then with loping steps she ran to the young male who belonged to Arlette. Knowing that Arlette would probably want to heal him herself, but she wanted to be available in case of anything. She would do her best to make sure her friends child was alright.
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Artok saw the youth go down, and though he wanted to help for no one's sake other than Arlette's he knew that he was better off helping with teh beast until they could get it down, so no one else was hurt in the process.

A part of him was infuriated that it had happened. They should have had a plan something better than they had. They had tried to tell them all that it wasn't easy. That there would be a plan in place, but no one had answered and now look. He trotted over and stood nearby whether to be a comfort or to run for items he didn't know.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
The beast was felled, with everyone's help.
But Fury especially was not lost to the flying form of Turmeric or how Arashi rushed in to get him and rushed the boy to safety as everyone left helped kill the bison.

As soon as the beast crumpled to the earth and took its last breath, the Warchief took off at a fast pace to get to Turmeric's side with Arashi and the pups.
She sniffed him gently and looked to Arlette with worry for the yearling. Fury didn't know if his ribs were broken, or how to help.

her molten gaze flitted to Vex and their dead quarry for a moment, gauging Vex's reaction before the Warqueen made room for Arlette to inspect her son when she got to him.
Fury is in peak condition
Health (100/100)
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
239 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
The hunt came to a swift end. All brushed their shoulders off with their tails briefly before focusing in on the group as a whole. 

Arashi had been hunched over Turmeric all the while. But when @Kevalin, one of the Dominion's members, came closer, the general arched himself over the yearling and snarled, openly displaying his bared teeth.

Yes, they were allies; but even then, he wasn't a fan of pure strangers (given he knew little of them) being so close in such a dire time. It was due Vex's lack of pause for strategy and structure that Turmeric had been injured in the first place. As far as Arashi was concerned, it was her fault. And as such, she and her follower were not permitted in the vicinity of the Saint's younger generation, much less any of them at all.

Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette was in the chase, she was mostly working on distracting the beast, however, that distraction would fall as soon as she heard the yelp of her son. Arlette hit the brakes and turned to see what happened. "Turmeric." She had warned Fury that this was dangerous! She knew bison and she knew that unskilled wolves could get hurt. Now her own boy was hurt. She rushed to his side, though it took a moment longer as Arlette didn't want to run blindly to her child with injuring herself as well.

The healer rushed to Arashi's side. He had helped the boy. "Turmeric!!," she panted as she looked over him. She hadn't seen what happened as she was on the other side of the beast but there seemed to be at least something with his ribs. She appreciated the protectiveness of the male. Arlette nosed him, trying to get any contact with him. She was panicking a little. "Talk to me, where does it hurt?" To her the bison was forgotten. She would need to help her son now.
45 Posts
Ooc — The System
So much was happening that it was hard for Venere to register all of it. One of Fury's wolves were injured, falling back from the hunt, but the girl had eyes only for her mother. They sought her out as the hunt came to an abrupt end, but still the chaos did not die. The man who was watching her was helping the injured wolf, but grew angry as Kevalin approached. In response, Venere bared her teeth at Arashi, edging away from the group so she could watch from afar. This was not something she needed to be in the middle of.
Physical Health (100/100)

Venere is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Venere is mentally well.
115 Posts
Ooc —
Pain. Pain! The sensation of being moved, being stopped, being crowded. Light blocked out.

Turmeric has little sense of how he'd gotten from behind the bison back to where they had left the kids. He knew Arashi had carried him. He knew he'd brought him here. But everything about it felt like a fuzz. Like reality sometimes felt after he cried too much. Constricted. Surreal.

He heard voices. Questions. Answers. Felt Arashi overshadow him. Tried to curl deeper into his General's protection. Found himself finding another instead.

Mmmm, came his pinched effort of saying something of his mother's name, Mhmom What hurt? Everything. But he didn't want to worry her, or any of the others; didn't want to become some sort of display. He forced a small laugh. Tried to stand. Could quite find his footing and caved back into the ground, think it got m'ribs, he mumbled.

And everything else.