Kintla Flatlands
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Lion's Head Mesa: Rising up from the arid plains, a large mountain mars an otherwise flat landscape. With it's distinctly flat top, the mountain hardly breaches even low-lying clouds but is still nevertheless impressive. The sides are sharply sloped and made up of dangerously unstable rock, daring only the hardiest of creatures to attempt to venture to the summit. Dry grasses and spindly trees surround it, with only a few small lakes (that tend to dry up in the summer) to quench ones thirst.
Hoshor Plains: Guarded to the northeast by the towering Sunspire Mountain range lays a vast steppe that extends for miles in every direction. A carpet of golden grass, higher in some places than others, covers miles of flat land and the occasional hill from Greatwater Lake to the verges of Blacktail Deer Plateau. Bathed by the nourishing Whitefish River, the grassland is home to thousands of bison.
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