Profile of Briar Cayde: Quick Facts
Briar Cayde
Played By: Squeaks
Basic Info
Full Name: Briar Cayde
Subspecies: Grey Wolf x Red Wolf mix
Size: Large, Athletic
Sex: Male
Gender: Cisgender Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 4 years (May 8th, 2020)
Birthplace: Outside of Teekons
At a Glance
Tall, narrow, and prickly in appearance, Briar very much resembles his namesake. He is a striking combination of clay-like reds. His resting expression has a slight smile. His eyes display sectoral heterochromia. Half blue, half gold.
Profile of Briar Cayde: Details


A tall, lean creature, Briar combines the russet hues of his red wolf lineage with the physical stature of his grey wolf mother. He has thick, prickly fur along his nape and hackles and large triangular ears. His canine teeth often peak out from beneath his upper lip. His eyes are notable due to sectoral heterochromia being present in both. The lower portion of each iris stands out with a golden yellow from otherwise deep blue pools.
Briar is an aloof, hard to read wolf possessing a tongue sharp as thorns when caught in a bad mood. He keeps to himself, preferring to put in minimal effort within group endeavors. Despite this, he often has something to say and doesn't shy away from being crass. Catty in his own right, he can be bitter and hold onto negative perceptions of others even when he is aware how petty it is. This oddly doesn't extend to young wolves, even if he is avoidant of any responsibility that may come with rearing pups. He won't admit it, but he cares for the well being of pups. When he can set aside his pride, he is receptive to others and will pick up the slack for those he respects.
Briar's natal pack stretched itself thin with too many pups too quickly. Born after a large litter the year prior, there wasn't much to spare for a smaller, younger pup at mealtime. With his parents working overtime while trying to ready their elder children for adulthood, there was also little personal time between him and his parents.

As he got older, there was another litter on the way and Briar was left to his own devices to scrounge up whatever he could to eat when he wasn't competing with his siblings. This time on his own ultimately spared his life when his family started regularly hunting livestock. A cull was ordered for the nuisance animals with enough pressure from ranchers. Briar lingered for only a short time after the first shots. Leaving for a land with less human intrusion when none of his family members returned.
Briar has no preestablished connections or kin within the Teekons. Believing himself to be sole survivor of his natal pack, he speaks little of his kin. When he does, it is with much distancing. Preferring to say "my sire/dam/siblings."
Pack History
Profile of Briar Cayde: Additional Information
Registered on June 24, 2023, last visited (Hidden)
Briar has the potential to be an unreliable narrator. Views expressed by him are not my own. If there is any discomfort in assumptions he makes do not hesitate to PM me.
Art Credits
Avatar Art by Squeaks
Appearance Art by Squeaks
Attached Accounts
Player Notes
Hi! You can refer to me as Squeaks. I have been on Wolf RPG for a little over a year. In regards to roleplay, I am okay with letting things play out in character, but I absolutely welcome OOC plotting (especially for mature themes and subjects).
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