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Panther Park · I can't escape you
#Takiyokdeservesbetter party ;-;
Panther Park · I can't escape you
Greatwater Lake · roped up, rat in a cage
"'I was interested before — and then I wasn't, because you're an insufferable asshole. And now I just want to know what the fuck your problem is. You're the one who walked over here. You're the one who was a dick from the moment you saw me. You keep calling me crazy, but maybe you're the crazy one — you don't even know how to interact with people properly.'" When the dialogue is a perfect blend of self-projection and malicious intent but is ultimately the truth.
The Sunspire · now my favorite color is blue
"He is the ice wraith, frosted over look-alike of the boy he should have been." Stunning and poetic.
The Sunspire · now my favorite color is blue
"He thinks of Alessia — of the void she'd left in him from such a young age, the hole carved in his heart by every unanswered 'I love you,' every small hurt she'd never calmed when he went running to her. Her coldness had rubbed off on him, planted the seed for the chaotic child he had become. And at the very end, in those last moments… she'd had nothing left to give him. No closure, no comfort; only the slow fading of a dying woman, the last remnants of warm life projected onto the only thing near enough to receive it. He hated her for it, at first. He hated her for all of it, every wound from the earliest to the very last."
Beautiful, poignant, and, ultimately, heart-wrenching. He is the product of his own upbringing, seemingly very much created by everyone who abandoned him, everyone who he loved and was never loved by in return. I read the line, "Her coldness had rubbed off on him, planted the seed for the chaotic child he had become." and my heart aches for him. And now—
"Every gain and loss, every tragedy and victory, every investment whether good or bad — they're all worthless, aren't they?"
A journey into nihilism well spent and well documented.
The Sunspire · now my favorite color is blue
The Sunspire · now my favorite color is blue
just wow
The Sunspire · now my favorite color is blue
I can't even. There's so much wonderful imagery here, and this is so deep, and I just aalgskjaslg
The Sunspire · now my favorite color is blue
Take my goddamn kudos just take it ;-;
The Sunspire · now my favorite color is blue
really lovely , like artwork in words
Given to Zephyr by Stjornuati on December 01, 2020
The Sunspire · now my favorite color is blue
This is so gorgeous. You have such a skill with words. I could envision every sentence. <3
Snowforest Taiga · New wolf in the forest
omg what a welcome to the new site LOL IM SORRY NYXIE
Given to Holland by Stjornuati on December 01, 2020
Mudminnow River · obscura
I love his attitude so much omg
goddamnit daigh i love you
Cedar Sweep · I Want Your Bite
"And no one would out drama him in this shit show darling." You little sass I love him
Given to Taikon by Stjornuati on December 01, 2020
The Sunspire · i don't see red 'cause
Poor Taikon :sob:
Given to Zephyr by Osiris’s Ghost on December 01, 2020
The Sunspire · i don't see red 'cause
Given to Zephyr by Stjornuati on December 01, 2020
The Sunspire · i don't see red 'cause
Neverwinter Forest · Destiny was close behind her,
Neverwinter Forest · Destiny was close behind her,
HAH! Love it.