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Given to RIP Bronco by Tabriëlle on November 24, 2020
Firefly Glen · change, change will preserve us
characterization on point
Given to Stjornuati by RIP Toad Amelia on November 24, 2020
Firestone Hot Springs · i could love you
Given to Stjornuati by Zephyr on November 24, 2020
Firestone Hot Springs · i could love you
oh my god
Given to Tabriëlle by RIP Toad Amelia on November 24, 2020
Firefly Glen · change, change will preserve us
Given to Stjornuati by Tabriëlle on November 24, 2020
Sunspire Mountains · to linger is to die
powerful image
Given to RIP Toad Amelia by Sequoia on November 24, 2020
Redhawk Caldera · I know you
"Toad intentionally left out Fennec because, well, that girl didn't seem to like much of anything." TRUTH
ahhHHhhh crying
;_; But why
Redhawk Caldera · Stay away from the streets [m]
Given to Meerkat by Osiris’s Ghost on November 24, 2020
Bramblepoint · that's my music
This is just the cutest. <3
Sunspire Mountains · to linger is to die
Pretty writing!
Noctisardor Bypass · sorry, i can't hear you
*happy tears*
Redhawk Caldera · you're always talking but you're not playing
I love Wraen's introspection showing her character developing in this post! <3 I also chuckled at this bit: "With a small luxury called binoculars."
Given to Sasha Deagon by Kynareth Deagon on November 24, 2020
Hideaway Strath · A Test Of Faith.
arb ilu
Whitefish River · when i'm gone.
omfg Ira looked like a... oh no LMAO
Redhawk Caldera · The truth is, I prefer whiskey.
I just want to kudos this entire thread because it was amazing to catch up with these two! <3