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Given to Arcturus by Klaus on October 23, 2020
Ghost Lion Crag · tunilaaga ♢
(insert contorted crying meme) this is so poetic damn lauren <3
Given to Kukutux by Klaus on October 23, 2020
Moonspear · rich folks laugh while the furnace burns
amazing story!
Given to Kukutux by Sialuk on October 23, 2020
Moonspear · rich folks laugh while the furnace burns
You always have such a way with words. <3
Given to Ravinger by Cynefrid on October 23, 2020
King Elk Forest · I could even learn how to love
I don't think there are enough words in the dictionary to describe how much I love this dude XD
Given to Celara by Leshen on October 22, 2020
Whitefish River · But I am unsure
YES GIRL, if he dies, he dies -- i love her already LMAO
Given to Hydra by Osiris’s Ghost on October 22, 2020
Moonspear · Scorpio rising
Given to Revui (Ghost) by Dirge on October 22, 2020
Moonspear · Straight as an arrow; bayonet trials
but did u get the hellcat out of the ceiling inquiring minds need to know
Given to Paladin by Kaskae on October 22, 2020
Duck Lake · and he hasn't been home in a few days
Giving you kudos because snotgoblins is just :chefskiss:
Given to Merrit by Revui (Ghost) on October 21, 2020
Stone Circle · One more body to bury
Very well thought-out and written, lovely emotions.
Given to RIP Niamh by Towhee on October 21, 2020
Tuktu Hinterlands · Oh heart doth broken
"She enquired, with the ominous tone of a sculptor asking for the names needed to be carved into gravestones." *chef's kiss*
Given to Speedy by Ira on October 20, 2020
Whitefish River · level up
Given to Dragomir by Cyprin on October 20, 2020
Fairspell Meadow · Come to me now and lay your hands over me
im excited for his newest arc
Given to Alyx by Cyprin on October 20, 2020
Sun Mote Copse · Keep repeating self-hating phrases
Given to Alyx by Towhee on October 20, 2020
Sun Mote Copse · Keep repeating self-hating phrases
Them's fightin' words (and we love to see it).
Given to Alyx by Huā on October 20, 2020
Sun Mote Copse · Keep repeating self-hating phrases
Given to Alyx by Paladin on October 20, 2020
Sun Mote Copse · Keep repeating self-hating phrases
Given to Eljay by Meerkat on October 20, 2020
Sun Mote Copse · words of wisdom
"Eljay sat quietly by Wiffle's grave, where her body was buried (or so he thought, anyway)." Oooooooooops, lol.
Given to Mahler by Dirge on October 20, 2020
Moonspear · In all the good times, I find myself longing for change.
so much emotion between the lines of this post. poor mahler. :(
Given to Orochi by Klaus on October 19, 2020
Wheeling Gull Isle · lies don’t last long
i WaSn'T rEaDy just say it u like him he's cute DO IT <3<3
Given to Wylla by Cyprin on October 19, 2020
Nova Peak · If you must leave, leave as though fire burns under your feet