Fickle and careless as ever, Kerosene arrived on their own time. @Visala had their Keeper — and what great need was there for a Speaker with none to speak to? They knew so little of the packs in these lands or what might have changed since their parents' time here. In time they would know, but first there was the matter of settling...
A bore, really. So Kerosene dawdled until they could find no reason to delay any longer. A strong swimmer, they crossed to the islands with relative ease in spite of the high tide. Loathe as Kerosene was to admit it, however, the journey was draining. They sought the Listener with a tired slouch to their gait, indigo eyes nonetheless aflame.
A bore, really. So Kerosene dawdled until they could find no reason to delay any longer. A strong swimmer, they crossed to the islands with relative ease in spite of the high tide. Loathe as Kerosene was to admit it, however, the journey was draining. They sought the Listener with a tired slouch to their gait, indigo eyes nonetheless aflame.
December 02, 2024, 11:03 PM
It was a difficult process, learning to navigate the 'new world' she had been brought to.
Until now she had rarely ventured far from their home, and with good reason. Paws reaching out to press the ground in front of her, steps were taken slowly and with care. She had sent Nayavanti to catch her something for dinner, and now found herself alone in the dark.
It was a good feeling, in a way. The wind gently blowing through her fur, the light snow melting beneath her... she felt perfectly in tune with the land here.
Until now she had rarely ventured far from their home, and with good reason. Paws reaching out to press the ground in front of her, steps were taken slowly and with care. She had sent Nayavanti to catch her something for dinner, and now found herself alone in the dark.
It was a good feeling, in a way. The wind gently blowing through her fur, the light snow melting beneath her... she felt perfectly in tune with the land here.
When threading with Visala, please remember she is blind
- Powerplayable by Nayavanti -
Please read my player preferences here!
December 02, 2024, 11:09 PM
The Speaker studied their Listener for a moment, assessing her quickly and deciding that she seemed well enough. Satisfied that the Keeper was still faithful to her duties, Kerosene nodded once to themself and took in a breath. That was one worry off their plate, at least.
The islands are in a dreadful state,Kerosene clicked their tongue as if the land might hear their disapproval and take heed.
Untended for too long. I don't suppose you have any bright ideas?Pfft. Asking for orders. Their parents would have been proud, but Kerosene felt fit to vomit.
December 02, 2024, 11:28 PM
(This post was last modified: December 02, 2024, 11:28 PM by Visala.)
A voice cut through the still air, visibly startling the small woman.
How was she to know what the island looked like? She frowned for a moment.
How was she to know what the island looked like? She frowned for a moment.
Kerosene.She greeted.
You're here later than I expected, have you brought other's?Lifting her nose, she checked for any scents that did not belong to her sibling.
When threading with Visala, please remember she is blind
- Powerplayable by Nayavanti -
Please read my player preferences here!
December 03, 2024, 12:07 AM
They sighed heavily.
No, Listener. Only myself and my aches and complaints,Kerosene cast a glance filled with distaste 'round the island. It truly was a mess!
I expect our wayward Speaker will make an appearance soon. Until then, we'd best get to work,Of course, by we they meant I, but it would have been unkind to say it.
December 03, 2024, 12:23 AM
If you are sore, should you not rest?Her careful steps turned into a trot, barely missing a tree as she hastily approached Kerosene. Whiskers twitching as they met fur she took a step back.
Nayavanti is returning with a meal. Eat with me first.She paused for a moment, then corrected herself.
My Keeper.
Her concern was evident, even behind her generally unexpressive eyes.
When threading with Visala, please remember she is blind
- Powerplayable by Nayavanti -
Please read my player preferences here!
December 04, 2024, 12:58 AM
They softened beneath the Listener's concern, in spite of their own. A daywalker to the core, their Visala; ever the shepherd guiding her lambs, giving freely the wool to pull over their wolf's skin. Kerosene wore it uncomfortable, always crowded and itching beneath its weight — but willingly, for her. For the prophet.
Again they sighed.
Again they sighed.
Your kindness warms me, Listener,Kerosene was gentle, aware of the worry behind Visala's clouded eyes as one is aware of a thorn between the toes.
But I'm eager to begin my duties. We've waited long enough, haven't we?Their whole lives up to now; how could she stand the waiting?
December 04, 2024, 01:05 AM
Their eager nature made her wary. It had always bothered Visala that she could do so little to help with tedious tasks, rather only able to hand them to those she cared for.
A few underlings would be a pleasant addition, something to ease her guilt.
She supposed it would be good to have a chance to gather her thoughts.
A few underlings would be a pleasant addition, something to ease her guilt.
Help me find the Listeners den then, will you?Something simple to begin, and a place that she could be left so others would not worry for her.
She supposed it would be good to have a chance to gather her thoughts.
When threading with Visala, please remember she is blind
- Powerplayable by Nayavanti -
Please read my player preferences here!
December 09, 2024, 11:50 PM
Of course,Kerosene murmured.
This way, then.They pressed their nose gently to the Listener's shoulder as they turned to lead her. The Speaker kept close enough to guide her with the occasional brush of their flank or their tail, but otherwise kept their focus on the path ahead. It was a long journey across the islands.
We'll have to swim a bit. Or you can hitch a ride on my shoulders and watch me drown along the way. That would be fun.
December 11, 2024, 12:22 AM
She frowned at Kerosene's attempt at humour. It wasn't all too funny to her.
Visala followed with ease, tracking them by the thumps of their pawsteps and the occasional brush of fur.
She could not help but be curious. As fucked up as they were, Visala still loved them. How could she not love those who gave her life?
I can swim. Drown another day.Swimming was easy, so long as she expected the water to be there.
Visala followed with ease, tracking them by the thumps of their pawsteps and the occasional brush of fur.
I know Ruin and Morokei won't be far behind, but..She frowned, pausing momentarily.
Will our parents be joining us?
She could not help but be curious. As fucked up as they were, Visala still loved them. How could she not love those who gave her life?
When threading with Visala, please remember she is blind
- Powerplayable by Nayavanti -
Please read my player preferences here!
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