Ocean's Breath Plateau seabreeze
174 Posts
Ooc — Dan
All Welcome 
aw, happens before this

The ocean had never been a relaxing place for her. Wet, salty, dangerous and unpredictable. Large bodies of water did not frighten her; gigantic, endless bodies of waters did. And yet, the argent found herself atop the plateau, admiring the view. It was truly breathtaking; still scary, but breathtaking.

Her mind raced elsewhere; as the cold salty breeze brushed her mane, her thoughts were carried by the wind. A coward, still. Instead of facing the aftermath, Agana laid away from the moon, away from the duck, away from everyone. A deep sigh escaped her lips, golden gaze admiring the heavens. Stargazing would be good here, she was going to keep that in her mind.

[Image: rKA4BFm.png]
