Dragoncrest Cliffs ti gason pèdi
148 Posts
Ooc — mercury
for the first time in his short life, lafayette had left sapphique.

he hadn't intended to take long. consumed by grief for val and worry for his wayward twin and sister sobeille, he'd set off without a second thought. the boy had come up empty, though, and now returned to his home with metaphorical (and literal) tail between his legs.

his handsome, tapered face—more man now than child—tipped upward in a howl for his manman, sea-green gaze nervously scanning the treeline. he had heard many a tale of men abandoning sapphique in time of need,

and now here he was, having done the same.

at least he had returned. lafayette hoped they could forgive him with that in mind.

@Mireille specifically mentioned but AW
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
967 Posts
Ooc — ebony
one by one they left. little by little they returned. chani had not come back. sobeille had never been seen again. mireille spent her mouthed prayers beside each grave, shedding bitter salt over that still-new earth beneath which val rested.
she did not blame lafayette for having been gone at all, and her stride was careful when she went to meet her tall son.
like tousaint, time had carved lafayette into some semblance of manfulness, though the red slender and those glowing seagem eyes bespoke a beauty that was not possessed by other men.
tousaint was much the same, her lovely boys who had come home when sapphique stood silent and bereaved. mindful of any step to jolt a delicate belly, mireille reached for her son, closing her eyes in the splendor of that wintertide afternoon.

148 Posts
Ooc — mercury
mireille appeared. she looked different, somehow. there was a certain way that she carried herself, and a glow about her russet figure.

of course, lafayette would have never seen his mother pregnant before. 

all that mattered was that she was here.

manman, he murmured, breath escaping in a sob as she drew close in embrace. i'm sorry, manman. i went searchin' for my sisters, an' i tried—i jus' wanted to find 'em. i shouldn've gone so long.

he was crying, the tears enveloped by mireille's ginger ruff. he sniffled and stepped back, looking her over. you be okay, manman?
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
967 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mireille held to her boy as he murmured his apology and explanation. "it do not be matterin' now, lafayette, mon cœur," the obsidian promised, her eyes dancing with pure relief only to see him returned in hale wholeness.
his comment had her chuckling. "i glow because i be wid child. new brot'ers an' sisters already growin'," she told lafayette, waiting for his expressive reaction.
sapphique would house new cousins for him as well. and if sobeille or chani, or both, saw fit to return in blessing, the grandmother warriors who had built their home would oversee the birth of great-grandchildren.
such a thought took her breath.

148 Posts
Ooc — mercury
his mother's forgiveness was a balm to the depths of his wounded spirit. he still felt as if he didn't deserve it—not entirely—but he would accept the gesture nonetheless. 

her news had lafayette taking a few springing steps back, eyes widening with surprise and delight.

manman! congratulations! the ruddy wolf cried out, grinning. new sisters an' bro'hers. . . his voice trailed off happily, imagining the day in which he'd finally get to meet them all. 

how many? he wondered. his own set had numbered four; chacal's litter had been robust, too.

but his joy slowly faded as he remembered the man who had followed mireille's scent and demanded an audience. had she been briefed? his expression faltered, verdant eyes turbulent.

manman, a man came here lookin' for you, lafayette said gravely. he was followin' your scent. i told 'im to go 'way, but he got angry. frè tousaint an' pepper helped me fight 'im off, t'ough.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
967 Posts
Ooc — ebony
her eyes grew cold as her favored boy recounted this story; mireille tried to remember who among her suitors might have followed, and a muscle leapt along her jaw. "it was very good dat you all be t'ere. such men do not mean to leave until dey have what dey want."
something shone in her emerald eyes, dark and low, the simmering of tar beneath a fiery summer.
"in fact, lafayette, you see a man again in dat way, i suggest you put him down. here we have strengt' an' power. we have loyalty an' one ano'ter. but a man who acts dat way here will act worse to a woman alone. cull him to spare anyone else."
a harsh thought. a necessary lesson. her smile was tinged in pride and an open approval for his actions.

148 Posts
Ooc — mercury
his mother's words sent a frisson down his spine, but he continued to meet her gaze, understanding the gravity of her words. it was a lesson he would not soon forget.

i will, manman, lafayette said dutifully, nodding. i promise.

his eyes then floated once more to her belly, and a smile returned to his face. when will dey come, manman? he queried eagerly. my new brot'ers an' sisters.

he secretly hoped for a brother or two. he knew sapphique valued women above all, but val's absence had him feeling a bit bereft. tousaint had filled that void, somewhat, but a baby brother he could love on and mentor? his heart sang at the thought.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
967 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"in anot'er mont' and some weeks," mireille said. "it seems longer t'en it is. nine weeks, sometimes ten; it is not a long while at all."
her smile was joyous, unguarded. "erzulie prepared for dem wid swimmin', lots of it. she swam more when she was pregnant," the obsidian remembered, intending to lead lafayette on impulse toward siren's bay.
"somet'in' about de water. good for de young an' deliverin' t'em into breath."
one day, perhaps, lafayette might be the val standing over another litter.

148 Posts
Ooc — mercury
not too long, then. not so long that would drive him crazy, anyway.

she spoke of the sea nurturing the young ones—giving them strength—and he couldn't help but smile. even though his misadventure had nearly led to his and lucette's deaths, he did not regret it

sapphique children were meant for the ocean.

manman, i felt most at peace under de water, lafayette told her. i still do. de little ones will feel de same, i t'ink. dey have de sea in their blood.

he moved forward and nuzzled her cheek, beaming with delight. i am so happy, manman, he murmured. i cannae wait to meet dem.