Firefly Glen I was sleeping in the garden when I saw you
110 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Limit Two 
AW, if you do not intend to treat this as a conception thread please let me know!

Some of her fear had dissipated since beginning to establish a new home for herself, a community of her own. No longer did she feel the need to look over her shoulder as she wandered.

Paws carrying her forward, she hoped to get some scavenging done in the glen. A strange feeling had come over her recently, and she was not quite feeling up to hunting - not that she usually would have done so on a regular day. There were enough packs around this area that she knew some good leftovers would be around.

Tail held high, nose to the ground, she searched for a scent of interest. Spring came with promises of rejuvenation, of young emerging from dens and good hunting. Something would come to her today, she was sure of it.
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This character is currently in heat (March 24 - 30). AW's may be treated as conception threads, just give me a heads up so I can change the icon, and keep things relatively sfw and short.
5 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Odessia had left the strange-looking man many days ago and had—for the most part—kept to herself. She knew that as a pack animal, she could not expect to survive on her own forever, though. She would need to acquire others to aid her in survival; this was the way of the wild.
When the pungent odor of estrus made her nose wrinkle, it quickly changed Odessia's mood from neutral to downright feral. The prior spring, she had noted the smell and even welcomed her mother's new children. Now, however, there was a new edge to the scent that called on males. Odessia quickly found that she wanted nothing more than to make sure this other female was no longer her competition.
Teeth bared and hackles raised, she charged at the woman with a certain rage she had not even known possible even an hour before now. Her eyes flashed and she fully intended to take this other female down—or at least chase her off—as soon as wolfishly possible.
110 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Waawaashkeshi was beginning to think that the women on this side of the wilds had contracted a disease of sorts, the way they seemed to charge at her every chance they got. It was quickly proving to be a nuisance. In her eyes this one was worse than the dark-coated girl who attacked her in the copse, seeing as she saw nothing worth defending here.

That's just unnecessary! She spoke with a wrinkle of her nose, wasting no time to begin sprinting back towards her western territory. What was the point of risking injury when there was nothing worth being injured over?
Join the Summerwalkers
Please read my player preferences here!
This character is currently in heat (March 24 - 30). AW's may be treated as conception threads, just give me a heads up so I can change the icon, and keep things relatively sfw and short.