Luneshale Pass In a river,
2 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
All Welcome 
Fur white and the skin beneath pale, the son felt a sensation new and exciting as he stepped into the sunlight for the first time. The world was growing clear, his eyes open and slowly gaining colour. Small ears had begun to perk as well, his mother's voice now more clear to him so long as she was close.

Leto sleeping soundly within the den next to his brother and sister, clumsy paws had carried the boy outside with a tail high and wagging. The temperature of the pass was welcoming, the scents overwhelming but thrilling nonetheless.

He knew from the feelings of heavy footsteps that often passed by outside the den that they were not alone here. His mother seemed calm in spite of this, and so Delos himself felt no fear.

Letting out a bark louder than he knew, a recent development of his, Delos turned his head in search of any other inhabitants.