Neverwinter Forest Fly me higher and higher and higher
sterkt hjarta
109 Posts
Ooc — Bone
All Welcome 
Pangur drifted around the homestead, a hum filling the air whereever she walked; she was in high spirits today! Her leg finished with the labour of healing, now she had merely to wait for her fur to regrow in the places claws had torn away. Winter had swallowed the forest, though it remained green in the face of it all; and thank the gods for such a thing! Whipping winter winds were not quite so biting with the dense forest took the brunt of it. This enclave where they all gathered, it was a sancturary.

Pangur had slept outside, beneath the company of the stars and in the eyes of the gods, but it was chilly! and her decision to stay meant she would have to find some place to make her own. A little den, maybe close to the other women. 

A cozy tree burrow, she only had to dig a little bit of snow out of it before it was cleared; she would need pelts to soften the frozen ground, but for now, the simple covering of old tree was plenty fine for Pangur. 

Now to pretty the place up. Pangur sat back on her haunches, staring at the opening with a crooked head, making her plans.
and you can't tell what you're feeling
684 Posts
Ooc — siv
crashing this :)

pangur's continued stay brought her great joy.

she felt lightened by the more bodies that made forneskja home. so perhaps it was of no surprise that she came now with gifts. intent to make sure that pangur felt truly welcomed, that she did not think her company was kept only for healing.

with her was a rabbit pelt.

it was simple, but it was meant to be a start. either as something to drape over herself or as a thing to be laid down for enjoyment.

carefully she laid it down and spoke —

maybe i can help?

[Image: 93940844_iWYou4vbMfaQSnr.png]common / inuktitut / norse
Conception: Thu Jan 23 2025
Predicted Birth: Thu Mar 27 2025

sterkt hjarta
109 Posts
Ooc — Bone

Pangur flicked an ear first, though the crane of her neck was quick to follow suit. Her features pulled back into a cheery grin. Seiðkona! Good morning! she greeted with a wave of her tail, early morning frost materializing as the breath left her jaws in misty puffs. She nodded, a twinkle of excite flickering in her gaze. I would be glad for it! 

Hazel eyes scanned over the makeshift den, and blonde paws carried her to it, pattering against the packed ground. Do you think the spot is okay? I wanted to be close to Heimtre, and to the other women. You are not using this for anything, no?
and you can't tell what you're feeling
684 Posts
Ooc — siv
pangur, bright and brilliant.

even when she had been freshly wounded by feline claws the woman had been nothing but charming. this must be preserved, nurtured, built upon. the Seiðkona did not wish for such to wilt like a flower in winter.

a soft shake of her head to signal no.

its only use will be to house the lovely pangur! she decided. and this rabbit pelt. if you do not choose it to sit on shoulders instead. it is only a start to what riches you might have in your place.

she must send men hunting, or scouts out trading. in this way she would be able to decorate the women she adored.

so, you like the other women? her voice dropping into the soft whisper of sisters gossiping. the smile on her face curving with delight.

[Image: 93940844_iWYou4vbMfaQSnr.png]common / inuktitut / norse
Conception: Thu Jan 23 2025
Predicted Birth: Thu Mar 27 2025

sterkt hjarta
109 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Wonderful! She had gotten a blessing for this place, a cutesy hideaway, come summer it would be colorful and bright at her hand. Her chest felt a warmth within at the proclamation, and she listened while Seiðkona's honeyed voice spoke of riches. She let a light laugh fall from her jaws, humility a reflex Riches? ah- but I have no need for so much...

and yet the playful glimmer in her eyes said otherwise. 

I do. She said, low and giddy, she leaned down and took the rabbit hide across her shoulder. There is more to find in common, I think. We help each other in ways the men cannot, also. light paws lifted and fell in slow, easy rhthym while she sat back. I have met only Y'var'la, Eydis, and yourself, but I do hope to speak with the others, I would hear their stories, when they are not so busy. Her tail drifted across the frost-touched ground. Ah! But I still only know you as Seiðkona! You have another name? May I call you it?

It felt easy, speaking here like this, all the weightlessness of dancing on clouds.
and you can't tell what you're feeling
684 Posts
Ooc — siv
callyope only offered a bit of a sly smile and sidelong look. she would not challenge such! yet she knew riches were the promise of all who lived here.

bones, pelts, meat.

stones, gems, herbs.

she thinks it will not be her mission to discover what it is pangur might collect within her home. if only she could train a bird! then she might have trinkets and treasures galore. it is a whimsical thought that inspired only warm smiles.

i was first known as callyope nuiruk, daughter to moonwoman and sunman. she told the cougar-brave woman now. she will not hide her past in forneskja's future. for they are bonded to moonglow and sunshine is here still. but it is love that brings me the title seiðkona here in forneskja. there is warmth and whimsy to her voice now!

but you may call me what you wish, pangur. for my ears will always answer your voice.

a promise. for how can any be devoted to her if she did not do that same?

[Image: 93940844_iWYou4vbMfaQSnr.png]common / inuktitut / norse
Conception: Thu Jan 23 2025
Predicted Birth: Thu Mar 27 2025

sterkt hjarta
109 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Pangur listens with perked ears, a flicker of curiosity dancing in hazel eyes as she mentioned her family, and more than just simply that; a warmth grew in her chest.

Callyope, a beautiful sound on the Seidkona's tongue, and yet when Pangur tried to parrot it back, it messed with the twinge of her accent Call-i-yop She murmured with hesitance, a flustered look settling on her face as her first attempt did not come to match as much as she had meant to.

The quickness of such syllables was a foreign thing to Pangur, though still, she would try her very best. Seiðkona at least, was in Pangur's own tongue, rolling easily into the wind as she spoke it. Callyope Nuiruk may have challenged her this day, but someday, it too would meet the air with ease. It is beautiful! Does it have a meaning?

She did not know of this one, but she wished to. There was deep importance in names.
and you can't tell what you're feeling
684 Posts
Ooc — siv
so sorry for the wait </3 hoping to be more on top of things

she smiled with warmth and patience.

her own husband-to-be had taken time with her name at first! she figured this was to be the way of all people like him, with ice and mountain in their blood.

it is from my father's tongue. for she knew it not to be the words of her mother! and it matched every part of sunman father. it seems to be...artistic. she laughed a little! sheepish, perhaps, that she did not have a better answer for it.

she should make the walk and remedy that.

and what does pangur mean?

[Image: 93940844_iWYou4vbMfaQSnr.png]common / inuktitut / norse
Conception: Thu Jan 23 2025
Predicted Birth: Thu Mar 27 2025

sterkt hjarta
109 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Haha! Mine is also ah- artistic. She snickers, but the thought is a fond one.

Usually, my people pass down names of old family members, or those who have achieved many great things. My mother had the same name as her grandmother, many sons the same as their fathers, and such. She'd pause, a peachy paw tracing a circle into the snowy ground, a laugh rolled from her throat. Not me! My mother did not talk of the rest of our family, for some reason or another. She named me instead after a great beast she took down.

Hazel eyes narrowed, a comfortable familiarity to the telling of stories such as this one. Mountain cat! same as what brought me here. This one was meaner, though; all white and with a taste for wolf. Pangur leaned in, a toothy grin spreading across her features. The villages nearby, they called it the white pangur, it had hurt some of their young wolves. My mother, she took off into the mountains to search for it, and she did not return for 3 days. When she did, she brought back its pelt, and had the mark of its claws across her face.

She brought a forelimb up to her face, making the gesture of claws tearing across. and then she had me, some months later, not a very careful woman. She looked off to the side, the thought of such recklessness while expecting just now clicking. She said that she chose it because I bit her so hard when i was just little, that it reminded her of the same ferociousness she faced in the mountains.

A soft flush came to settle on her cheeks. I do not think I grew to become so vicious, though.