Neverwinter Forest Strangler fig
sterkt hjarta
109 Posts
Ooc — Bone
All Welcome 
For @Ranveigh :3

Pangur spent her days out on the territory, refreshing scent markers, traipsing around with an inviting smile hoping she could catch some travellers on their way by; looks like she'd just missed this one!

Well lucky Pangur, it seemed the scent was joined by Hárkonungr's, and each set of prints only carried further into the forest. Already she grew giddy at the prospect of a new recruit! She would have to make a good impression.

The náttfari stayed out a little longer, crafting, scheming; she tore a piece of bark away from an old pine, taking it to water where she could soften its wood, enough to carve a rune into its grooves, a task which required utmost precision and ah- patience.

Othilla, she chose, and a few snowdrop flowers wound together as a show of her goodwill. Pangur returned with offerings aplenty, and searched around for the newest face in their ranks...

Hallo! She called through a muffled mouthful of gifts, tail raised and swaying in slow, welcoming motions. I bring you something!
10 Posts
Ooc — mortis
ranveigh had been guarding. as was her promise.

forneskja was massive and protected by woodland so dense one can barely see the sky above in certain parts of it. ranveigh used this to her advantage. she blended in with the shrubbery and stayed quiet, lingering near the outskirts of the pines.

it was a slow day. her only companions for the first several hours of her morning were the chirruping winter birds, conversing amongst themselves while leaving her to wonder. until, very suddenly, she wasn't alone.

hallo! ranveigh whirled around with a clenched fist, fully prepared to lob it at what she was assuming to be an intruder, until she actually saw who it was that stood behind her. a twiggy blonde girl, beaming at her with a sugary sweet grin. she had brought her a welcome gift.

ranveigh's eyes blew to an astronomic proportion. when was the last time she had received a gift?

thank you, she mumbled, scrambling to return the smile and stop staring like a dumbass. she glanced down at the token and tilted her head politely. what is it?
sterkt hjarta
109 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Pangur came to sit right in front of her, immediately she thought- what a tall woman! Her eyes lit up with a spark of admiration as she finally set down her gifts right at her feet, freed her mouth so that it might speak words unmuffled. It is not much- I hope you do not mind. She would grin, bringing a paw to drift across the rune she'd carved. But I thought you might feel more at home this way!

It is a rune that represents family and protection. I know it is silly, but I thought you might like it for your den. She hoped that the other would come to view this place as her family, just as Pangur had. The flowers, I picked them because they are symbols of new beginnings.

A pause, her ears perked up. AH- I am Pangur, by the way. I am náttfari to Forneskja.
10 Posts
Ooc — mortis
a rune. for protection, she said. ranveigh stared at it, pulling it closer and running her nails over the delicate carvings. slowly, a smile crept up her cheeks.

i will have to make you something in return, then, pangur, her tail thudded softly against the undergrowth. this is... it's very sweet of you. i'm ranveigh, by the way.

ranveigh felt a sudden onslaught of guilt. a strange kind of guilt, one that made her feel antsy. she didn't know how to make a rune, let alone something as precious and unique as this! her thoughts visibly raced behind her eyes. she needed to repay her somehow.

then the cogs turned in just the right direction. she didn't know how to make a rune — but she could pick flowers.

would you like to go for a walk with me?
sterkt hjarta
109 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Aha- you do not have to, it is no worry, really! A subtle flush pinkened her features, a flustered grin soon to follow. You think she would get used to receiving kind gestures back, but Pangur still remained that little bit resistant to them. Give give give, but never take. It was how she liked to be.

Ranveigh, that is a beautiful name. She comments, rising now to step in front of her. I would love to walk with you! I can show you some of my favourite places in the forest. a glimmer of mischief twinkled in hazel eyes.
10 Posts
Ooc — mortis
no, it's the least i could do, ranveigh insisted. her smile brightened. i will pick flowers for you. you'll have to tell me what you like.

she followed pangur's lead back toward the inner workings of forneskja. her steps were heavy and rather clumsy compared to the dainty little thing beside her. something about her made ranveigh nervous — her scintillating eyes, the northern accent that rolled thickly from her tongue. it only got worse when her name was called beautiful.


i'm still learning my way around, ranveigh wanted to fill the air with noise, some small part of her wishing desperately to keep pangur's attention. how long have you lived here? are you... from here?
sterkt hjarta
109 Posts
Ooc — Bone
What flowers did Pangur like most? Well she did not even know! She had a harder time picking out which ones she did not like. She accepted the invitation with a nod, faithful enough that the rekkr would not disappoint.

(Pangur would've been happy with a stick)

I came here ah-.... the wedding was a month ago so... 3 or 4 months? about? Pangur was lost in thought a moment, streeeeetching her memory back into ancient times. Like it were a lifetime ago, it did feel that way sometimes, in the best of ways of course. I was not from here before, though. Not from anywhere! I travelled on my own as soon as I was a year old. What about you? Where did you come from before?
shield-maiden of frost
89 Posts
Ooc — grim

the læknir moves quietly throughout neverwinter. dark pelt cloaked beneath the shadowed canopies of its thick foliage, some wilted by the winter, others surviving regardless.

she had been drawn by the voices of two girls. one, pangur. the other... unrecognizable. she comes closer, peering past brush, pushing it aside with a paw, and settles warm eyes upon the exchange.

it is good to see pangur speaking with another woman. she thought for too long that pangur might be swept up in the affairs of the men—and there was nothing wrong with that, but she found strong women needed other strong women to lean upon.
"norse" · "common"
10 Posts
Ooc — mortis
nowhere important, ranveigh smirked, though the inquiry most certainly chipped away at something unknown within her. or exciting. i've found forneskja. that's what matters.

and it was true to her. everything ranveigh had ever done felt so insignificant next to pangur in a way that was shockingly pleasant. it was comfortable. easy. their strides fell in tandem as they crossed into a glen, light filtering down and casting the golden girl in even more of a glow. 

you cannot just say you're a traveler and not tell me a story, she playfully countered. go on. i want to hear more about you.
sterkt hjarta
109 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Pangur's expression melted into a warm smile, she let out a light giggle, and looking up to the leafless branches that scattered the suns light across the ground, through them, the vastness of a clear blue sky. She let the gentle breeze ruffle the peachy fur of her chest, birdsong a melody on the breeze.

Oh she loved it here.

Well- She started, lowering her voice, passion seeping from each inflection. My mother said my father is a god.

Yes, take it in, mighty, godly pangur.

It is why I am so lucky, you see?

Lucky, though she wore a few scars that might've said otherwise. I've been to many places, stayed with many villages and helped them where and how they needed it but-. She paused, a fond look in her eye. Forneskja is the first place I have properly stayed. There was this nasty cougar I had run in with- Seiðkona was kind enough to fix me back up. She skipped around on light feet, a forelimb marked with the raking of cougar claws, but otherwise returned to its normal strength.

Do not worry! I beat the cougar. He was just rather angry at me.