Blackfeather Woods Drowning
539 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Keeping this vague @Amun or @Jakoul whoever responds first I’ll make another thread for the other!

Moonshadow lingered by the den, She almost lost another pup today and he was resting after the endeavor, the female lingered by her female pups grave and her heart ached for what she had lost. Her brother, her pup, Istoira... and the abandmoment by her mother and father. She wondered what she could of done to deserve all this pain she’f endured throughout the years and she felt lost as her tears she’d held in throughout it all finally fell down as she looked at the rock that was left to mark her little girls grave.
24 Posts
Ooc —
"Amun home," he recalled the soft voice of Jakoul fondly as he walked the territory. She had been so kind to him, so trusting. He almost immediately felt welcome in this new space despite its darkness and somewhat undesirable landmarks. It had rained earlier. The earth of the Woods was damp, the scent of the soil hung thick below the canopy. Amun was covered in flecks of dirt from splashing in a puddle he'd found hours before.

In good spirits, he wandered until he heard the worrying sound of sobbing. He didn't recognize the voice - that was hardly surprising since he had only been around for a week. An anxious frown surfaced as he quickened his pace toward the crying.

At first, he thought it was Jakoul. The she-wolf was also black like the ravens that seemed to swarm here. As he grew closer, he confirmed by her scent that it was not. "Are you okay?" He kept his distance, standing a couple of metres from her to give the poor creature some space. Everything in Amun wanted to swoop in and rescue her from whatever terror had poisoned her. He failed to see the grave site. "I mean.. Can I help, maybe?" He ammended, as he could see very well that she was not okay.
539 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow sniffled and tried to shake it off when she heard the other wolf. She put on a slightly embarrassed smile as she gazed upon the male. “I’m sorry I didn’t realize anyone else was near.” The female had no idea why on earth she was apologizing but she couldn’t help it. “Just releasing some steam..” she couldn’t speak much.
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Ooc —
An apprehensive smile showed on Amun's face as the female smiled back at him. The tears in her eyes were so fresh, they glistened. As when his sisters were sad, he felt a strong urge to lick her face and be close to her until she felt better; that wasn't exactly a "hi I don't know you" move, however. "No, no, I just wanted to make sure you weren't hurt or something.." He answered to her apology.

"I'm uh, Amun." He shook himself off a bit, suddenly overly aware that his coat was filthy. The shake did nothing except fluff up the semi-damp hair along his neck and back. He moved slightly closer to her, hoping there was something he could do to help.
539 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
He seemed like a nice wolf and the scent of Jakoul was fresh on his coat so it seemed he was a new recruit. “Thank you.” She thought it nice he wanted to see if she was okay. “My name is Moonshadow are you new here?” She thought it to be a good question to ask.
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Ooc —
What an apt name, he thought when she said it. If ever the moon had a shadow, it would probably look exactly like her. He wondered if the moon actually had a shadow, and if so, where was it? Probably in the ocean somewhere - that made sense.

"Yup! Jakoul found me by the lake a week ago. It's kind of dark here but I like it. I think," he explained. "What about you?" At the very least Amun was distracting her from whatever was bothering her.
539 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She smiled at the mention of a familiar name and her nerves settled. “I’ve been in these woods ever since I arrived in teekon.” The female refrained from mentioning her brother and listened to the man.
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Moonshadow appeared to relax after he mentioned Jakoul. They must have known each other. Of course they did - he'd almost forgotten Jakoul was one of their leaders. Amun resisted the urge to roll his eyes at his lapse in wisdom.

Teekon, he listened. The name of their vast landscape was one he had only recently learned, and he still had no idea how far it went. "I guess me too, uh, heh," he chuckled, though his words lacked any humour. A back paw raised as Amun scratched the back of his ear, one of his many anxious habits. "Have you, uh, eaten today?" In his experience, sadness, whatever its cause, could often be softened with food. How he was supposed to feed her, he had no idea, but if she hadn't eaten then he was damn well going to figure it out.
539 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
When he asked a question she was taken aback a little by the inquisition but she gave a soft smile. “Not much I was too busy worrying about one of my little ones.” Foolish pup, once he was rested she’d see to it to inquire more about his little excursion today.
24 Posts
Ooc —
Amun had thought he smelled puppies, but hadn't been sure earlier. He'd never actually been around youngsters, since his family had been the youngest at Mihail's estate. "Oh wow - is she okay?" The idea suddenly hit him that one of her pups might have been injured, or worse, and that was why she had been crying. Anxiety crept back over his face, and he held his breath in anticipation.
539 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She was surprised at his concern for a slight moment and gave a soft smile. “He’s fine probably just tired is all.” She was grateful he was okay but felt bad about the other pup who was injured
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Ooc —
Well, whatever reason Moonshadow had been crying, it was clear that she was not in a mood to talk about it. Amun nodded, exhaling a brief sigh of relief before the glimmer in his yellow eyes returned. His tail waved a few times to encourage her. "Good," he remarked. "Then in that case, let's get you something proper to eat!"

The front of his brain suddenly gave him a sense of worry. You are the worst hunter ever, it said, and he gave himself a little shake off, bouncing lightly on his feet. Whatever the case, he was going to figure out how to feed her if it took him all day. Or the next day. "You wanna stay here or come with?" he asked. She could, after all, be needed by her pups and have to stay near the den site.

But if Moonshadow followed, she would surely bear witness to his disastrous skill level.
539 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
He was a kind fellow and it was clear he harbored no I’ll will whatsoever and as her pups slept she had nothing else to do and Moonshadow knew she wasn’t gonna go to sleep for quite a bit not after what happened. “I don’t see why I can’t come with.” She said with a soft smile as she got up from her sitting position.
24 Posts
Ooc —
Dancing on his toes, Amun watched Moonshadow rise. She appeared almost as a void, the blackness of her fur seeming to darken the air around her. He wondered if most of the wolves of Blackfeather were, in fact, black. Maegi thus far had been the only exception.

Amun did a strange little twist not unlike a pirouette, moving away from the den site and toward the Mire in the hope that the rain had stirred some ducks and frogs out of their ponds. He danced ahead of Moonshadow, his silliness perhaps a bit much for the mood. "Jakoul showed me around, so I think maybe I know where we can find something," he said, hardly a convincing tone in his voice.
539 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She was glad that he was settling in nicely and that he had met Jakoul. She may be a wolf of small words but from experience she was a nice wolf who Moonshadow knew she could trust. The female followed him to where he said they would find something.
24 Posts
Ooc —
The Mire was not a nice place. However, Amun hoped that because it had rained recently, the bugs would be less of a problem and some smaller, easier to catch animals might be about. The grey creature led Moonshadow toward the hunting ground at a steady lope. He hoped that, regardless of their success or failure, she would be happy to have the distraction.

The scent of the swamp became apparent soon after. Amun slowed his pace then, listening for any beast daft enough to be near him. He instinctively went into a stalking mode, betting on something being nearby. They were hardly a few minutes into this before a rabbit jumped from its position, disrupted by the movement of wolves mere feet from it. Amun leapt after it, missed horribly, and proceeded to bound in poor synchrony with the rodent. A few moments later and he fell unceremoniously onto his side in a terrible attempt to charge it before it dove into a rabbit hole.

He peeked up from his malformed position to see if Moonshadow had had better luck.
539 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She didn’t catch a scent other than the rabbit her packmate had sought out so rather than getting in the way she let him work and saw his failure and gave a soft chuckle. Perhaps she could give him some advice.  She walked over to Amun and spoke. “Lucky for you rabbits always have another hole, an exit if you will.” Before long Moonshadow has her nose to the ground tracking the rodent to the exit of his burrow and just in time, it scurried out and the ebony female attacked it and clamped her jaws down into its flesh causing its neck to break and its dead corpse dangled in her mouth as she walked over to her packmate and drops it at his paws. “There ya go.”
24 Posts
Ooc —
Moonshadow took the opportunity as a teaching moment. She made it look easy, launching after the rabbit and snatching it within a second after it escaping the secondary hole. A moment later and the animal was dead. He looked at her, flipped into a sitting posture, then scowled.

"I knew that," he insisted, annoyed and taken aback. Moonshadow dropped the creature at his paws. He decided to start breaking it into pieces to feed to the mother. "I've been hunting like, since I was 4 months old," he explained, and it was an untrue statement. He had been receiving live animals in his enclosure since that age, but had been free fed long before that. He had never hunted, or needed to, before he had left Mihail's property. 

He threw a large chunk of the rabbit, a full leg, toward Moonshadow and said nothing.
539 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She was taken aback slightly by his quick response and she let out a low sigh. “If I offended you in any way it was not my intention. But one can never know all and as packmate a it is best to relay the knowledge we know in case one does not.”
24 Posts
Ooc —
Amun didn't like letting things go when he was annoyed. Moonshadow sighed, and he made a not-so-subtle eyeroll at her doing so. As a beast easily agitated, the grey male was hardly one to admit she was probably right.

Still, he knew she was a mother and had a not so awesome day, so he did his best to suck up his misplaced pride and shrugged. "Yeah, probably," he relented. "Important part is we got you's some sustenance, yeah?" His tail gave a few light wags and he made light of the situation. "Rabbit didn't stand a chance," he smiled, ripping off a smaller chunk for himself. He pulled off another leg of the fresh carcass and tossed it her way once more.

"Could take some back to the little ones if you need."