Fox's Glade [BWP2] Hold me while the world burns
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
@Valiant @Easy I'm going to PP for smoothness lemme know if this isn't okay. @Steph they're all on the edge of Stone Circle deeper in the forest
He had quickly left with Valiant and Steph in tow. They had been searching the mountains when the rumblings had started to grow worse and the rocks grew loose and fell in certain areas. Trees fell and the ground eventually started to shake and vibrate violently enough to make it hard to walk. He had urged his sister to take Valiant ahead giving directions when needed and keeping all senses alert. Just when he thought he was safe the earth roared and a giant crack from a distance could be heard following the most hideous sound. It sounded like the world was falling apart and he would later find out that it was a landslide coming from the ridge.

He gasped as he hurried Valiant and Easy toward the forest, he could hear the shrieking of the foxes within but they seemed like they were staying put which meant it was the safest place. He was exhausted, he feared his son would be too but his eyes were panicked and his thoughts were only on Steph and Minnow. From ahead came a horrible sound, a deafening cracking and rumbling before a roaring filled his ears as if the earth was falling yet again. He spotted the ridge ahead, above the trees and saw rocks falling and earth sliding down at high speeds. He gasped and howled "Steph!!! Minnow!! Are you around? Its Sunny!" His voice was desperate and sharp as he repeated this howl many times, urging them to move closer until he could smell the faintest parts of Easthollow. They were on the borders, he exhaled and placed distressed and rigid with fear that Easthollow had been damaged or worse, destroyed. 
Birdcatcher: 4/10
Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.
545 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Steph was scrambling. The loud sounds and shaking ground were horrifying, and something that she had never experienced before. Had Valette ever gone through this? She had been heading to her mother's den when Sunny's call rang out. What was he doing here? Collecting Minnow? She turned and headed in his direction. The smaller vibrations were easy enough to run through, but the larger ones required that she stopped until they did.

She couldn't help her tail wag when Sunny came into view, and noticed Valiant and Easy were with him. She gave smiles to all as she came to a stop before them. A concerned expression was given to Sunny. Are you all alright? she asked, wondering if Elysium had been hit too hard for them to stay there.
The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone ~Geothe
Sunny is allowed in all threads, open or private, created by Steph
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
He was quivering with nerves as Steph arrived and he rushed to greet her, touching his nose to hers quickly and then burying his face against her neck just for a moment before realizing that may have been a bit much and stepping back, his eyes watery though he cleared his throat and gave her a shaky smile "It was bound to happen eventually. Someone took advantage of our kindness. Minnow and Aeryn went missing and one if our newest members sought that as a chance to overthrow me. I didn't even fight, I just left. The quakes, they're getting worse and its starting to affect the land. I wanted to make sure you were okay and look for my kids. Minnow with Easthollow by any chance?" 
Birdcatcher: 4/10
w a y w a r d s o n
317 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
While Easy was rather stunned by the display of affection between Sunny and Steph, Valiant seemed hardly even to notice. He bounded forward after giving them a moment, long legs eating up the ground until he crashed into both of them. He wasn't usually a boy that needed to be cuddled, but there'd been enough upheaval lately that he was looking for comfort anywhere he could get it. Most often, that was in Sunny's thick fur or Easy's ample figure, but being squished between the two adults seemed like the perfect place to be.

"Hi, Steph," said Easy, coming a little closer. Her voice was a bit strained from worry, but there was affection in her tired eyes.

"Hi, Steph," Valiant echoed, and it was clear by the weak sound of his voice that the trip and all the stress had taxed him far more than the adults.