Time had flown by, leaving only traces of the being Death was when he first entered this realm. As his siblings fought for dominance, Death kept rather quiet and drew into the shadows for observation. He did not desire, if one so young even could, the power that came with being the top dog. He had yet to truly befriend any of them, yes, but in no way was he going to approach them himself.
Now steady legs brought him to the entrance of their world, from the inside looking out into a world of colors.
April 02, 2020, 09:37 AM
Famine followed closely behind his brother, periodically lunging forward to nip at his hindlegs. His hunger had been satiated by @Serem's milk, but the craving for blood remained.
Tongue lolling, he trotted to Death's side and reared onto his hindlegs, hoping to land perpendicular along the boy's spine.
Tongue lolling, he trotted to Death's side and reared onto his hindlegs, hoping to land perpendicular along the boy's spine.
Deffy!he called, giggling as his stance weakened.
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rising sun valley — closed for threads (0/5)

rising sun valley — closed for threads (0/5)

April 15, 2020, 12:46 PM
The action of his brother resulted in a soft 'woof' of annoyance, but he ultimately turned 'round like the stoic boy he was. He was intrigued by the view of Outside, wondering if he too belonged in a world so big. He knew there was more to existing than staying in the den with his family whom he tolerated, ignoring the calling of adventure.
Too, did he tolerate his brother climbing up and all over him - his knees keeping steady despite the extra weight. Death knew how to speak, knew a few words and their meanings, but kept this knowledge to himself. If he played dumb, perhaps they'd leave him alone for a change. He woofed again, pointing with his snout to the world he'd been spying on with eyes that desired something amazing.
April 15, 2020, 05:51 PM
famine looked beyond the den, his eyes dancing between the unfamiliar figures outside. his tail began to wag as he stepped into the open, turning back to invite his brother with mischievous gaze.
dragonflies — two of them, surprisingly plump — flew aimlessly through the open entrance of their den. famine leapt up after one of them, but found his weight to be an obstacle he hadn't intended.
dragonflies — two of them, surprisingly plump — flew aimlessly through the open entrance of their den. famine leapt up after one of them, but found his weight to be an obstacle he hadn't intended.
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rising sun valley — closed for threads (0/5)

rising sun valley — closed for threads (0/5)

April 28, 2020, 02:05 PM
Though he hungered for adventure, Death was hesitant on being rebellious and going against the wishes of his caretakers and siblings. Now that his brother had proven that it was okay to go outside, as Death ignored the mischievous glint in his eyes, he smiled for the first time in forever and padded his way to the Outside.
He saw them too of course, but his first instinct wasn't to catch one of the dragonflies. They were much too fast, high and scary-looking. Weren't moving things supposed to have only 4 legs? What about those see-through, buzzing sticks on their back? Such freaks. His brother however was less afraid of their odd look, and Death watched contently as Famine jumped up and after them - hoping that at least the crash would be amusing.
April 28, 2020, 05:21 PM
famine jumped and opened his mouth wide. the dragonfly was caught between growing jaws with a satisfying crunch, though its bitter taste didn't bring the pleasure he had expected. the child spat out his catch with a disappointed,
why wasn't his brother playing along? the other dragonfly made its escape but soon came back to circle them, giving death a second chance. famine wasn't interested this time, but hoped that his brother might be tempted.
blegh!and turned to death with a look of slight confusion.
why wasn't his brother playing along? the other dragonfly made its escape but soon came back to circle them, giving death a second chance. famine wasn't interested this time, but hoped that his brother might be tempted.
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rising sun valley — closed for threads (0/5)

rising sun valley — closed for threads (0/5)

May 12, 2020, 07:17 PM
Inside, he was chuckling - but he had trouble showing his pleasure on his face. The corners of his mouth raised ever so slightly at the scene. Apparently the ugly freak didn't taste great either - yet somehow this fact had flabbergasted his brother and he looked to Death for an answer. He didn't have one, besides the obvious that ugly things often didn't taste great. He pulled up his shoulders in a "Dunno" kind of fashion, before he was distracted by the other dragonfly.
He didn't know why, but he felt like his brother expected something of him with the return of the creature. With a wide-eyed look on his face, lips in a tight line, he tried to balance on his hind legs and swat at the dragonfly. Of course, he was nowhere near stable standing like that and quickly tumbled on his back with a soft thump. He looked to Famine then, silently asking "like this?".
May 13, 2020, 04:21 PM
not quite, no — a small whine seeped from famine's mouth. his brother wasn't understanding the game and while that might have been fine otherwise, he'd really hoped that death would taste the nastiness, too.
there was no use in moping, though. famine sighed and walked back toward the den's entrance, brushing past death with an unenthusiastic hmph.
there was no use in moping, though. famine sighed and walked back toward the den's entrance, brushing past death with an unenthusiastic hmph.
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rising sun valley — closed for threads (0/5)

rising sun valley — closed for threads (0/5)

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