Northstar Vale Flower with no name.
5,275 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
All Welcome 
She didn’t think they would be denied, yet as she and Maxim teamed up and headed toward the vale’s heart, Towhee caught herself wondering what they’d do if @Arsenio and @Tamar refused them. She knew herself well enough; she couldn’t miss out on a chance for more offspring, especially not with a stud like Maxim. No, they would have to run away somewhere else, maybe kick start that search for a place with a water feature…

H’okay, get some chill, she muttered under her breath, right around the time they arrived near the cave in the middle of the maples.

She turned to face her mate, shooting him a smile and a nod. It was best if @Maxim made the call, lest everyone in Epoch be subjected to the sound of Dominic the Christmas donkey being murdered with an ax.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
483 Posts
Ooc —
chokes on coffee at dominic the donkey

he felt fine! perhaps too fine? but his worries felt minimal. they had come here with their children, surely arsenio and tamar could read the room...

yet still he knew they must ask and not assume.

he offered a warm smile to towhee, who seemed to be attempting to get some chill. it would have been far too easy to razz her and he felt he had learned when and where such would be appropriate. like maybe not right now.

quickly, he tossed back his head some. offering a warm call out to the leading pair, asking for their time.

learing ptero from towhee. words that are signed will be portrayed -like this-
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The man nudged Tamar on the cheek before turning to address the call from Towhee’s husband. He hoped that she would join them but understood if she was busy with other things.

They were not far, it seemed. Arsenio approached the duo with a smile, unsure what they wished to meet with him about. They seemed pleased, from what he could gather on their features. It eased him into a relaxed position, tail waving pleasantly behind him.

-Hello,- he signed and spoke to Towhee with a toothy smile. Her first Ptero lesson had been one he had thoroughly enjoyed. Arsenio hoped that they would earn new joiners who could learn the woman’s communication skills. It was something that could not be offered in another pack.

You both look well! I hope nothing is troubling you, hm?
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the young woman was pleased to see them.

she did not have an idea for why they had come; it was buried beneath her joy. at once she trotted beside her husband, and signed the same to towhee and her mate.

her pretty ears came forward and she waited with interest.
5,275 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Maxim’s smile was the sensation of cupping cold hands around a cup of hot tea, then taking a sip, the warmth spreading through her chest and soothing her nerves. Towhee twitched her tail in response, slinking closer and pressing against him, her teeth combing through the soft fur below his nearer ear.

Arsenio arrived within moments, signing a greeting. This was like a shot of whisky in the aforementioned cup of tea, sending happy fire through her veins. She was already making her mark here in Epoch. That boded well.

-“Hey, thanks for coming,”- she signed and spoke simultaneously, getting ready to ask about his wife’s whereabouts when Tamar appeared at his flank. -“I think it’s safe to say we’re doing pretty fantastic,”- she answered the Arche’s question, glancing at her mate for corroboration.

After giving Maxim a moment to add his two cents to that, Towhee drove right at the heart of the matter by saying, -“We wanted to ask you guys if we could plan on another litter in the spring.”-

There was a lot she could add—the urge to toss in a joke was nearly irresistible—but Towhee kept it short, sweet and to the point. Maybe once they got their official answer, then she would provide some comic relief.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
483 Posts
Ooc —
arsenio came warm and familiar, tamar supportive and listening. he appreciated the use of ptero. he wondered how much more his mate probably appreciated it. not having to read lips at every moment.

he nodded, confirmation and support at her assessment of their well being. epoch had been wonderful for them in a lot of ways, even setting towhee's healing aside.

-it would mean a lot, to continue building and raising family here.- he confessed with a flick of a more emotional side to towhee's bluntness. sure they had discussed there own thing as an idea some day, but why go anywhere if they did not need to?

he only hoped they did not need to. uprooting the children once more might be...questionable on them all.

learing ptero from towhee. words that are signed will be portrayed -like this-
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The Arche was focused on watching Towhee’s signing. His head tilted from right to left and back to the right, again. The idea of grasping another language was appealing to him. It was of great importance that Towhee felt seen and heard in Epoch, too. Arsenio wanted her to continue teaching lessons on it, as well as her contribution to instructing new warriors.

When she asked if her and Maxim could have another litter in the spring, the Arche blinked his eyes. He was momentarily confused, until he understood that they were asking out of respect. The couple wanted to continue their family in the vale. Arsenio could not have asked for anything more. He glanced toward Tamar, smile widening on his snout.

Of course, you can! I expect our young ones will need friends to grow with, he answered softly. Arsenio did not believe that Tamar would disagree. He still looked to her so that her voice could be heard – it was a bad habit, speaking for others. The overzealous man would need to watch himself, in the future.
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
but she was with him!

her face was a vibrant beacon of joy. she looked first with love to towhee and with adoration toward maxim.

-i told arsenio i want many children and many mothers in epoch,- she admitted breathlessly. -they will be kin to ours.-

and her hope and delight in their future grew.
5,275 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
It seemed they were all on the very same page, the leaders’ enthusiasm nearly matching the Redhawks’. Towhee grinned, tail waving and thumping Maxim’s hip on every second sweep. She felt an immense amount of affection toward him and the young couple before them.

Her eyes flicked between the pair before coming to rest on Tamar’s face, which always reminded her of Meerkat’s. Rather than keep the pack’s privileges and resources to herself, she always wanted to share them. She was one of the humblest wolves Towhee had ever known, powerful in a quiet, sweet way. A true matriarch.

-“I really like the sound of that,”- she said mostly to the Morphe, though she made sure to include Arsenio and Maxim with happy glances before yelling, We’re gonna make so many babies together! to the collective.

She chortled to herself, musing again about how different Epoch was, particularly in comparison to Mereo but also more generally speaking. The vale had the ambiance of a spa getaway. The community here felt like exactly that: a commune. It wasn’t lost on her that the next litter would be raised more like flower children than little soldiers, which was more than okay by her.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
483 Posts
Ooc —
it was settled far easier than he could have ever imagined. boom. done. a matter of only asking and they had received!

so together, towhee and maxim's tails appropriately slapped at each other.

arsenio spoke of friendship for the children. tamar spoke of a place of many mothers. maxim found himself smitten by both — and he never thought he'd be smitten by a bounty of children and mothers.

yet he blushed as towhee yelled of children!

i see many in the future of epoch. his eyes were wide and warm. energized! and by the time new ones come, the older ones will be teachers here too, hm? hopeful!

learing ptero from towhee. words that are signed will be portrayed -like this-
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Excitement blossomed with the four of them. Tamar had agreed quickly, saying that she wished for many mothers and children in Epoch. The Arche’s tail swung behind him. He would give his wife anything that she desired. Nothing could make him happier than knowing that their young ones would be growing and learning, and then moving forward to teach their young brothers and sisters. Towhee and Maxim’s children would do the same, unless they wished to take their knowledge elsewhere.

I hope that we will have more lessons soon. Maxim, you could hold a class on hunting in the snow, hm?

Arsenio already thought of having his little ones attend the lesson. Tamar might enjoy racing through the plush white powder with her family, too.

Antigone has been practicing his ptero every night. He won’t stop. You might have a mentee under your paw, he then offered to Towhee, chuckling fondly at his son’s diligence to learn. There were many skills in Epoch and many potential teachers for young minds.
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
ope, sorry to hold this up!

she nodded at the mention of their serious son.

-i think he is ready to go outside epoch, if he goes with you, maxim or towhee. or both!.- it was a great show of trust and her eyes displayed this.

but she knew she was right to give it. -i think zulema and zosime will teach singing. and how to find bees.- she laughed a little.
5,275 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
You’re fine, no worries at all. :)

When Arsenio suggested Maxim begin a class about hunting in the snow, Towhee’s eyes locked on her mate’s face. Was he interested in such a thing? He had time to think about how to answer, as the Arche continued speaking, followed by Tamar.

-“It makes me happy to hear that,”- Towhee said with a cheeky wink when she signed the word for “hear.” -“I’m happy to guide your kiddos in any of their pursuits, although I probably won’t be much help with singing. If they ever need someone to start a hive so they can start beekeeping and collecting honey, maybe I can help with that.”-

Although that made her think about Wraen and her run-in with—was it wasps? Towhee couldn’t quite remember, though she knew honeybees weren’t as aggressive as the swarm that had attacked her friend. Was it possible to tame bees, she wondered, head cocking in silent musing.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
483 Posts
Ooc —
he felt bashful! so many blessings were given to them. children, trust, lessons. to think that he might teach a class to the children — or to all! any might show for the lesson!

-i would like that.-

tone a bit softer for those of hearing, but surely towhee would catch the nearly demure look upon his face.

-epoch is in good paws with how much we will be teaching!- momentarily he leaned into towhee. overwhelmed by his own emotions and a sudden burst of love for all around him. -but i did not know you were a beekeeper!- he laughed warmly as he looked upon towhee now.

learing ptero from towhee. words that are signed will be portrayed -like this-