Qeya River Acoustics
167 Posts
Ooc — Jess
All Welcome 
When he learned of Silvertongue’s disappearance, he grimaced. Wren would go searching, leaving few behind to mind two litters of children and the borders all at once. He considered going on a patrol, but decided instead to focus his attention on their most vulnerable pack members- the children. 

It would be difficult to be the “fun uncle” today, with both Silvertongue and Wren away. He wasn’t even certain the children would welcome one of his usual bouts of tomfoolery as a distraction- not when they worried about their mothers. He couldn’t just let them wallow, though- and so, he went looking for @Sparrow, @Phoebe aquilanera and @Bryony, carrying along an ailing rabbit in his jaws.