Marius had no desire to approach any place firmly established, or so he told himself frequently. As the days lengthened his patience with the season did the opposite, and he yearned for spring and all of the accoutremont.
He had crossed in to a second valley and here, experiencing a dry spell for the first time in many months, had become ornery. What sort of place didn't have stray women? Even the coymutts - which he had been favoring lately - seemed to be relegated to the east he had left behind.
As Marius came across the border markers of some little heathen place, he found more feminine scent than masculine, and that gave him a little hope. He would not cross over - he knew better - but he did not hide either, preferring to loiter and roam in the gray area beyond.
He had crossed in to a second valley and here, experiencing a dry spell for the first time in many months, had become ornery. What sort of place didn't have stray women? Even the coymutts - which he had been favoring lately - seemed to be relegated to the east he had left behind.
As Marius came across the border markers of some little heathen place, he found more feminine scent than masculine, and that gave him a little hope. He would not cross over - he knew better - but he did not hide either, preferring to loiter and roam in the gray area beyond.
January 02, 2025, 03:03 PM
Patrols were not in Treepie’s wheelhouse, though she decided that both ambassador- and guardianship fell under the purview of a leader. Since she wanted to prove her eligibility as such, the young she-wolf made a point to check the perimeters at least once every other day. She could perform a visual inspection from on high, though today she deliberately strode along the foot of the mount to refresh the scent markings after a fresh snowfall.
Pie walked in the mountain’s shadow, which stretched further and further eastward as the day crawled toward a close. Soon the glen was plunged into shadows, which made the pale silhouette of a stranger stand out in sharp relief. Tiuttuk’s eyes skated over him once before catching herself and cutting back. She stared at the stranger as her feet slowed, stopped.
Pie walked in the mountain’s shadow, which stretched further and further eastward as the day crawled toward a close. Soon the glen was plunged into shadows, which made the pale silhouette of a stranger stand out in sharp relief. Tiuttuk’s eyes skated over him once before catching herself and cutting back. She stared at the stranger as her feet slowed, stopped.
Greetings!she called out, a more casual rendition of Sialuk’s formal salutations.
Can I help you with something?
Common Tongue|
Atkan Aleut| -Signing-
January 02, 2025, 03:17 PM
He was in luck! Well, mostly. It wasn't quite the right kind of lucky that Marius sought, but at least he wasn't left unattended for too long.
The dark-capped figure approaching him was androgynous because of age, and he wondered if the scents he had found were for children rather than those closer to his own age. As companionable as Marius could be, he wasn't exactly fond of babysitting.
With a look of quiet confidence - peering around the child with a little too much eager energy - he remarks,
The dark-capped figure approaching him was androgynous because of age, and he wondered if the scents he had found were for children rather than those closer to his own age. As companionable as Marius could be, he wasn't exactly fond of babysitting.
I was passing through the area and found this settlement,he explained.
With a look of quiet confidence - peering around the child with a little too much eager energy - he remarks,
What kind of place is this? It is not often I find people choosing mountain life.Swishing his tail, he gives one of his best smiles.
After a small hesitation, Tiuttuk decided to approach. She tried to strike the balance between cordiality and authority. The latter didn’t suit her very well yet, though she reminded herself that Moonspear belonged, in part, to her. Her anaa was its ruler. Although she didn’t presume herself as some sort of heir, Pie liked to think her fealty to Sialuk and the mount meant something.
She closed the distance to within perhaps two yards, holding her head and tail steady but not arched. Her yellow eyes fixed on the strange male, noting his tall build and pale coat. Treepie acquainted herself properly with his scent, which told her myriad things about the state of his health. But it was his inquiry that really captured her interest.
She closed the distance to within perhaps two yards, holding her head and tail steady but not arched. Her yellow eyes fixed on the strange male, noting his tall build and pale coat. Treepie acquainted herself properly with his scent, which told her myriad things about the state of his health. But it was his inquiry that really captured her interest.
It’s one of the Moon villages,Pie replied, returning his grin.
It’s called Moonspear. Moonglow’s that way,she said, motioning with a flick of her snout. She paused, recalling the rumored dissolution of the others, before sharing,
We’re a family-based pack. I was born here, as was anang before me. We’ve been here for generations. I’ve never known anything other than the mountain life.
Common Tongue|
Atkan Aleut| -Signing-
January 02, 2025, 03:59 PM
Ah! As the child spoke Marius realized their gender and was immediately more at-ease. She spoke of her home as a village - and the knowledge that there was a second not far from here. These were details he would be sure to keep in mind if he decided to stay in the area.
For now Marius was more intrigued by the girl. Young, yes, but in good health and clearly still growing. He wondered if the black fur of her face was inherited from mother or father; if those long legs might fill out in an appealing way; if maybe Marius could pursue something here after all.
For now Marius was more intrigued by the girl. Young, yes, but in good health and clearly still growing. He wondered if the black fur of her face was inherited from mother or father; if those long legs might fill out in an appealing way; if maybe Marius could pursue something here after all.
Never been far from your mountain? A pity! The world is immense, there is much to see.Not to fault the choice, of course. The man gave a quick and sweeping bow, and as he stood properly again he introduced himself:
I am Marius Calixtus, vagabond extraordinaire. Well met, ah...?A quizzical look emphasizes an unspoken expectation.
January 02, 2025, 06:05 PM
I don’t think so,she disagreed in a friendly tone, tail wagging.
I mean, I’m not opposed to seeing more of the world,she continued in the next breath, eyes gleaming with the weight of an admission which he would never understand,
but the mountain has my heart.
He provided an introduction, using the word “vagabond.” Pie’s brows raised, though in an intrigued fashion rather than a skeptical one. Perhaps a dozen questions sprang to mind. She sorted through them, picking and choosing carefully.
I’m Treepie,she said,
but you can call me Pie. How does one become extraordinary at vagabonding?she wondered, snowy ears cupping forward.
Common Tongue|
Atkan Aleut| -Signing-
January 04, 2025, 05:07 PM
Ah, this girl (who upon closer reflection, had a muddy scent, and a more boyish face, and coltish body — but that did not mean they were not a girl as he first considered, only that Marius was confused utterly in the moment —) ... she was a homebody. A good way to be, he thought, but not for himself. Marius excluded himself from such a boring life and was glad to do it.
Besides, a woman's place was in the home. She couldn't very well be there if she was out learning of the world's charms, and being a harlot, and all of that. Marius was pleased by the answer the strange child gave, and waved his tail for a few beats.
Besides, a woman's place was in the home. She couldn't very well be there if she was out learning of the world's charms, and being a harlot, and all of that. Marius was pleased by the answer the strange child gave, and waved his tail for a few beats.
I am extraordinary because of all the places I've seen, people I've spoken to! I have been as far north as you can imagine, and... well, pretty far south but at some points that becomes too hot and dry, and it isn't as fun for me. There are many homesteads, villages like yours, kingdoms —he prattled on.
Although, I suppose the title is self-given, so it isn't really as great as it sounds. I mean to say, I have been all over the place in my many years. What about your home? I suppose if you've only been here, you know it quite well.A pivot, to keep the girl talking while he caught his breath and decided for himself if he would pass through the area, stay for a while, or go and never look back.
January 06, 2025, 10:41 AM
He sounded like quite the globetrotter. She was impressed by the breadth of his travels and wondered if he would divulge more details about them should she ask. Pie had only just gotten over her strange bout of agoraphobia and hearing about this man’s ventures inspired her.
So it gets warmer the further south you go? I didn’t know that,Pie said, thinking she wouldn’t mind a warmer clime herself.
Yes, I’m quite familiar with the mountain. Is there anything in particular you’d like to know about it? What brings you here, anyway? Just… curiosity?
Common Tongue|
Atkan Aleut| -Signing-
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