Winter's grasp is evident in the lowlands, though they seem spared from much cold. A scorpion scurries by, but is of little interest to the yearling.
The object of her curiosity is, in fact, a withered plant. Past the threshold of life, the green leaves having crinkled, and crimson berries shriveled. Further exploration reveals no more in the area, so Aderyn returns to the detritus. In life, it had possessed a potential she is unaware of.
The object of her curiosity is, in fact, a withered plant. Past the threshold of life, the green leaves having crinkled, and crimson berries shriveled. Further exploration reveals no more in the area, so Aderyn returns to the detritus. In life, it had possessed a potential she is unaware of.
for @Soto, but all welcome!!
these days he ranges further, marking luneshale with his masculine scent. the ache in his leg lessened.
and his mind grows ever sharp.
a dark shape bends to the ground, her form more trickster than corporeal. dark black. thin legs.
soto apprises her with a long look: if she is from the mesa, she better run. this is verapaz' grounds.
and his mind grows ever sharp.
a dark shape bends to the ground, her form more trickster than corporeal. dark black. thin legs.
soto apprises her with a long look: if she is from the mesa, she better run. this is verapaz' grounds.
January 03, 2025, 07:53 PM
(This post was last modified: January 11, 2025, 02:49 PM by Aderyn.
Edit Reason: writing in present tense, updating posts
This time, she is quick to notice the other. Aderyn, who never seems to exhibit caution towards strangers, yaps an unconventional greeting. "Its dead!" Look!
Proud of her discovery, the coywolf moves back a step, allowing the newcomer to observe. "I almost feel bad for it...poor leaves." She allows a few somber moments to pass in silence, before brightening again.
Proud of her discovery, the coywolf moves back a step, allowing the newcomer to observe. "I almost feel bad for it...poor leaves." She allows a few somber moments to pass in silence, before brightening again.
January 06, 2025, 05:55 PM
she's warmer than her cousins from the north. her yap's excited, honeyed sunlight in a dark day.
soto passes his gaze over where she's pointed.
it's one of the green's tender seedlings, the radicle gone to rot and the stem wilted through by frostburn.
if there was anything to be protective over, he might have stiffened. instead, all he sees is failure.
but her words mean nothing.
placing his paw upon one wilted leaf, soto grinds it into the hard earth.
soto passes his gaze over where she's pointed.
it's one of the green's tender seedlings, the radicle gone to rot and the stem wilted through by frostburn.
if there was anything to be protective over, he might have stiffened. instead, all he sees is failure.
but her words mean nothing.
placing his paw upon one wilted leaf, soto grinds it into the hard earth.
January 11, 2025, 03:30 PM
Her amiable look shifts to one of disbelief, until she is staring at him, coffee eyes wide. She blinks once, then looks back down at the bygone sprout. "Was that even nessesary...?"
Aderyn isn't certain she appreciates this one's presence, taking a tentantive step back. There is scrutiny in her glare. Somehow, he'd managed to kill something that was already dead.
Aderyn isn't certain she appreciates this one's presence, taking a tentantive step back. There is scrutiny in her glare. Somehow, he'd managed to kill something that was already dead.
January 12, 2025, 12:27 PM
under foot, the wilting thing squelches and smears into the ice.
soto shakes the rot from his paw, eye turned to aderyn. a mood shifts in her then; her slender frame taking tentative steps back.
her slender face painted in disapproval.
his scarred lips crack in a grin.
an old hunger possesses him as he leans forward, eye glittering.
soto shakes the rot from his paw, eye turned to aderyn. a mood shifts in her then; her slender frame taking tentative steps back.
her slender face painted in disapproval.
his scarred lips crack in a grin.
no te preocupes, niña bonita.
an old hunger possesses him as he leans forward, eye glittering.
todo ve renacer cuando llega la primavera.
conflict & mature themes: conflict heavy & themes of violence, sexuality, and possible substance abuse. (3-3-3). please let me know if ur comfort has been surpassed. <3
translation: soto is deliberately written without hover to encourage language barriers. PM me if this is a hardship!
archival: i lose steam fast. threads 30+ days without reply will be archived.
code by chelsie
January 12, 2025, 02:15 PM
(This post was last modified: January 13, 2025, 10:42 PM by Aderyn.
Edit Reason: removing potentially confusing naming
The prairie wolf doesn't know most of his words, but the language is familiar enough for her to identify and attempt. In a way, his speech reminds her of something she wishes to ignore. The assosciation is immediately negative.
"Uhhh...suena como algo que diría un loco?" She's clearly not flutent in the slightest, butchering the uncertain sentence.
Until now, Aderyn hadn't noticed his damaged eye. The sight catches her off guard, and it takes everything she has to avoid rudely recoiling. "How come your eye gone haywire?"
"Uhhh...suena como algo que diría un loco?" She's clearly not flutent in the slightest, butchering the uncertain sentence.
Until now, Aderyn hadn't noticed his damaged eye. The sight catches her off guard, and it takes everything she has to avoid rudely recoiling. "How come your eye gone haywire?"
January 15, 2025, 06:21 PM
she speaks! his eye lights with a well of laughter; a yellow ray of sunburst over troubled seas.
the mirth fades away as he sees her expression; caught between revulsion and some other unnameable thing.
wiping his lips with the back of his wrist, soto's eye glowers.
tal vez estoy loco.he concedes with a laugh that cuts upwards through his throat; not his own but someone else's.
the mirth fades away as he sees her expression; caught between revulsion and some other unnameable thing.
wiping his lips with the back of his wrist, soto's eye glowers.
conflict & mature themes: conflict heavy & themes of violence, sexuality, and possible substance abuse. (3-3-3). please let me know if ur comfort has been surpassed. <3
translation: soto is deliberately written without hover to encourage language barriers. PM me if this is a hardship!
archival: i lose steam fast. threads 30+ days without reply will be archived.
code by chelsie
January 15, 2025, 07:58 PM
The yearling's demeanor switches again, this time to curious playfulness at his laugh. He is doubtlessly crazy, she decides; well that made two of them. "Puedo ver eso." Is that how it's said? She motions towards his out of order eye. "No creo que puedas..."
Aderyn has never possessed the wisdom to think before taunting. This was her best attempt at a joke.
Aderyn has never possessed the wisdom to think before taunting. This was her best attempt at a joke.
phone post!
she draws attention to the unsightly hole in his skull that sits like the landing of some simmering meteor.
a flash of memory unbidden: safiya -- the desert pearl. the easy grin on her face. how she looked before nino plucked that swelling orb from its socket with a single claw.
several seconds pass where his expression remains severe. he presses his tongue to the roof of his mouth as he sweeps her up and down with his remaining eye: svelte. dark. and possessing a wildling look.
he moves close, reaching for her lithe body but stopping just short of contact. a current of heat ripples under his skin as he imagines what khusobek might do to her. what juarez or nino might.
and finally, what he could do to her.
a flash of memory unbidden: safiya -- the desert pearl. the easy grin on her face. how she looked before nino plucked that swelling orb from its socket with a single claw.
several seconds pass where his expression remains severe. he presses his tongue to the roof of his mouth as he sweeps her up and down with his remaining eye: svelte. dark. and possessing a wildling look.
he moves close, reaching for her lithe body but stopping just short of contact. a current of heat ripples under his skin as he imagines what khusobek might do to her. what juarez or nino might.
and finally, what he could do to her.
me gustan las chicas divertidas.a lowness to his voice suggesting he enjoyed them very much.
pero ellas no viven mucho.
conflict & mature themes: conflict heavy & themes of violence, sexuality, and possible substance abuse. (3-3-3). please let me know if ur comfort has been surpassed. <3
translation: soto is deliberately written without hover to encourage language barriers. PM me if this is a hardship!
archival: i lose steam fast. threads 30+ days without reply will be archived.
code by chelsie
January 15, 2025, 08:53 PM
"Whoa, personal space!" He doesn't share her humor, it seems. Every time her mood improved, something about him made it sour again. He's half-blind and he's torturing people who have both eyes.
Aderyn hardly views him as a threat, more as a bitter creature with no temper control. Any lightness leaves her, only a frown remains, taking a step back. "Oh, sigue haciendo esta mierda y tú eres la que no vivirá mucho tiempo."
A sincere but ultimately empty threat, paired with another shaky attempt at getting her point across.
Aderyn hardly views him as a threat, more as a bitter creature with no temper control. Any lightness leaves her, only a frown remains, taking a step back. "Oh, sigue haciendo esta mierda y tú eres la que no vivirá mucho tiempo."
A sincere but ultimately empty threat, paired with another shaky attempt at getting her point across.
January 16, 2025, 05:26 PM
fox-faced and disgruntled, the sylph steps out of soto's range.
he pauses, feeling the invisible suspension thrum between them.
so what if he did not live long? most men did not; that he belonged to a rather violent order of men made this fact of life doubly true.
he lifts his chin, gaze speculative and intrigued by the empty threat.
he pauses, feeling the invisible suspension thrum between them.
so what if he did not live long? most men did not; that he belonged to a rather violent order of men made this fact of life doubly true.
he lifts his chin, gaze speculative and intrigued by the empty threat.
porqué es eso? qué vas a hacer?
conflict & mature themes: conflict heavy & themes of violence, sexuality, and possible substance abuse. (3-3-3). please let me know if ur comfort has been surpassed. <3
translation: soto is deliberately written without hover to encourage language barriers. PM me if this is a hardship!
archival: i lose steam fast. threads 30+ days without reply will be archived.
code by chelsie
January 28, 2025, 08:38 PM
sorry for wait and poor wording, have been running low on sleep lately. :(
It was a spectacular thing, bafflement. Frustration, as to why the copper fiend hadn't taken her seriously. Deep down, Aderyn always laments the fact; she knows hardly anyone does.
And what could she do? Lunge at him? Say something demeaning? Relent? Somehow, the coyote defaults to the last, muttering something inaudible before heaving a sigh.
January 31, 2025, 09:21 AM
she says nothing, does nothing. has the bria been so easily routed from her?
soto lifts the squandered plant in his paws, turning over each wilted edge.
finally, his gaze sweeps back to the svelte thing with a glint of mischief.
soto lifts the squandered plant in his paws, turning over each wilted edge.
finally, his gaze sweeps back to the svelte thing with a glint of mischief.
la chica graciosa quiere trabaja?
conflict & mature themes: conflict heavy & themes of violence, sexuality, and possible substance abuse. (3-3-3). please let me know if ur comfort has been surpassed. <3
translation: soto is deliberately written without hover to encourage language barriers. PM me if this is a hardship!
archival: i lose steam fast. threads 30+ days without reply will be archived.
code by chelsie
January 31, 2025, 08:59 PM
(This post was last modified: January 31, 2025, 09:00 PM by Aderyn.
Edit Reason: typo
His fluctuating demeanor was giving her whiplash. A job, he says? There's got to be a catch! The dull nagging in her head tells her not to turn down an offer due to simple scruples. What kind of work, Aderyn wants to ask. What kind of pay? Instead, she voices neither.
"Si." Reinforcing the notion with a slightly angled head and nod.
"Si." Reinforcing the notion with a slightly angled head and nod.
February 06, 2025, 08:17 AM
he remembers this kind of treatment is how juarez gets them hooked: a flash of warmth, a jettison of icy indifference — string em along just enough they think, and their mind does the rest of the work.
she’s not entirely unamenable; and she’s not entirely hideous to soto’s eye either. they need more women to round out their ranks and balance the temperaments within verapaz.
she’s not entirely unamenable; and she’s not entirely hideous to soto’s eye either. they need more women to round out their ranks and balance the temperaments within verapaz.
buen.soto claps her on the back of her shoulder, leaving the withered plant to sink into uncompromising ground.
venga conmigo.
conflict & mature themes: conflict heavy & themes of violence, sexuality, and possible substance abuse. (3-3-3). please let me know if ur comfort has been surpassed. <3
translation: soto is deliberately written without hover to encourage language barriers. PM me if this is a hardship!
archival: i lose steam fast. threads 30+ days without reply will be archived.
code by chelsie
February 18, 2025, 09:37 PM
:D fade here??? always fun to thread with you.
She still does not appreciate how the wily man abused the shriveled sprout. Regardless, he has her interested, and so she follows. A job offered by a questionable character is better than no job, Aderyn had come to understand.
However so, the girl recalls the ashy woman who bullied her a sample of months ago, and wonders if the duo are of similar acquaintance as she walks, humming a simple tune.
February 22, 2025, 12:45 PM
yes! <3 if u would like a followup lmk :D
behind soto comes the tuneful hum of the lithe coywolf. soto's ear flicks back as he walks, listening.
and he thinks, again, of the song of his homeland -- how he misses the rhythm and the percussive beat of the jungle.
but this is no time for sentimentality. when they come to a path in the woods soto turns to her and wonders if she can be trusted.
he decides fuck it; what else can be taken from him? sangre is gone. juarez is dead. nino rots in the desert.
i want you to find me sprouts like the one you discovered back there. he instructs, gaze hovering over the comical length of her ears. and when you find them, cover them with mulch; grass, reeds, you name it. transplant them all in a sheltered place, and come find me. in return, i offer you safe passage and a meal any time we cross paths. deal?
whether she plans to take it or not is up to her. soto leaves, long strides carrying him silently home.
conflict & mature themes: conflict heavy & themes of violence, sexuality, and possible substance abuse. (3-3-3). please let me know if ur comfort has been surpassed. <3
translation: soto is deliberately written without hover to encourage language barriers. PM me if this is a hardship!
archival: i lose steam fast. threads 30+ days without reply will be archived.
code by chelsie
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