all welcome, attn: @Sobeille
The salty smell of the air draws him north along the coastline. He passes by a gentle sound, then continues further northeast toward vertigo-inducing cliff faces. There are clear signs of a pack here, but all the strongest marks belong to women. It is a curious thing, and he looks both ways before skulking across the invisible-to-the-eye boundary on tall, white legs.
He knows this move is bold, but something about it sends a delicious chill down his spine.
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March 14, 2025, 10:48 AM
tags are for reference <3
at tokota's junction sobeille traveled the sea's swash-line, following the contours of the coast all the way north. a trying and time-consuming task, wading the shallows of the tide -- but it was necessary to do so, knowing two saatsine beserkers hunted the wilds for her scent. returning to sapphique the evening before, sobeille immediately searched for @Yura, @Shadess, and @Astera. @Lafayette she did not call for, knowing he'd likely made his journey to the creek by now. each of them were told of her harrowing escape; she described the features of their enemies and advised they all remain vigilant.
were they connected, these saatsine wolves and marauders?
that morning sobeille felt herself drawn to revisit the sound. sivaak knew of this place, and she worried she would one day find the caribou-killer at her door.
instead of a pale leviathan, she found someone else darkening their doorsteps; a darkfurred male with feet adorned in peculiar white stockings. sobeille's expression darkened with rage. pirate or saatsine did not matter - he was intruding, and moreover, male -- thus forfeiting his life to sapphique's mercy.
and sobeille did not feel very merciful today.
a blur of scarlet, sobeille fell upon him in hellcat furor.
March 14, 2025, 11:00 AM
Even if he wants to, Bruno has no time to react. In a flash, a small woman is upon him, her teeth sinking into his skin. His first instinct is to wrench free, and as he does so, the smell of blood fills his nostrils. Pain receptors fire off at full force, and yet the prickling sensation does not compel him to run away. In the fraction of the second after she attacks him, his eyes lock on hers, and he sees the powerful creature that she is.
She is nothing like the sweet girl he met near the lake. She is nothing like the ones who caused him suspicion in the desert. No, she is something else entirely.
He licks his wound, but Bruno still does not flee. There is something too enjoyable about the pain that keeps him rooted to the ground.
She is nothing like the sweet girl he met near the lake. She is nothing like the ones who caused him suspicion in the desert. No, she is something else entirely.
He licks his wound, but Bruno still does not flee. There is something too enjoyable about the pain that keeps him rooted to the ground.
See profile for player preferences.
March 14, 2025, 11:47 AM
in most wolves, there exists a built in system to avoid the wholesale slaughter of conspecifics.
in sobeille, such protocol had always been absent.
call it a critical failure, if you will. call it a malformed egg. call it something else - but always, call it what it is.
as he wrenched away sobeille let him -- if only to measure the full worth of his retaliation, and prepare for second blows. instead, he matched her gaze and drew a tongue across his lips; ceasefire? appeasement? sobeille does not care.
he is encroaching and the price of his stupidity is his pelt, laid alongside boneflower.
again, she drives towards him -- face contorted in a silent snarl that ends in snapping teeth.
in sobeille, such protocol had always been absent.
call it a critical failure, if you will. call it a malformed egg. call it something else - but always, call it what it is.
as he wrenched away sobeille let him -- if only to measure the full worth of his retaliation, and prepare for second blows. instead, he matched her gaze and drew a tongue across his lips; ceasefire? appeasement? sobeille does not care.
he is encroaching and the price of his stupidity is his pelt, laid alongside boneflower.
again, she drives towards him -- face contorted in a silent snarl that ends in snapping teeth.
March 14, 2025, 01:30 PM
There is something not right about the pain. He had felt such sensations before, yes, but this time there was the conflicting sense of pleasure. He does not know where it comes from, nor what to do about it, but there is little time to react before she is on him again. Her teeth snap at him again, leaving a second gash to complement the first, though this one is more shallow. Again, his stomach clenches and a ripple of pleasure coincides with the pain.
Bruno goes limp, becoming a willing punching bag.
Bruno goes limp, becoming a willing punching bag.
See profile for player preferences.
Yesterday, 10:00 AM
he fell limp under her teeth. it was not mercy but disgust that stopped sobeille's assailing. was he enjoying this?
pinning him to the ground between two hard front limbs, sobeille's muzzle grazed inches from his face. her breath billowed over him in bullish snorts, sharp gaze watching the ripple of pleasure coincide with the expression of pain.
she inched right paw up his throat, body firmly pressing him to the ground. this she had never seen before, and sobeille had been progenitor of much pain in her two-year life.
a crippling snarl sounded from her throat as her teeth snapped for his face.
pinning him to the ground between two hard front limbs, sobeille's muzzle grazed inches from his face. her breath billowed over him in bullish snorts, sharp gaze watching the ripple of pleasure coincide with the expression of pain.
she inched right paw up his throat, body firmly pressing him to the ground. this she had never seen before, and sobeille had been progenitor of much pain in her two-year life.
a crippling snarl sounded from her throat as her teeth snapped for his face.
who you be?
1 hour ago
Another man. Another tresspasser. How they kept coming and coming! How they kept wanting for their women, their loins!
Shadess though so very young, ever transgression against her and her family kept fueling the fire.
Sobeille is upon him first as Shadess gallops into their direction from afar. By then, Sobeille is attacking, the other is submitting quickly instead of returning the favor.
Shadess comes skidding to a halt, all bristled up with an aggressive dominance.
Shadess though so very young, ever transgression against her and her family kept fueling the fire.
Sobeille is upon him first as Shadess gallops into their direction from afar. By then, Sobeille is attacking, the other is submitting quickly instead of returning the favor.
Shadess comes skidding to a halt, all bristled up with an aggressive dominance.
No more men! No want. Leave, leave!

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