Herbalists' Cache cen
635 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
everyone tagged is assumed present or nearby based on IC assumption/knowledge, please feel free to make single posts or repeated replies, just lmk who wants to be added to rounds in ur ooc notes/tag me on discord <3 no posting order & set after pack meeting! everyone not tagged are welcome to join as cameo or participant!

there was to be no immediate visit upon the snow shelter. sun eater ate what was brought, filling his belly with fat and bone-marrow. for thirst, pale drifts to quench. 

first he counted those that had not come, running in mind's eye a count of his clan and their faces. "i think three at the den with her," he said to @Dark Fang, @Meleeys, and @Sulukinak, voice turning to a hiss as pain scintillated through torn shoulder.

forcing himself upward, sun eater turned his unreadable sight upon the snow shelter standing gently distant. @Black Hawk he expected to be there and @Other Shore as well. @Ishmira he had not seen; he did not remember her swift visit to his side. but there was no other place for her to be, and so he put her there in mental arrangement.

a step, and in his heart a dull sense of dread for what truths he might find. he had not yet come to think of star eater as he did her kin.

but sulukinak would not lie.

sun eater did not press the boundaries of the place still standing sacred; he stood there in a line with the lanzadoii and drew a breath. exhale held steam in the cold air. an effort to place words in proper place sounded then, a call roughened by the imposed cold of his tone.

"@Morwenna. did you go to darukaal?"

this character is rated R