Dragoncrest Cliffs Trident
980 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
All Welcome 
@Rodyn Continued from this thread.

Njord howled for @Swordfish as the two men continued toward the craggy rocks of Sappique’s northern coast. “Prey oft prefer tha cliffside for shelter,” he explained. If only all food would easily wash up on their sandy shores!

“If we’re lucky we may find a yearling seal. Tha colonies dinnae gather during tha cold season… but some struggle an’ return to tha shores confused.” Njord’s demeanor quieted as his broad paws carefully navigated the slippery saltrock. His sharp eyes scanned for any movement… but he waited for his son to join their hunting party.

In the meantime, he engaged in quiet small talk. “What do ye ken of the sea?” he asked the young hunter.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn followed, picking his way carefully. He had gotten better with the sand and the cliffs when he had come the first time, but they were still a little difficult for him at the best of times. Rodyn listened closely learning as they moved.

I can see that. Good weather cover and less room for Predators of large bulk to maneuver around.

Seals. Brain shifted trying to remember if he had seen any seals on his return trip. Had heard of them, but never gotten near one, he didn't think.

Though before he could think much on it, a question was asked. He tilted his head, the brogue of the man not lost on him, and though he wasn't 100% certain what he was asked, he had a wager that it was what he knew of the sea.

Only that it is both beautiful and terrifying.
380 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Oh, dear… I’m so sorry to both of you! I let this tag slip through the cracks. <3 :(

The summoning call reached Swordfish just as he was about to nestle into a pile of furs at the back of a deep dark hole. It was one of his favorite hiding places. He’d slept away many hours in that abandoned den, and no one had found him.

Fur prickled, but Swordfish slunk out of his dark hideaway and gazed out to where his father’s voice had called for him. The young wolf didn’t know what the reason could be, but he didn’t wish to cause strife with the man. After speaking with Meerkat, the boy had decided that he would give his father the benefit of the doubt. There was no reason to widen the rift between them.

Swordfish took his time to reach the other wolves. The stranger who accompanied his father was fit in appearance. The red-tailed boy wondered why he was there.
980 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Njord offered a quiet chuckle. “Right ye are, Rodyn. Tha sea shant be trifled with. She gives an’ she takes.” A fact the seafarer knew all too well.

“Watch yer step,” he advised. As the two men disembarked down the rocks, Njord heard pawsteps from behind. His blue gaze turned.

“Swordfish!” He called, though he waited until the trio had descended to the black, sandy base of the cliffside to speak at length.

“Our son,” Njord told Rodyn as he admired his get. Swordfish had the makings of savvy sea-wolf. Though not yet a year old, one could see the man he would become: a tall, lean beach strider.

“Swordfish, this is Rodyn. A friend of yer mother’s. He’s wantin’ tae learn how tae hunt tha sea.”

He smiled at his son, chuffed that he answered the call. He was not oblivious to the fact that things still healed between them. Though he was, perhaps, unaware of how deep and dark Swordfish’s feelings ran towards his father.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn stared at the ever growing expanse of water, a small thrill of both fear and anticipation running through him. Samani loved the sea, so he would try to at least like it, and perhaps the food would be good.

Well met, Swordfish. I'm from the village moonglow. Where do we start?

He asked kindly and looked down around them. The boy was a rangy hunter and he was probably better suited ot the sand than Rodyn was as it were anyway. But he was willing to learn, truly. The more he knew about providing in all avenues, the happier he was.
380 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Rodyn, the young wolf echoed in his usual deadpan voice. His heavy-lidded gaze was lifted to the visitor. The wolf was clad in darker colors, shifting to lighter markings of russet in odd places along his body. It looked like he had emerged from a dark autumn landscape.

Njord said that the man was looking to hunt sea animals. There was no better place to do it, Swordfish would have said. He drew his tongue along his whiskers and frowned thoughtfully. It would have been something to boast, if he were to show Rodyn the trap that Suzu had come up with. They had a way to catch fish without wading into the frigid waves.

Swordfish would not show Rodyn their fish trap. It was best to leave that for their packmates. A secret that would benefit only Sapphique.

We should hunt seals, then. The young seafarer cast a glance to his father, curious what Njord might say to this proposition.
980 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Seal! Njord loved the cut of Swodfish’s jib. The father beamed, excited to show their guest such an exciting quarry.

“Verrae good,” Njord agreed. His neptunain gaze looked around as his good ear listened for their prey’s distinct belching barks. The colonies would not gather en mass during the cold season… but perhaps they would find a handful basking.

The trio’s position was sheltered by the large piles of dark sea rock. “We’ll go ‘round,” he instructs. “Walk quietly… we must find one on tha sand. We cannae chase a seal ‘cross tha barnacles and kelp. She’ll make a quick getaway if try.” Njord had lost many a hunt that way.

“Rodyn,” he tells the man, “though seals dinnae walk well on land, they’re faster than they seem. ‘Tis a short distance tae tha water… easy for ‘em tae slip away.” Njord appended a second nugget. “An’ if we ‘old her down, chances are she will try fer a nasty bite. Keep yer wits about ye,” he cautioned.

Then, the seafthaer’s aura grows quiet with the intensity of a practiced hunter. He met the gaze of the other men in their small party and felt the bond of brotherhood… maybe something primitive.

He sets off, slinking across the sand like a panther.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn hit the ground low. His belly brushing along the sand's as he slunk next to the males. he took what they say and put it to his mind.

Don't let her near the water and when cornered she would bite. A bit like weasels, but probably bigger.

Rodyn moved to flank, following the two seafarer's lead in this, because he was a novice when it came to sea fishing. Though as always the thrill of the hunt pushed a warmth into the base of his neck and grew down his spine. A smile stretched across his face. He loved to hunt.
380 Posts
Ooc — Teo
There was approval from the boy’s father. Swordfish felt a stirring of pride in his belly. He liked that Njord had agreed on the prey. Seals were difficult and could be frightening with their well-aimed bites. They had heavy bodies with plenty to eat, though. If they caught one, it would be a special feast for the man who had come to hunt.

D’ya think if I circle ‘round an’ cut the water off from her, he began thoughtfully. That I can spook her up the beach a ways?

There was a risk that the seal would become defensive and would snap at him. Swordfish had seen how quickly the blubbery things were, when they got their slick coats back into the water. If the seal touched the sea, they would not catch her.

Can snap my teeth real good, da, he added with searching eyes.
980 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Rodyn is at the ready. Before they round the rock, Swordfish offers an idea. There was no reason to doubt his son’s capabilities. The young seawolf had proven his prowess and was growing to become a skilled coastal hunter.

The father studied his get. Assessed him. Seals could be dangerous quarry… but Swordfish had practiced broad paws for running on wet sand and a youthful, athletic build.

“Alright, son,” Njord agrees with a stout nod of his head. “Best mind tha pointy end,” he cautions him.

Njord’s muzzle casts Swordfish away in one direction. Then, his eyes flick to Rodyn. Follow me, he signs.

Njord leads the Moonsperian around the coastal rocks… and suddenly they can hear the burping barks of their quarry. It sounded like two, maybe three, basked on the sand in the distance. The red-tail slowed his approach and peeped his head over the stone to catch a glimpse. Decisively, he adjusts course.

Their pace slows. Begins to close in. He waits a beat… estimating the time it would take for Swordfish to reach his post. One ear rolls back, listing to Rodyn’s breath…

Then, suddenly the moment strikes! Njord leaps into a gallop. Njord goes one way, making room for Rodyn to help corral their prey. The seals panic, and flounder. They make a beeline toward the whitewater…
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn felt momentary worry for the youth, but if his father trusted him so be it. And he was hunting at this lad's age, so he couldn't worry too much about it.

Lean body follows behind the sea wolf in front of him, watching with great interest how this may unfold. Ears perk up at the sound of barking. But not barking. It was the strangest thing he'd heard in a long time. Rodyin peeped over the top to get a glimpse and stared with firm jaw. They were not very small and gods they were....sort of ugly. But they were fat and had much meat. They'd be good, he'd imagine.

Rodyn steps in time with the other wolf, following directions with a fluid grace. He couldn't do the kill shot, because these are creatures he had never hunted, but he could watch and he could learn and he could herd.
380 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Swordfish didn’t hesitate to begin. His long legs carried him confidently toward the best place he could hold his ground. There were a few seals that he could make out with his nose. One glance showed that they didn’t seem inclined to move from their positions. This would mean that he would have a moment to gather himself before his father and the visiting hunter made a push.

The young redtail waited patiently behind a gnarled chunk of driftwood. His eyes were trained upon the basking bodies of their prey. There were a few that drew his attention. One looked further up the beach, detached from the primary group. She was flopping on her back a bit before she’d settle. Swordfish watched her for a moment or two, breathing deeply.

When the seals barked in fright and began to make their escape, his muscles tightened. The young hunter could see the one he wanted. She flopped over to her belly and began to hurry toward the white lips of the sea. When the others seemed to have put distance between them and her, Swordfish darted from his hiding place. His teeth flashed at the seal. She barked in shock and her pace was slowed.

The young wolf looked up to see where the other two were.
980 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Rodyn and Njord’s ambush sent the small group of seals into a panic. A cacophony of loud grunts barked from their prey as they squirmed on the sand in an attempt to beeline towards the sea. Then, like an arrow, Swordfish emerged and bisects the group. The lad zeroes in on one in particular. Njord sees it too. Now, their pursuit began in earnest.

Like the three prongs of a trident, the wolves meet upon their target. Njord does not take his foot off the gas. Quickly, he is upon the seal! Violently! The man’s teeth dig into the seal’s nape. It is a carefully chosen spot - if Njord was too low, the seal could turn around for a bite.

His mighty jaws are a vice upon their quarry. The seal struggles hard. Njord puts his weight down, burdening it, as his red tail lashes for counterbalance. Their fight was not over – the seal could still get away… but soon, two more men would be upon the animal. Surely, victory was theirs.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn moved into position like Njord. He made sure to keep an eye on the other two. He aimed his teeth and his claws at the same position on the other side as Njord. He watched closely, the large teeth of the sea creature.

Teeth sunk into thick bulbous skin and he ripped and tore with a growl. He kept a weather eye out for the young male so as to not get in the way of him as well.

The creature was large and moving slow, but he had seen how the other seals had slid into the water and disappeared without a single splash. It was disconcerning. He would not wish to get in the way of them.
380 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Last from me! ^^

The hunters were swift and sure on their paws.

Swordfish felt good knowing that he had the strength of two more men. He delighted in the look of wild fear in the seal’s eyes. Their target was quick, too. Those teeth were sharp and dangerous. His lean legs helped to keep him out of the reach of those aimed bites. He danced and threatened the seal just long enough for the other two to move in and finish the job.

The redtail boy looked at them, breathing heavily.

Good hunt, he said in his drab voice. Thanks fer the fun, da.

That was all he’d wanted to offer them, though. Swordfish waved his tail twice before he lifted his head proudly at their kill. Then his long legs carried him up the beach for a dark place and some peace.
980 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Sorry for the delay!

Like a trident’s tines, the three men cut the seal until the wet sand turned red. It struggled and bayed but, in the end, it succumbed to the hunters’ prowess.

When he felt the creature’s pulse cease, he stepped back. Heavy breaths made his ribcage heave, exhausted from the effort. Yet, despite his fatigue, there was a lopsided grin on his face.

“Well done, lads,” the seafarer commended.

Swordfish gave his thanks and departed. Though Njord wished for him to stay and feast, he knew this was not his son’s way.

He gave a small nod to the boy – soon to be a man – and said, “aye, good hunt.”

Then, he turned back to Rodyn. “Let us feast.”
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!