Moonsong Glacier sunsister
1,050 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the seal shot away and chakliux splashed noisily toward raiyuk, helping him if needed from the waters of the glacier. "you are good! you are well!" he exulted, clapping his son upon the back and grinning toward dutch. "great for a first lesson."
chakliux was pleased with his son even if his son was displeased with himself; he turned an eye toward him but said nothing yet, gesturing, "you will be ready for the sea ice before you know it."
255 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Hope it is OK to wrap this up!

He would try again once his breath was caught, and again, and again, until he was thoroughly exhausted and his muscles began to protest against his bones. And when the boy dragged himself from the water to mingle between his father and Dutch, there was only a great enthusiasm left within him!

The seals had their fun; they had come and gone, escaping each time and finding the game of tempting the wolves to be just that—not a threat to them, as they were in their element. As soon as the wolves' attention drifted to the mainland again, the seals became calmer, but they dispersed as soon as they saw a chance to do so.

The trio of men (even though Raiyuk was not yet that) would enjoy their shared company all the way back to the heart of the village.