Two Rivers Isle Abd al-Kuri sparrow
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Ooc — Teo
All Welcome 
On the borders! Maybe @Eshe?

It was quite a jaunt from the dark of the wood to the grounds on which he stood then. The sea had called to him, telling him to visit, to bask on its shores and to pull fish from its waters. He hadn’t made it quite that far. Instead, Siskin had been thoroughly enthralled with the isle. The light of the sun glinting from the surface of the water was overbearing, tantalizing.

Siskin approached, ready to embrace the cool touch of the river and let it carry him downstream. When he drew near, he noticed the distinct aroma of wolf marking. Worry lined his features, drawing his lips into a thin line that did not stretch to meet his eyes.

The owlish figure yipped loudly, calling out to any patrollers who might be near enough to let him bask in their glorious claim.
Two Rivers Isle
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
471 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Eshe heard the yipping sound, prompting her to abandon her current task and search for the unfamiliar voice. He wasn't too far from where she had been, and so it didn't take long for her to reach her destination to find another stranger upon the shores. He was owl-like in appearance, with two sapphires for eyes, and she couldn't help but notice how stunningly pretty he was. 

After pausing to look at him, she coughed and moved closer, wishing he hadn't caught her staring. Sorry for the lag there—pregnancy brain, she joked, hoping to smooth things over. How can I help you?
10 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Well, hello there!

Siskin’s voice was melodic and sweet. He gazed upon the approaching woman with admiration - starlight eyes taking in the smooth cut of stone that was her form. The length of his legs couldn’t hold the energy they felt. He danced forward a bit, paused, took a few uncertain steps back.

You needn’t apologize to me, miss. You are positively glowing, I must say.

A sweet smile turned his dark lips upward. Siskin bowed his head out of respect to the pregnant woman. He felt as though he was dreadfully prepared for this meeting. He ought to have brought her a gift.

I- Well, I was spellbound by the rivers, you see. Almost stepped right over your border- My sincerest apologies.
Two Rivers Isle
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
471 Posts
Ooc — Chan
She was taken by his sweet temperament and his complimenting, and she smiled sweetly as she addressed him. T-Thank you, she said in response to his praise. I sure don't feel like I'm glowing at times, so it's nice to hear that I've still got it! If she had hands, she would've fired off some finger guns in tandem with her words. 

He talked about how spellbound he was by the rivers, and she briefly looked at them and agreed with him. The rivers were truly captivating. I understand, thank you for the apology, she said. I also don't blame you if you might've missed the borders—we're a newer pack and have had several wolves come ashore like you. She shrugged; life of a new pack, and all. It happens while you're establishing borders.
10 Posts
Ooc — Teo
A new pack. Some relief washed over the river wolf. At least he had not completely lost himself in the beauty of their land, skipping over any markings without paying them mind. If they were still founding, it meant that they had a great deal of work ahead of them. To hear that a pregnant woman was set to the borders to check for intrusions and strengthen their claim… Siskin did not like it.

It sounds like you could use some help, miss.

The river wolf’s starlight eyes glittered as he drew a few steps closer. He could pick up on another scent mingled with her pelt - a husband, he assumed.

A lovely woman such as yourself shouldn’t be out here tending to the day to day tasks! Not when you carry the future of your river pack.
Two Rivers Isle
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
471 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Yes, she said in agreement, help would be wonderful, but the borders need my help while our numbers are still smaller. Truthfully, she didn't even care for patrolling, but she was willing to do what she needed to support the pack. 

She sighed wistfully. I'll get a break, soon, she offered. And then I can go back to tending my garden.