Swiftcurrent Creek You could bring down my level of concern
48 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Limit Two 
Late. Dreadfully, inexcusably late — or maybe he did have an excuse, tattered as he was, but Panacea still could not shake his guilt. He limped across the borders a mess of healing wounds and bloodstained furs; less gilded than darkly ruddy, now. Grimy, even.

After a few moments he called out for @Akavir. If nothing else, he could deliver his belated news before bothering Arlette. Maybe they'd already found the kid anyway. Panacea could hope, at least.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,146 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric was on edge. Akavir had left earlier to start his whatever it was. He wasn't sure if it was a observation mission or a battle mission or a gather Intel. He still wasn't entirely sure on the details. Add in that there was a pup missing, wolves that attacked pups and some kind of green head case space shit. He was slightly irked to say the least.

Arric came upon the youngling battered and busted. And though he was glad to see the youth alive. His more dickish nature won out

Whats the other guy look like?

Akavir is technically icly starting his trip about akashingo and Kvarsheim. So you get an Arric