Firefly Glen [PHE] flyt
35 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
"your heart is light and your worries are few," eivor sang to @Solveig as they walked slowly among the growing crowds. "your axe is eager and," here she trailed off.

finish it, her eyes teased, wanting to know what sort of rhymes the skjaldmaer might make. her voice was powerful, firm; she did not hide its sound.

188 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Solveig’s smile grew, to hear Eivor call out in a song with the intention of goading the Shieldmaiden into belting out a line that would make the other parents within earshot reach to cover their children’s ears. She listened along, her merry green eyes lifted up as she listened to the rhyme, bobbing her square chin along with the rhythm.

The game evoked memories of her youth- and while she had once received a hearty clout from an elder Shieldmaiden for repeating the song to younger children, she’d returned the gesture and sung it back even louder, much to the amusement of the other warriors. 

”-and my guards are too few!” She belted and laughed, casting a glance to her mate, her teeth bared in a bearish grin. 

”So come now axe-wielder, your blade keen and strong,  come to my dark chamber and-“ She eyed the others around for a reaction, whilst canting an ear toward her companion so she might catch the next improvised line.
"Old Norse" | "Common Tongue"
35 Posts
Ooc — ebony
were she ashamed, her face might have reddened then.

eivor laughed aloud, colliding their shoulders as she thought of what next to say — 

"burn in me a song," she ended that sentence. "i stand in our flame, our saga is writ, i raise up my blade,"

hot breath snorted from her nostrils; her eyes were for solveig entire, though she sidestepped a cluster of revel-makers, finding their pace once more.